Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 113

TMBM Chapter 113: Return to the Capital

   A frail, thin figure got off the carriage with the support of the surrounding guards. Standing on the ground, his body swayed a few times before he raised his head.

    The residence’s gate entrance was silent.

    Zheng Jing’s eyes were amazed, and Xue Wu’s reaction was stronger than his; his eyes were almost falling to the ground.

    In the past, the brave and warlike, tall and sturdy Li Zhongqian, not only wasted away until he was thin and bony and unable to stand on his own, even the sharpness in his eyes was gone. His whole person was dispirited and listless and sullen.

    It was as if his soul had been taken away, leaving only a walking corpse.

    Everyone was incomparably shocked, and for a moment did not know what to say.

    It was said that Grand Duke Wei was struck by a strange poison and became an invalid, but it was indeed true!

    A lot while later, the Thousand Bull Guards put away their swords.

    Xue Wu, who had recovered from the shock, quietly exhaled: the current Grand Duke Wei, not even mentioning killing them to vent his anger, couldn’t walk without the help of guards. How could he kill them?

    He took a step forward and whispered, “Grand Duke Wei, His Majesty has decreed.”

    Li Zhongqian raised his eyes and indifferently swept him a glance.

    “Get lost.”

    The sound was feeble.

    Xue Wu hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to say. Li Zhongqian had already walked past him, his steps were very big, and he was panting before taking a few steps. His personal soldiers promptly stopped as he roared lowly a few times. The personal soldiers did not dare to make a sound and helped him up the stone steps.

    A Thousand Bull Guard stared at Li Zhongqian’s distancing, trembling back for a moment, and said aloud, “Grand Duke Wei, do you want to resist the decree?”

    The eunuch came forward holding the imperial decree.

    Li Zhongqian took a step and glanced at the personal soldier beside him.

    The personal soldier understood. Turning and running down the stone steps, he drew his sword and swung his sword at the box in the eunuch’s hand.

    With two loud clanging sounds, the box broke in half and fell to the ground, and the imperial edict inside the box was also cut to pieces.

    The eunuch’s soul flew into the sky, screeching as he was retreating.

    The Thousand Bull Guard was furious: “Grand Duke Wei, you dare to disrespect His Majesty!”

    Li Zhongqian paid him no attention and walked into the door without looking back.

    With a bang, the door closed from the inside.

    The people looked at each other.

    Zheng Jing and Xue Wu exchanged glances and went back to the palace to return to their orders.

    Although the Duke of Wei was rebellious—refusing to accept the decree—it was already extremely fortunate that he did not harm anyone’s life.

    Xue Wu said a few good words for Li Zhongqian.

    The superior officer frowned and asked, “Did Grand Duke Wei truly become an invalid?”

    The two men nodded: “It’s true. We saw it with our own eyes.”

    Xue Wu tsked a few times and sighed: “You did not see, Grand Duke Wei has become thin as a bamboo pole! A gust of wind could blow him over. He pants like a creaking chest after walking a few steps.”

    The war general, who was on par with Crown Prince Li Xuanzhen, had become invalid.

    The superior officer nodded his head and went into the palace to report to Li De.

    The next day, the Eastern Palace.

    The maid reported to Zheng Biyu the news she had inquired: “Last night, His Majesty sent the imperial physicians to the Grand Duke Residence to check Grand Duke Wei’s pulse. Multiple imperial physicians said that Grand Duke Wei’s martial arts were indeed ruined. He even trembled as he held his chopsticks. His Majesty issued a decree to reward Grand Duke Wei, who refused to listen to the decree, and his guards injured several eunuchs. Several ministers from the Hall of Government Affairs went to visit him but were also driven away by his guards. At present, no one dares to go to the Grand Duke Residence.”

    Zheng Biyu breathed a sigh of relief.

    If Li Zhongqian had not been injured, he would have made a big fuss around Chang’an. Now that he was like this, it was actually good for everyone.

    Wei Ming was not at ease, continuing to send people to spy.

    The spies returned with the news that as soon as someone from the palace came to the door, Li Zhongqian was furious. The maids saw him on several occasions trying to pick up the gold hammer to harm them, but before the weapons left the ground, he fell to the floor.

    The Eastern Palace officials secretly rejoiced: this evil calamity will never threaten the Crown Prince’s position again.

    Wei Ming reported the good news to Li Xuanzhen.

    Li Xuanzhen’s injuries were not yet healed. Leaning on a small table, he expressionlessly gave an ‘en’, and transferred Wei Ming to guide the imperial grandson in his studies.

    Wei Ming was dumbfounded. He smiled bitterly, bowed to Li Xuanzhen, and retreated.

    Everyone was confused: What was wrong with the Crown Prince? Why did he send away his most relied-on Imperial Historian Wei?

    Some people begged Zheng Biyu, asking her to intercede for Wei Ming.

    Zheng Biyu sternly and righteously refused, saying that she was an inner residence woman and could not interfere with the affairs of the Eastern Palace.

    Everyone had no other option but to reassure Wei Ming that he would be summoned back when the Prince’s anger subsided!

    Wei Ming was a bit discouraged, and before he left, he instructed the people: “If there are any further changes regarding Princess Wenzhao’s matter, make sure to let me know!”

    The people agreed, but they did not take it to heart.

    Princess Wenzhao was dead. What else could happen?

    They were now worried about another thing: Zhu Luyun sneaked out, her whereabouts unknown. Searching everywhere, there were no traces of Zhu Luyun.

    The good thing was that Li Xuanzhen had not recovered from his injuries and was absent-minded. He had not asked about Zhu Luyun.

    Li Zhongqian’s return to the capital put the entire court’s civil and military officials on edge. Now that he has lost his martial arts skills, however, and did not make a big splash, everyone put their minds at ease.

    The following day, the palace feast to celebrate the soldiers and generals’ triumph.

    The banquet was held in the west pavilion of Linde Hall. The singing and dancing were unmatchably lively, the candle illumination brilliant.

    Li Xuanzhen, who had not appeared in front of people for a long time, attended the banquet with a pale and gloomy face.

    Officials with cups of wine went to talk to him. He reacted coldly, without his usual approachableness. The officials embarrassedly retreated.

    Zheng Jing sat at a corner seat, looking at Li Xuanzhen for a few moments thoughtfully. He got up and walked over to him.

    “Your Highness.” Zheng Jing raised his cup and looked around, “I remember the night Princess Wenzhao was asked for her hand in marriage. It was the same kind of banquet. She attended in a complete set of attire, bright and unmatched in beauty. All the ambassadors from different countries were inquiring which princess she was.”

    Li Xuanzhen closed his eyes and poured himself a glass of wine without looking at him.

    Zheng Jing smiled without meaning and turned around to return to his seat.

    When all the courtiers had drunk until half-intoxicated, Li De got up, dipped his nails in the wine, and flicked them into the air a few times. He was about to speak to encourage the soldiers when a commotion suddenly came from outside the hall door.

    The music came to an abrupt halt.

    The atmosphere suddenly became tense and heavy.

    Everyone paused, not knowing what had happened, and looked in the direction from which the sound came.

    In the wavering candlelight, a tall figure slowly ascended the stone steps and walked step by step to the hall.

    It was Li Zhongqian, who had lost all his martial arts skills.

    He was dressed in a snow-white robe, skinny and emaciated. Standing in the hall, his long and narrow phoenix eyes gloomily swept a round.

    The crowd could not help it as their hair stood on end. Hearts beating like drums, their line of sight fell to his waist. Seeing him in all white, not carrying a sword anywhere his body, and not seeing the pair of golden hammers that incited fear at the mere mention, they quietly released the breaths they were holding.

    A ruined Li Zhongqian, not enough to worry about.

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