Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 114

Chapter 114: Leaving the Capital

June 12, 2022mich

    A stillness like stagnant water.

    Candle flames flickered around the room.

    Against the scrutinizing eyes of the crowd, Li Zhongqian advanced step by step, his footsteps staggering slightly.

    The Jin Wu Wei hesitated and, unsure of whether they should step forward to stop him, looked at Li De at the banquet’s main seat.

    Li De was tipsy, his face a bit flushed. Placing the wine glass down, his eyes slightly narrowed. He looked at the sickly-looking Li Zhongqian without making a sound.

    Remaining in place, the Jin Wu Wei glanced at each other. Their hands moved to grip the hilt of their swords, and they stared at Li Zhongqian vigilantly.

    The civil and military ministers at every table looked at each other with apprehension.

    Prime Minister Zheng muttered disapprovingly, but sighed to himself, got up, and left the table. He carried a silver pot to welcome Li Zhongqian.

    With a smile, he poured a cup of wine and handed it to Li Zhongqian, lowering his voice to say: “Princess Wenzhao has done great service to the country. It is a pity that the heavens envy the beauty. This cup of wine that is hers, should be drunk by you, her biological brother. Zhongqian, before Princess Wenzhao left to marry, the person she was most worried about was you.”

    The last sentence, spoken with deep sincerity, were his heartfelt words.

    Princess Wenzhao had already died, using her marriage in exchange for her mother and elder brother’s peace and safety in the latter half of their lives. If Li Zhongqian acted foolishly, wasn’t the princess’ sacrifice for nothing?

    But Li Zhongqian did not feel the least bit grateful. Raising his eyes, a cold gleam flashed in his phoenix eyes. He glanced at Prime Minister Zheng as if he were looking at a dead man.

    Prime Minister Zheng could feel his hair raising all over his body.

    Li Zhongqian directly bypassed him and stumbled toward Li Xuanzhen’s seat.

    Li Xuanzhen glanced up and stared at him, not moving a muscle.

    Both brothers were born with a pair of phoenix eyes. The four eyes met: one numb, the other gloomy.

    An Eastern Palace official jumped up and stopped Li Zhongqian: “Grand Duke Wei, your seat is not here.”

    Li Xuanzhen waved his hand to indicate his vassal to back off.

    The courtiers frowned and looked at each other.

    Li Xuanzhen’s expression turned colder and he said in a chilly tone: “Stand down!”

    The ministers had to retreat.

    Li Zhongqian’s face twitched a few times and his palm flew at Li Xuanzhen.

    There were shouts of alarm as the Jin Wu Wei flew forward.

    With a crash, Li Zhongqian’s fist brushed past Li Xuanzhen, and the whole person could not recover his momentum and fell to the carpet.

    The Jin Wu Wei were frozen on the spot, and everyone stood up in astonishment. Looking at Li Zhongqian who was struggling to get up, they shook their head and sighed, their eyes filled with pity and sympathy.

    Just now, they all saw that Li Xuanzhen did not move to dodge at all. At such a close distance, Li Zhongqian had not hurt Li Xuanzhen, but he was the one who collapsed. It seemed that Li Zhongqian was truly crippled—this was the person who never retreated from besieging and attacking, the boastful Li Zhongqian ah!

    The Eastern Palace officials once again came forward.

    Li Xuanzhen swept over them with a warning look.

    Their fists balled up and they retreated with clenched teeth.

    Li Zhongqian struggled to get up. He pounced on Li Xuanzhen again, smashing his fist at him.

    This punch did not have much strength behind it, but Li Xuanzhen still did not avoid it and was struck so that his head was gently knocked aside. Li Zhongqian continued to swing his fist, and Li Xuanzhen still did not move as fists rained down on his face.

    Li De had been keeping an eye on the brothers’ movements. Seeing this, his eyebrows furrowed lightly and he signaled the Jin Wu Wei to pull the two apart.

    The Jin Wu Wei tore the two brothers apart. Li Zhongqian, whose martial arts were completely wasted, was easily dragged to the side. There was not a single bruise on Li Xuanzhen’s face.

    The crowd sighed: Li Zhongqian was making a fool of himself.

    “Your Majesty!” Li Zhongqian, who was dragged to his seat, suddenly shouted, “What did you promise my uncle when the Xie and Li families allied with each other?”

    The hall was silent.

    The civil and military ministers secretly cried out in their hearts. Wanting to leave, but not being able to make a sound, they could only lower their heads and pretend not to hear Li Zhongqian’s interrogation.

    Li De stood up, his expression gloomy.

    Li Zhongqian sneered, his voice hoarse and sharp: “When Your Majesty married my Aniang and Empress Tang broke into the wedding hall, my uncle wanted to take my Aniang away. What did His Majesty say to my Aniang at that time?”

    When this question was voiced, the ministers in the hall buried their heads even lower.

    Only Li Xuanzhen lifted his head.

    Li Zhongqian looked at Li Xuanzhen, a sarcastic smile on his lips: “His Majesty said eight words to my Aniang in front of Empress Tang: the alliance is made, never to be repented.”

    These eight words made Xie Manyuan think that Li De had love for her.

    Li Xuanzhen’s pupils shrank fiercely. He stood up, and walked to Li Zhongqian: “Say that again.”

    Fearing his aura, the Jin Wu Wei released Li Zhongqian.

    Li Zhongqian fell to the ground, chuckling a few times. He met Li Xuanzhen’s line of sight, and said word for word: “The alliance is made, never to be repented.”

    Li Xuanzhen’s muscles strained and flexed. His eyebrows surging with anger, he looked back at Li De. With an expression like a sharp blade, he lifted his feet to rush over.

    His subordinate immediately tugged Li Xuanzhen’s arm, disallowing him from getting angry.

    Li De looked coldly at Li Zhongqian. Without saying a word, his white hair shining in the candlelight, he raised his hand to make a gesture.

    The ministers in the hall acquiesced with relief, flying up from their seats to retreat outside in a flurry.

    Li Xuanzhen wanted to rush into the inner hall, but his subordinates did not dare to let go. Several people joined forces to hold him back and persuade him to stay calm as they dragged him away.

    The Jin Wu Wei drew their swords and guarded Li De, watching out for Li Xuanzhen. Several other Jin Wu Wei stepped forward, grabbed Li Zhongqian, and dragged him to Li De’s feet.

    Li De looked down at Li Zhongqian and calmly said, “Wenzhao has died. You will inherit the Xie family’s mantle in the future. Don’t let your sister die in vain.”

    The voice was as sensible and rational as ever, without a ripple.

    Li Zhongqian, forced to the ground, heard the words and raised his head. His hair bun was messed up during the previous struggle and his long hair fell around his distorted face.

    Prime Minister Zheng was exiting the inner hall with the others when his eyes fell on Li Zhongqian through the candle flame, who was kneeling on the ground with his shoulders pressed down. He suddenly remembered the cold look in his eyes just now, and his mind fiercely shook. Stopping in his steps, he shouted: “Your Maje-”

    This reminder was still too late.

    A sudden change occurred.

    Li Zhongqian on the ground suddenly rose up and pounced on Li De. His body was as fast as lightning, with a majestic momentum like a roaring torrent. In what way did it look like his martial arts skills were completely ruined?

    Everyone thought he had lost all his martial arts skills, so they all watched out for Li Xuanzhen, losing their vigilance and defense against him. Li Xuanzhen was too far away and was held back by his subordinates, unable to move a single step. Other civil and military ministers did not want to get involved in the family affairs of the emperor, and the smart ones were nowhere to be found, having long run away as if they had oil on their feet.

    In the inner hall, apart from father and sons, only the Jin Wu Wei and the attendants remained.

    Li De only felt a hand tighten on his wrist. His entire body was pressed back by a huge force, and he staggered a few times as ice-cold fingers strangled his throat.

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