Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 135

TMBM Chapter 135: Change of Plans

    After finishing his argument with the monks, Banruo huffed, “How can they be so critical of the king?”

    Yuanjue sighed and said, “Don’t you dare argue with them in the future. The king will not care about such things.”

    Yaoying looked back at Banruo and said, “I heard that your name was given by the Venerable Master?”

    She suddenly changed the subject. Both Yuanjue and Banruo were bewildered, while the latter nodded.

    Yaoying snickered, “Banruo in Sanskrit means access to wisdom. Your name is not well bestowed.”

    Banruo froze for a moment. He reacted, his face flushing a bright red.

    Without waiting for him to say anything, Yaoying smiled and said, “The monks say this about the Venerable Master because they have high hopes for him. You are a lay disciple. You should not argue with them on Buddhist theory; you can’t win against them in an argument. They do not understand the Venerable Master’s pursuit, so naturally, they do not understand the Venerable Master’s choice. As long as you are tongue-tied, they can also find reasons to refute you.”

    The corners of Banruo’s eyes narrowed and looked at Yaoying with eyes full of suspicion: “The princess says so… Does the princess agree with our king?”

    Yaoying nodded graciously and said, “Next time you argue with the monks, don’t hold on to Buddhist doctrine. Whether one withdraws or engages in worldly affairs is a personal choice. Shunning the world, keeping away from the mundane, it is true that you can single-mindedly devote yourself to cultivation, but if everyone is only looking for self-liberation, what about the Royal Court? What about the people? The Venerable Master is a senior monk and a monarch; his heart is for all the people. He does not care about personal gains and losses. What he seeks is the liberation of all beings, not his personal fame.

    “The nations have been in turmoil for decades. The people are drifting around and human lives are like grass, yet the Royal Court can be stable and peaceful. People of all nations live and work in peace. The market is crowded, merchants gather, and the array of goods from various countries is a spectacular sight…”

    Yaoying stood in front of the long corridor, her eyes dark and bright, and said word by word: “These are the Venerable Master’s interpretation of the Buddha’s teachings, the Venerable Master’s achievements!”

    In the midst of the chaotic world, Tumoroga protected the lives of those under his rule.

    Yaoying would always admire such a person, for she knew what it was like to struggle for survival in a chaotic world.

    Yuanjue and Banruo’s hearts shook. As they looked at Yaoying’s delicate face, they could not form words for a long time.

    Quite some time later, the two looked at each other and sighed: “But the monks in the temple do not think so.”

    Yaoying could not help but sigh.

    Those who carried the firewood for the people should not freeze and die in the wind and snow.

    Yet the truth was that the heroes who were remembered by the world were often lonely and isolated.

    Yuanjue and Banruo actually agreed somewhat with the monks’ viewpoint, so when arguing with the monks, they were lacking in confidence, and naturally, they could not win against the other side.

    They were Tumoroga’s closest and most loyal guards, but they didn’t understand Tumoroga.

    Although a person as cold and sensible as Tumoroga certainly did not need the understanding of ordinary people, Yaoying still felt sorry for him.

    She looked to Banruo: “You can refute the other monks from other points of view. When they talk about the Venerable Master in the future, ask them, ten years ago, who led the Central Army to defeat the Northern Rong? Who saved the people of the Royal Court? Who protected the Buddhist temple? Who fed, clothed, and housed them? The Buddha is known for his compassion. Should the Venerable Master see the people dying and not save them?”

    Yaoying blinked her eyes.

    “In our Central Plains, there is a saying: ‘Pick up your bowl and eat; put it down and curse.’”

    Banruo’s eyes lit up.

    Yaoying continued, “If the monks say that everything is all illusion and that the scriptures are the ultimate salvation, remind them of Venerable Mondatipa.”

    Buddhism originated in Tianzhu, but because of various complex reasons, coupled with the failure of its teachings to adapt to the evolution of current trends and its growing detachment from the people’s needs, what was the result? Buddhism in Tianzhu gradually declined. It was because of this that Mondatipa took the trouble of traveling thousands of miles to the Central Plains and the Western Regions to seek the truth about the longevity of Buddhism.

    Banruo nodded approvingly. Hesitating, he turned sideways, and muttered to Yuanjue in Sanskrit with a solemn expression, looking at Yaoying as he spoke.

    With a smile, Yaoying  said in Hu: “What, is Little Master Banruo talking bad about me again?”

    A blush spread across Banruo’s face. With a humph, he turned and ran away.

    Yuanjue pressed his palms together respectfully at Yaoying, “Banruo said that since the princess has come to the Buddhist temple, Princess washed herself clean of the secular, practiced honestly, and keeps the king in mind for everything. He can see that Princess is sincere to the king, and he was wrong about you.”

    Yaoying was dumbfounded. She shook her head and could not help but laugh, saying, “It’s a pity. I have studied Sanskrit hard these days and learned a few curse words. I was about to have an argument with Banruo in Sanskrit.”

    Yuanjue laughed lightly, “Princess is so noble. How could she learn vulgar words?”

    Yaoying shook her head and said seriously, “Little Master Yuanjue, I learned Sanskrit with my close guards precisely so that I could understand when Banruo scolded me and then ridicule him back on the spot.”

    Yuanjue laughed out loud.

    The flower trellis was verdant and lush and crawling with flowering vines. As the two walked down the promenade, laughing and talking, a golden arc of light suddenly flashed from the corner.

    A low growling sound rang out from under the shade of the tree.

    Yuanjue immediately stopped in his tracks and raised his arm to protect Yaoying.

    A golden light flashed in the shadows. A spotted leopard leaped out from the earthen wall, with an athletic posture, a glossy coat, and bright pupils reflecting the sunlight.

    A trace of surprise swept across Yuanjue’s face. He looked around quickly, smiling and whispering to reassure Yaoying: “There is no need to be afraid, Princess. Ali will not hurt anyone for no reason.”

    Yaoying said softly, “It’s okay. This leopard saved me.”

    That night, Sultan Gu and the leopard suddenly appeared and saved her from Haidu Aling. Now seeing the leopard, she was not as afraid as before.

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