Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 136

TMBM Chapter 136: Change of Plans

    The leopard extended its legs, tail swaying, and circled the two of them unhurriedly, very languidly, like it was patrolling its territory.

    Yaoying lowered her eyes and did not look at it.

    The leopard took a look at her. Perhaps because she looked familiar, it suddenly moved forward. Claws pawing at her skirt, the leopard’s furry head rubbed against her skirt.

    Yuanjue let out a soft cry, hands clenching into fists, nervously staring at the leopard. A few drops of sweat rolled down the sides of his forehead.

    Yaoying’s body stiffened, holding her breath, not daring to move.

    The dry wind blew past. The hair at her temples fell out, brushing her cheeks, feeling somewhat ticklish.

    Yuanjue shook his head towards Yaoying: Princess, don’t move.

    The leopard came closer and closer, so close that she could hear it breathe. A cold shiver rolled through Yaoying’s body and she clenched her teeth, letting the leopard get closer to her.

    Just when she was about to lose her composure, the leopard suddenly shuddered. Looking back, it sniffed the air and leaped lithely towards the earthen wall.

    The flowering vines shook, and the spotted leopard’s figure disappeared into the shadows.

    Yaoying held on for a while longer to make sure the leopard didn’t turn around before releasing a long breath.

    Yuanjue gave her an apology, “I didn’t expect Ali to hide there, which frightened the princess.”

    Yaoying smiled and indicated that it was no matter.

    Yuanjue sent her back and watched her back walk farther away. He immediately turned around and walked quickly through the corridor.

    Golden light flashed ahead. The leopard crossed the courtyard with graceful steps, gently climbing up the promenade. It wagged its tail towards a man, lifted its head, and rubbed the man’s leg.

    The man looked down with deep turquoise eyes.

    The leopard held its head high, gazing at him expectantly.

    The man leaned down, his palm spread. A string of prayer beads was looped a few times around his wrist.

    The leopard rubbed against his palm, letting out a pampered purr. Satisfied, it lay on its side at his feet and began to lick its paws.

    Yuanjue followed into the courtyard and knelt on one knee, “King, Princess Wenzhao came over just now.”

    Tumoroga raised his eyes and hummed. Dressed in a light gray monk’s clothes, it set off his extraordinarily upright posture.

    “Why is Ali here?”

    Yuanjue said, “This subordinate does not know. Maybe the caretaker lazed off for a moment, allowing Ali to sneak out.”

    Tumoroga looked calm and said, “Send it back to the beast garden. Don’t let it scare people.”

    Yuanjue understood that Tumoroga had seen the way the leopard had just teased Princess Wenzhao and respectfully answered yes.

    Tumoroga raised his hand, the prayer beads gently swaying, and made a gesture with his hands.

    “Go, Ali.”

    The leopard docilely rose and stepped down the long corridor to follow Yuanjue.

    Yuanjue led the leopard, gingerly walking out of the courtyard when Tumoroga’s voice suddenly came from behind him.

    “What was Princess Wenzhao doing here?”

    Yuanjue was stunned and turned around to say, “Princess Wenzhao said… the regent seemed to have been injured when he saved her that night. Not knowing if the injury has healed, she could not get it off her mind. If the physician thinks the medicine she sent is useful, she can send some more over.”

    Tumoroga frowned lightly: “What medicine?”

    Yuanjue whispered, “The princess was worried about the regent’s injuries and asked General Ashina to send some medicine over… General may have forgotten about it.”

    Tumoroga did not make a sound. His face was calm and flat.

    Yuanjue waited for a while. When he saw that Tumoroga had no other orders, he was about to leave, when Tumoroga called out to him, “Tell the princess that there is no need to send any more medicine. Thank her for her kindness.”


    Yuanjue answered and led the leopard out of the courtyard.

    As he walked through the long corridor, he abruptly came to a stop in front of the flower trellis. Looking back, he eyed the dense and luxuriant flowering vines on the wall and frowned lightly.

    When Princess Wenzhao and Banruo were talking, had the king been standing behind the flower trellis?

    The king heard what Princess Wenzhao said?

    Princess Wenzhao said the monks in the temple did not understand the king. Who understood the king?

    Ruanjue was dazed for some time until the leopard impatiently pawed at him. He good-naturedly scolded, “You scared the princess again today!”

    A man and a leopard went out of the Buddhist temple through a deserted path and went straight to the beast garden.


    Since Yaoying taught Banruo how to refute the other monks, Banruo changed his previous attitude towards her and came over to consult with her from time to time.

    He developed a keen interest in Chinese, especially after he learned from Yaoying to curse without profanity in Chinese, and was eager to learn more.

    Yaoying taught him patiently at first, but after she was repeatedly pestered, she sent her soldiers to teach him how to curse whenever he came by.

    Banruo was furious and said with his chest stuck out, “Isn’t the princess learning Sanskrit? I can teach the princess Sanskrit! The princess will teach me the phrases of the Central Plains, and this is a fair deal! I will definitely teach the princess well.”

    Yaoying considered the deal for a long time, thought the deal wasn’t bad, and agreed to continue teaching Banruo.

    The two became each other’s master and apprentice. After a few days of study, Banruo learned a few simple Chinese phrases, and Yaoying learned a few Sanskrit curse words.

    When the people of the Royal Court picked the last batch of ripe grapes to be dried, the guards of Sha City sent back a message: Bisha, who had been on a mission to the Northern Rong, had returned in a carriage.

    Yaoying immediately checked her baggage and added some useful things. The only thing left was to wait for Bisha to return before they set off.

    On the day Bisha returned, Yuanjue went to meet him outside the city and did not return to the Buddhist temple until nightfall.

   He brought back bad news: Bisha’s leg was injured. That was why he returned home by carriage.

    Yaoying frowned: Will the trip to Gaochang be postponed again?

    Before she could discuss this with Bisha, Yuanjue sent several good horses for her and her personal soldiers to choose from.

    “Princess, you should check your manpower and prepare your bags in the next two days. You will leave in three days.”

    Yaoying asked in surprise, “General Ashina’s wound is healed?”

    Yuanjue shook his head, “General Ashina has injured his thigh and will not be able to ride a horse for a month… the King said there is no time to lose and he will send the Regent to accompany the Princess.”

    Sultan Gu?

    Yaoying was stunned, nodding. Sultan Gu has been to Gaochang. Familiar with the route, there was no better person to accompany her.

    Although Sultan Gu was often compared to devils and monsters, she was not at all afraid of him.

    He was not an evil person.

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