Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 633 - Horns of Paradise

Chapter 633: Horns of Paradise

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

In the middle of the vast holy light and the pleasant hymns, the hallowed angels danced. Lucien believed that he would never forget such a shocking scene, if he could make it out alive at all.

Subconsciously, Lucien only wanted to say I’m sorry and this mail is for the next door… While all kinds of bizarre thoughts occurred to him, Lucien’s actions were not affected. He turned around and shouted in the telepathic bond, “Run!”

In the meantime, the power of moonlight burst out, as he tried to shut the gate that was engraved with white patterns.

At this moment, a solemn voice echoed inside the mountain-like world of holy light.

“Evil invaders!”

On the sixth floor, an angel with six luminescent wings flew out and stared at Lucien and Rhine with his gold and blue eyes from far away. He then took out of a gold horn and put it next to his mouth.

Wu! Wu! Wu!

The magnificent sound of the horn immediately resonated throughout Mountain Paradise. The angels that were playing instruments and praising the true god were alarmed and swarmed out with their weapons.

Wu! Wu! Wu!

Hearing the horn that was both refreshing and full of determination to fight, Lucien secretly said ‘crap’!

It an exact scene depicted in the Cannon of the Church. It was the horn of judgment and salvation, followed by the final ruling. It was the real ‘Light of Paradise’!

Wu! Wu! Wu!

Along with the sacred horn, the seven-floored Mountain Paradise emitted clear brightness that spread out quickly, turning the whole world into an ocean of holy light and joyful paradise!

The speed of light was so high that Lucien and Rhine were drowned by the tide before they had the time to cast ‘Accurate Teleportation’ or ‘Night Travel’.

The holy light was not concrete, but Lucien had the feeling that he had sunk into a deep ocean without any magic. It seemed that he would be drowned by the thick light any moment.

The transformation of legendary knight was canceled, the many magic effects on Lucien were canceled, and his spiritual power was suppressed. His lungs seemed to be filled with ‘seawater’, making him feel heavy and have trouble breathing. He was inhaling and exhaling ‘holy light’ through his nose, his mouth and his pores nonstop.

Thankfully, the light of paradise merely canceled the magic effects and suppressed his spiritual power but did not deprive Lucien the ability to cast spells or move his body. Stumbling, he opened the black gate and rushed away with Rhine.

Rhine was much poorer than Lucien. Black air was popping up from his body, making him more and more transparent. Had it not been for the protection of moonlight on his body, he would’ve dispersed in the light of paradise like any other vampire princes. However, he had basically lost his combat ability, and he was now changing into the shape of a human and that of a bat!

It was like the Congus Ring on Lucien’s left hand, which had lost all the color and could not be put into use any time soon.

The spells of acceleration and flight were activated thanks to the ability to save spells in the Robe of Grand Arcanists. Dragging Rhine with him, Lucien passed the grey halls in a fuzzy shadow, opening the black gates nonstop.

This time, Lucien did not bother with what weird worlds were behind those gates at all. However weird and creepy they might be, could they compare to Mountain Paradise?

The horn stopped. The angel with gold and blue eyes looked at his five partners on the sixth floor and announced, “Chase after the evil!”

According to the Cannon, he was the Child of Light, the Angel of Judgment, the Angel of Justice, and the leader of all the angels except for the Angel King. He was close to the top legendary, and his strength would be improved by half a level if he were to fight within the influence range of Mountain Paradise.

Four of the five seraphs stood up and drew crosses on their chest. “Only Truth lives forever. Evil shall be purged!”

According to the Church’s files, every seraph was in the third level of legendary, and three of them were almost at the peak.

The sacred wings behind the four seraphs flapped, allowing them to blink from Mountain Paradise to the grey halls. Immediately, the ocean of light seemed to have encountered someone it deeply loved. It turned into countless spots of light that surrounded them. Every spot of light was a tiny angel that was praising them wholeheartedly.

“The light of paradise lingers in the evils. They cannot get away. All that matters is which of us will catch them. Arvin, which direction are you going in?” A seraph with burning eyes and a red-cross sword in his hands asked.

He was Clement, the Angel of Fire. He was also known as the Godly Fire and the Purging Angel. He was at the peak of legendary.

A seraph whose eyes seemed to be a starry sky pointed at one of the black gates. “I’ll go in this direction.”

He was Arvin, known as the Godly Eye, the Angel of Inspiration and the Angel of Wind. He was also close to the peak of legendary.

“Why?” Clement asked subconsciously. They seemed well aware of the pattern of change in the Realm of Gates and not scared that they could catch up with Lucien and Rhine.

Arvin, gentle and handsome, smiled, “It’s my intuition.”

As he spoke, he flapped his wings and appeared before the black gate, but he did not open it until a few seconds later.

Clement did not ask anymore. Arvin was the Godly Eye, the Angel of Inspiration and the ‘Acolyte’ who was closest to the river of fate. His intuition was obviously a most convincing reason. Therefore, they went after the enemy from different directions.

The ocean of light ebbed, and peace and quietness were restored in the grey hall.


Breathing was more and more difficult. Watery holy light seemed to have filled the air, his blood and his internal organs, giving Lucien the feeling of the drowned that he would rather forget.

Vicente’s medical box, Advanced Treatment, Air Filtering Bubbles and other spells were performed, but Lucien only felt that part of his symptoms were eliminated, and it would take forever long before he completely got rid of the illness. However, in this dangerous Realm of Gates, the creepy monsters, the powerful seraphs and the horrifying pontiff might be after them in the next second.

Time was very precious and was what Lucien needed badly right now!

As he cast his spells, Lucien also discovered that the light of paradise was corrupting and suppressing his spiritual power, making it difficult for him to carry them out.

“As expected of a demigod-level divine power supported by Mountain Paradise.” Lucien looked at Rhine who had turned into an unconscious bat. None of the legendary items on him were activated, and he did not tell Lucien how to use them, either.

Holding the moonlight bat that Rhine turned into, Lucien rushed and treated himself with magic. Ten minutes. Ten minutes was all he needed to get rid of the light of paradise! After all, it was not backed by Mountain Paradise anymore!

The black gate was opened, and Lucien’s pupils constricted abruptly. Inside the grey hall stood a sacred and handsome seraph whose six wings were flapping slowly with a touch of sunlight and a gentle breeze. A vast cosmos seemed to be lying in his eyes.

He stood here at such ease as if he had seen through Lucien’s route and was waiting for him on purpose.

“The Angle of Wind!” Lucien recognized him and cast a spell without any hesitation:

“Vengeful Gaze!”

At such a moment, even the delay of one second would’ve killed him. He had to attack while looking for an opportunity to escape!

‘Hand of Uncertainties’ and ‘Vengeful Gaze’ were activated at the same time. Lucien’s left eye became clear and bright like the most beautiful ruby, shooting out a red ray that hit the Angel of Wind!

After he launched the attack, Lucien suppressed the remaining holy light inside his body and activated ‘Chaos Teleportation’ on the Holm Crown Ring.

A gentle breeze whirled, covering and dissolving the red ray, which was soon gone before Arvin, the Godly Eye.

He sniffed softly, as if he sensed something weird in the spell that did not work. Then, he pointed at the enemy, “Confinement!”

Countless gentle breezes blew between the two grey halls, disrupting the space and eliminating waves. Lucien was unable to escape through teleportation!

“Space Staff!” At such a critical moment, Lucien could only react accordingly without thinking about anything else!

The ripples were gathered into the staff of a king. As Lucien tapped, all the gentle breezes were shattered. Then, he activated ‘Grandeur Obliteration’ on the Robe of Grand Arcanists!

Tiny black spots that contained the intense power of destruction appeared before the Godly Eye, but his face did not change at all. His six wings were fully unfolded, and the light of the sun filled the hall, neutralizing the Grandeur Obliteration.


Lucien activated the life-preserving spell on him!

It was a legendary spell that was cast on his soul in advance, so it was not nullified by the light of paradise!

Disappearing from where he was, Lucien was ready to ‘regather’ with Natasha.

However, when he appeared again, he was still inside the hall, except that he was before another black gate.

There was indeed no space-time connection between this place and the outside world!

The disappointment did not crush Lucien, because he had got away from the Angel of Wind at least. His figure suddenly split into many Luciens who ran towards different gates.

Arvin sniffed. Playing Illusions in front of the Godly Eye?

“Godly Eye!”

Countless brilliant stars glowed in his eyes, breaking the images of Lucien and revealing the real Lucien who was about to open the black gate and escape.

Lucien had a silver, delicate pocket watch in his right hand. Sliding his thumb on the dial quickly, he slowed down the black second hand, and the time around was decelerated accordingly.

Hehe. Arvin snorted again. The sunlight and the gentle breeze that covered the whole hall burst out simultaneously, blowing away the change of time and space.

The Angel of Fate was naturally good at space and time!

“Sigh of Wind!” Arvin seized the opportunity and attacked with divine power.

A bluish wind rushed over with the air of judgment.

“Space Staff!” A dreamy staff was gathered before Lucien again, building a space barrier for him.

As the Sigh of Wind hit the space barrier, cracking sounds echoed nonstop, and it was broken after only one moment. Because of the gap of almost three levels, Lucien’s Space Staff could not entirely resist the attack even though it was quite powerful.

Lucien did not give up in such a desperate situation. He planned to transform into a legendary knight and sought for a chance of survival with the Sword of Truth!

Cough. At the critical moment, the holy light that filled his lungs like water played their role. Lucien had trouble breathing, and his magic was halted.

Seizing the opportunity, Arvin announced solemnly, “Pacification of Wind.”

Heavy. His soul became so heavy that Lucien found it barely possible to keep his eyes open.

I can’t sleep! I can’t sleep!

Clinging to the last bit of consciousness, Lucien made up his mind that he had to blow himself up in order not to be hit by the Light of Judgment!

Would he be resurrected in his magic tower if he detonated himself inside the Realm of Gates?

“You are very tough. I’m respectful of you even though you are evil. Few people have fought so long under the influence of the light of paradise.” Arvin walked toward Lucien and extended his long and fair right hand. “Purging you will be my respect for you.”


Inside the mysterious world of death…

Douglas and Fernando were suppressed by Benedict III who was transformed from the ‘monster’.

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