Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 634 - Twisted Face

Chapter 634: Twisted Face

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The two top legendary sorcerers and one monster which was close to the level of demigod were engaged in such a fierce battle that the whole world behind the gate was shaking in its aftermath. The air of destruction spread out everywhere, and the space seemed to be collapsing at any moment. The weird and lifeless forest of death had become a real place of doom.

Similar to many legendary sorcerers from the ancient Magic Empire, Douglas’ head was surrounded by brilliant gems that looked like artificial planets. Some of them were gold, some azure, and some were the purest red.

Those gems glittered and established terrifying ‘domains’ as he chanted and cast different spells.

His tailcoat turned into a black, grave long robe in the classic style of the ancient Magic Empire. Deep and dark brilliant flowed on the surface, blocking the ocean of holy light created by ‘Monster Benedict III’.

Two things were floating before him. One of them was ‘Lackluster Celestial Globe’, his unique legendary item, and the other was a thick book that had a black background and silver patterns. As the pages were turned, legendary spells were cast nonstop.

Faced with the monster that could not be inferred with common sense, Douglas put all his legendary items into use. Two of them were top legendary, and two were level-three legendary!

Fernando’s right eye left the redness and turned dark and gloomy, like a vortex at the bottom of the ocean and a source of destruction. It blew out high-energy storms and cast the weird curses in the cosmos.

That was exactly what turned the forest of death into a land of doom!

The red magic robe on his controlled everything around. He fought for the control of the environment with Benedict III that was transformed from Benedict III as if he were a master of the place. In his right hand was a dark scepter that Lucien had never seen before.

The scepter wriggled as if it were alive, but its movement was devoid of any pattern, leaving the impression of chaos as if a bottomless abyss was arriving. After every time Fernando used it, it would create a huge area of chaos in which everything including space itself would be destroyed.

The two top legendary sorcerers used all their trump cards, but they still could not defeat the ‘headless pope’. Blessed Realm, Light of Judgment, Purging Spear, Horn of Paradise, Cleansing Fire, Saint Cross, Sigh of Wind, Godly Eye… He cast the most powerful divine powers casually and even suppressed Douglas and Fernando.

Douglas was slightly scared, not because of the monster’s ability – even if it were the real pope, he would still be confident to return in one piece as long as the enemy did not perform God’s Arrival – but because he did not understand the status of the monster! Generally speaking, such evil and creepy monsters were suppressed by the divine power by nature, but this monster could perform divine power like the real pope!

“This is truly a monster beyond imagination.” Douglas observed in mixed feelings inside the telepathic bond.

Fernando had even more trouble dealing with the enemy, but he was not very anxious. “Let’s find a chance to retreat towards the entrance. It cannot stop us!”

“Okay!” Douglas couldn’t agree more. The plan of the adventure this time ended at the Furnace of Souls. There was no need to waste time on an unimaginably weird monster. Also, if Lucien hadn’t been killed by the monster yet, he must be approaching the entrance while the monster was stalled by the two of them!


At the beginning of August, even the wind was scorching.

Inside the conference room of the Highest Council, Douglas, Fernando and Lucien, who hadn’t returned yet, were discussed again.

“I believe we must organize another team to rescue them.” Brook, the Emperor of Control, crossed his fingers and looked at other members. “I’ll lead the team this time. What do you think?”

He was both exhausted and unusually excited. In the past few months, from the perspective that electrons were waves, he had vaguely touched another path to resolve the problems in the new alchemy. Had it not been for certain mathematical issues and part of the inexplicable experiments, he probably would’ve achieved something. However, at the moment of life and death for the Congress of Magic, he still dropped his experiment resolutely and decided to organize a rescue team.

Considering that the legendary spectres at the peripheral area of the Temple of Spirits had been mostly cleared by Douglas and his team, Brook believed that the Congress of Magic was strong enough to crush the rest of them now. What they needed to pay attention to was the people of the North Church, but that problem could be settled through communication and negotiation. After all, the Congress never intended to destroy the secret chamber where they were based. If they were also interested in the secrets behind the Furnace of Souls, it was possible that the two parties could even cooperate.

There are no eternal friends or foes but only eternal pursuit of interests. Brook believed that Lucien’s remark was applicable for the North Church which was rather close to them in the first place.

“I suggest we wait for another month.” Vicente, the Lord of the Undead, said coarsely. “The time flows particularly slow near the Furnace of Souls. I suspect that it’s been only one day inside. Mr. President, Fernando and Lucien may be on their way to the entrance. Organizing a rescue team recklessly is actually a major risk for the Congress.”

He craved the secrets behind the Furnace of Souls, but he was also scared of the unknown great danger.

“I agree with Vicente. We’ll wait for another month. Then, I’ll go with you, Brook.” Oliver nodded his head and showed his attitude. It was not because he was a coward but because the operation was not necessary yet. Two top legendary sorcerers couldn’t have been lost inside so easily, particularly not when the mysterious existence of the World of Souls had fallen asleep again.

Also, similar to Brook, he was at the critical moment of making a breakthrough on the wave function of the electron.

Hathaway looked behind at Natasha, who had been specifically invited for the meeting of the Highest Council this time, and said emotionlessly, “The Prophet does not have the vision that Lucien is in danger of death. If they do not return in one month, we must go to rescue them immediately. I’ll join the team, too.”

A consensus was soon made. Brook heaved a soft sigh and said to Hathaway, “You provided a genius idea about the atom model with two electrons. This is a victory of matrix mechanics. I don’t doubt its value now, but I still don’t understand the arcana significance behind it.”

“It’s not a big deal.” Said Hathaway taciturnly.

Brook looked at Natasha again. “I hope you can understand our decision, because it’s hard to confirm that they are in danger. Of course, I’ll stay in the peripheral area of the Temple of Spirits in case they need reinforcements.”

An adventure team could play a bigger role in a rescue operation, but an individual at the peak of legendary would find it easier to escape from dangers if they were alone. That was why Brook decided to pick them up on his own instead of organizing a team immediately.

“I understand.” Natasha’s face was resolute, and there was not the slightest waves in her silver eyes. She rose and said, “Mr. Brook, forgive me, but I have to leave now. I have to practice my blood power and my skills. Complaints can never solve any problem. I have to use what I am good at.”

In Atom Institution…

Holding the latest issue of ‘Arcana’ in her hand, Katrina said to Annick in delight, “Ms. Hathaway has pointed out the path to resolve the atom model with two electrons. That’s the brilliance of a genius. Haha. It also proves that correctness of our teacher’s matrix mechanics.”

“I thought about the problem before, but I didn’t have the faintest clue. Is this an example of the gap between a grand arcanist and me?” Katrina remarked.

Annick, Layria and the other students had also read paper. They were amazed, too.

“Although our teacher’s matrix mechanics is complicated and lacks actual significance, it is without a doubt the correct path from the perspective of the particle nature and the discontinuity.” Said Sprint, his eyes glowing.

“We will find the actual significance someday.” As she spoke, Heidi suddenly chuckled, “The textbooks of the Holt Magic College on the new alchemy have to be changed again!”

As per Principal and Professor Lucien Evans, she was now a glorious teacher of the college.

“Right, Annick, what are you and Sprint working on that is so mysterious?” Since they were close to each other, Layria asked curiously without holding her question back.

Annick did not keep it a secret. “We may have found an explanation to Brooks unusual splitting phenomenon by introducing the concept of electron spin whose quantum number is one half. However, there will be weird problems if we infer it based on that. The spinning speed of the electron surface will be much higher than the speed of light…”

“Huh?” Chelly and the other students were all confused.

“We have to ask our teacher after he is back.” Sprint said, not very confident about his discovery.

Heidi, on the other hand, looked at the blue sky out of the window.

“When is our teacher coming back?”


Lance, the Holy City.

When Rhine opened ‘the gate of Mountain Paradise’, Mecantron, the Angel King who was inside a prayer room, suddenly opened his eyes. Gold fire seemed to be burning inside his pupils.

“Who is it?” He bellowed in fury. Thirty-six pure wings were unfolded one after another, filling the entire room. Then, spots of light emerged from his wings, making the room hazy and blurry like a dream.

Gradually, the dream was gone, and so was the Angel King.

Benedict III, in his library, did not do anything. He simply watched the void before him with a gloomy face, half amused and half infuriated.


“…Purging you will be my respect for you.”

When he heard that from Arvin, Lucien, whose soul and head were both dizzy, had the illusion that the guy’s voice came from a different world. It seemed that his life wasn’t real anymore and was about to fall apart.

He could not delay anymore and had to blow up himself immediately!

Arvin walked to Lucien slowly and said in a low voice, “Are you planning to detonate yourself? But I’m afraid that it’s barely possible for you to do that under the influence of ‘Light of Paradise’ and ‘Pacification of Wind’.”

“Sleep and rest. All your sins will be expiated.”

He was very certain that Lucien had no ability to resist anymore.

Lucien tried his best to perform a suicide spell, but his spiritual power, corrupted by the light of paradise, like rusty gears and could not function at all.

No! I can’t give up like this!

When Lucien was about to try again, he sensed heat on his chest as the Angel of Wind approached him. Then, the waves of ‘Light of Judgment’ before him were suddenly gone!

In his shock and suspicion, Lucien saw Arvin’s twisting face with his blurry and shaking eyes. The guy struggled hard and pressed his head hard with both hands, while he spoke with an old and pained voice that was entirely different from the sacred and gentle tone a moment ago:

“The… Sun’s… Corona?”

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