Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 431 - 192

Chapter 431 - 192

As they neared the opulent marble edifice, young clerics hurried out to welcome them. The Remdragon and Wedon's royal knights were accompanied to private chambers while Maxi was escorted to a guest room typically reserved for nobility.

Upon entering the luxurious room, which boasted a sizable bed, Maxi shed her dusty cloak, sword, and wyvern-leather armor, setting them neatly on a stand.

Moments later, maidservants wearing white coifs carried in a steaming bath. When the women stood ready to assist her, Maxi dismissed them and undressed herself, removing her travel boots, woolen tunic, and snug hose.

Submerging in the hot water, Maxi felt the stiffness from the lengthy journey start to ease. She exhaled a relaxed sigh, reclining comfortably in the tub. While she would have preferred to share this bath with her husband, she had no way of knowing when he would return, and she did not want the servants' efforts to go to waste by letting the water cool.

After luxuriating in the bath until her skin pruned, she dressed and seated herself before the mirror to dry her hair. Just then, a knock on the door interrupted her. Maxi's face brightened as she hastened to answer it.

"I-Is that you? What did the Council-"

Her words died in her throat as she opened the door to an unfamiliar face. A stern-looking, middle-aged woman with piercing green eyes stood in the corridor.

"Y-You are...?" Maxi began.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Calypse. I am Lydia Ronabell, the head housekeeper." The woman respectfully bowed her head, then stepped aside to direct Maxi's gaze to the row of maidservants waiting behind her. "Sir Riftan instructed us to select a flattering outfit for you."

Maxi eyed the array of garments in the maidservants' arms in confusion. Why had her husband, who was with the rulers of the Seven Kingdoms, suddenly sent clothes to her? Could the Council have summoned her, too?

Her concerns deepened when the housekeeper spoke in a soothing tone, "We must hurry if we are to help you get ready for the victory banquet in time. May we begin immediately, my lady?"

"The...victory banquet?"

"Upon receiving news of the victory, His Holiness ordered a banquet for the coalition's arrival. Every royal and noble currently in Balbourne will gather at the palace in a few hours."

Maxi held back a sigh. Similar banquets had followed the Pamela Plateau expedition for several weeks as well. It made her wonder how the church could afford such extravagance when it was no secret that it was suffering financially.

Her expression turned slightly grim as she stepped aside to allow the maidservants entry. While she yearned to rest, maintaining favor with the church and avoiding offending the pope was a priority.

"We have gowns in the latest Balbourne fashion," Lydia continued. "Please choose one to your liking. Jill, bring the jewelry box. Rita, begin arranging her ladyship's hair."

After perusing the array of dresses laid out on the bed, Maxi selected a deep crimson number elaborately embroidered with rose patterns. The dark hue perfectly accentuated the paleness of her skin.

Maxi was admiring the gown in the mirror when the maidservants hurriedly ushered her to a seat. A sweet-looking young woman skillfully dried and combed Maxi's hair, weaving the locks at her temples into several braids. These along with the rest of her lush tresses, were then neatly arranged in a pearl-studded snood.

Another maidservant meticulously dabbed something onto Maxi's cheeks and lips. When she was finally allowed to look in the mirror, Maxi was astonished to see her freckles concealed. Her lips appeared richly red and moist.

She turned to the maidservant in awe. "What have you...put on my face?"

"Face powder, my lady. It is a popular beauty product among Balbourne's noblewomen."

Maxi made a mental note to purchase a whole sack of this so-called face powder before she returned to Anatol.

"May I tighten the laces a little more, my lady?" the maidservant asked.


With Maxi's permission, the maidservant tightened the golden laces beneath her ample bosom before arranging the gown's flowing skirt.

Gazing at her transformed reflection, Maxi looked every inch a noblewoman. She looked over herself with great satisfaction. Her previous reservations about the banquet now seemed trivial, replaced by a flutter of excitement. She could not wait for Riftan to see her like this.

"We shall take our leave now, my lady.”

After a final assessment of Maxi's gown and adornments, the maidservants left the room, appearing quite pleased with their work.

Maxi peered out the window, noting the darkening sky. She fastened the necklace she had taken off before her bath and draped herself in the golden robe left by the maidservants. A knock on the door soon followed.

"Lady Calypse, we're here to escort you to the banquet hall."

Upon entering the door, Maxi was greeted by Ulyseon and Garrow, both impeccably dressed for the occasion. Ulyseon looked striking in a navy blue coat over a silver tunic, his sleek silver hair elegantly tied back in a ponytail. Garrow, in contrast, wore a lustrous black leather coat over a crimson doublet.

Their transformations were remarkable. Ulyseon, with his dazzling appearance, and Garrow, exuding a masculine charm, were a far cry from the innocent boys she once knew.

"You both look so dashing!" she exclaimed in approval. "Formal attire becomes you."

"Thank you, my lady. You,too, look exceptionally beautiful," Garrow responded with a warm smile.

Ulyseon, who was openly gaping at her, quickly agreed. "Truly! Though you are always lovely, today you are blindingly radiant, my lady. Everyone at the banquet will be in awe of your beauty."

Accustomed to Ulyseon's excessive flattery by now. Maxi let out an awkward laugh. In her mind, it was Ulyseon's striking beauty that would draw more eyes.

Casting an envious glance at his flawless complexion, which had not one freckle or blemish to speak of, Maxi subtly distanced herself from him. The thought of entering the banquet alongside someone so attractive made her somewhat self-conscious.

"Do you know ...where Riftan might be at the moment?" Maxi asked.

"Sir Riftan is currently with His Majesty," Garrow replied calmly. "Since our arrival, he has been meeting with various nobles alongside the king."

Maxi frowned as she walked down the corridor. The thought of King Reuben III parading her husband around like a trophy greatly upset her. The least the king could do was give him some time to catch his breath.

Grumbling silently to herself, Maxi descended the stairs and entered the grand hall. The lavish banquet hall glowed brightly, illuminated by thousands of candles.

Maxi's gaze swept across the room as she stopped at the entrance. It was filled with hundreds of people dressed in silk, velvet, and adorned with jewels. Women, resplendent as peacocks, and men in their knightley uniforms danced on the marble floor. Seated at the tables, the high priests and feudal lords seemed engrossed in conversation while they feasted.

As Maxi was trying to take in this dizzying scene, Garrow led her to one side of the hall. "Come this way, my lady."

She followed him, her face lighting up upon reaching the table of Remdragon Knights.

Hebaron, looking sharp in formal attire, whistled appreciatively at her appearance. "We are honored by your presence, my lady. You are truly radiant tonight, like a rose in full bloom."

"Thank you, Sir Hebaron. You look just as dashing," Maxi replied distractedly, her eyes scanning the room for Riftan.

Hebaron grinned. "Our commander has yet to join us. It seems the king is keeping him occupied."

Maxi brow furrowed. What could the king have to discuss so extensively with Riftan? Lost in thought, she was brought back to the moment when Elliot, seated across from Hebaron, stood to pull out a chair for her.

"Please, have a seat, my lady."

"Thank you."

As Maxi sat, she continued to survey the hall. She noticed Ursuline Ricaydo conversing with Princess Agnes and Gabel dancing with a young woman. On the other side, she saw the knights of Balto, with Richard Breston and a representative from Balto's Southern Confederacy conversing over wine.

Maxi's expression darkened. Was that vile man attempting to sway the representative to his cause? Her anxiety grew as Breston, seemingly aware of her gaze, turned and raised his silver goblet. His mocking smirk made her face flush with anger.

It was infuriating that Breston persisted in his warmongering even after so many lives had been lost. She struggled to understand the relentless bloodlust of the northerners.

Surely she could not be the only person exhausted by the constant warfare. The prolonged conflict had taken a toll on the Seven Kingdoms, and any move by Balto to violate the armistice now would likely pit the other kingdoms against them. Any feudal lord opposed to the peace agreement would have no choice but to change their mind.

As she shifted her gaze to where the nobles of Arex were gathered, she spotted Kuahel Leon, clad in a black vesture. Though clerics were only allowed to wear the vestments of the clergy, being a paladin conferred with a knighthood apparently gave him special permission to wear other ceremonial attire.

Ignoring people's stares, Kuahel strode across the marble floor. Maxi quickly realized his destination: the high priest of the Orthodox Church, robed in a red mozzetta. She watched as the Temple Knight leaned in to whisper something to him. The old clergyman's face hardened before he abruptly rose from his seat to leave the hall.

Concern darkened Maxi's face. What could the knight have said to provoke such a reaction from the high priest? Her heart suddenly felt heavy. She was sick and tired of the conflicts between the supporters and opponents of the armistice, and between the two church factions.

Just as she reached for a goblet of wine to soothe her parched throat, a large hand grabbed her shoulder. Maxi lowered her arm and looked up. It was Riftan, regally dressed in the uniform of the Remdragon Knights, his hair neatly swept back. The sight of his handsome face instantly melted away her worries.

"I was wondering when I would get to see you," she said, rising up to peck his cheek.

"Is that so?" Riftan arched his brow and crossed her arms. "And here I was thinking you couldn't take your eyes off that sleek clergyman over there."

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