Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 432 - 193

Chapter 432 - 193

Maxi furrowed her brow. "Y-You must be mistaken. I was merely--"

Her mind went blank as the candlelight fully illuminated the man standing before her. Entranced, she swept her gaze slowly over him. She could not recall ever seeing him dressed so glamorously.

He wore a glossy black coat over a tight-fitting white shirt, the soft light revealing intricate embroidery along the fabric's smooth surface. Ornate gold buttons glinted beneath the flickering flames, and even his leather belt boasted a buckle engraved with a dragon.

Maxi's eyes drifted down to the black trousers that flatteringly outlined his long legs and then to his polished leather boots. Lifting her gaze, she met his. The golden light cast a mysterious glow on his sculpted face and deep agate eyes.

Her cheeks suddenly warmed. He looked more like a nobleman who lived a decadent life at court than a knight. His displeasure, combined with his imposing air, somehow made him all the more captivating.

"You were merely...?" Riftan pressed imperiously, leaning in.

Lost for words, Maxi tried to avert her gaze.

Riftan reached out to raise her chin. His brow creased as he looked down at her. "What's this on your face?"

Maxi snapped out of her trance. Before she could react, Riftan had her face cupped in his hands and was wiping her cheeks with his thumbs. She slapped his hand away in alarm.

"W-What are you doing?!"

"You have white dust on your face," he said, sounding aggrieved.

Whirling around to check her reflection in a silver tray, Maxi saw most of the powder gone. She stared at her reflection in dismay, then turned back to him, shooting daggers.

"That face powder was applied intentionally! How could you wipe it away?"

"Why would you put such a thing on your face?" he asked, baffled. He dusted off remnants of powder clinging on his fingers.

Maxi clenched her jaw as she stared up at his flawless features. She doubted he had ever experienced the plight of having a face like hers.

"D-Do you truly not know? To cover my freckles, of course!"

A moment later, she noticed the knights' stares. Blushing furiously, she shot them a haughty glare before fleeing toward the wall.

Riftan followed, still looking mystified. "I think your freckles are adorable. They make you look like a playful sprite. Why hide them?"

Her face heated up even more as she glared at him. She could not fathom how he could say such embarrassing things with a straight face.

Though she felt her anger subside, she deliberately maintained a brusque tone as she said, "Y-You are the only one who thinks so. To others-"

Riftan suddenly nudged her into the corner, growling, "Who else needs to find you beautiful?"

Maxi stared at him in disbelief. How had the conversation veered here? She definitely raised her chin. "Th-Then, what about you? Who are you trying to impress in those clothes?"

A faint crease formed on his brow. Though his displeasure at her counter-question was apparent, surprisingly, he meekly answered first. "This was a gift from His Majesty. He's been complaining about my attire since before the expedition. He bestowed me with a mountain of clothes as soon as I arrived, I believe to parade me around."

Frustrated, he unbuttoned the top of his shirt, exposing his sturdy neck and prominent collarbones. Maxi reflexively gulped but quickly pursed her lips when she noticed the blushing women around them. They were fanning themselves while stealing glances in Riftan's direction.

Suddenly, Maxi was overcome with an urge to bundle him up and hide him away from prying eyes. She glowered at the women before turning a sharp gaze on him.

"This is unfair. You've ruined my face...while you stand there attracting women like the incarnation of temptation itself."

"The incarnate of what?" He let out an incredulous laugh. "Are you saying you want men to look at you too?"

"Y-You know very well that is not what I meant," she retorted. "I-I just wanted to dress up..and enjoy the banquet with you."

Riftan paused, studying her face as if trying to understand her displeasure. However, he seemed to conclude that all the fuss over her appearance was a puzzle he could not solve.

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he said earnestly, "You are the most beautiful woman in the world. I already find you breathtaking, so why would you need to dress up?"

Blushing deeply again, Maxi glanced around nervously. She almost dropped dead in mortification when she noticed a man staring at them in shock from a nearby table.

"I-I understand. Let us go somewhere else," she stammered, pulling on his arm.

Riftan maneuvered the arm around her shoulders instead, spinning them around. "I think we should be going that way."

Max followed, wondering where he was taking them. When she realized he was leading her to the center of the hall, she cast a nervous glance around. It felt as if all eyes were on them.

Admiration, adoration, curiosity, and less-than-friendly looks converged on the pair from all directions. Hostile stares from northern nobles, cautious eyes of finicky clerics, and the unreadable gazes of the Temple Knights surrounded them.

Maxi hunched her shoulders under the weight of the attention, but Riftan seemed unfazed. He guided her to a spacious area near the balcony, where dancers gracefully parted to make room for them.

Turning to face her, Riftan playfully offered his hand. "My fair lady, would you grant me the honor of a dance?"

Maxi swallowed nervously. Dancing now in this banquet hall full of the Seven Kingdoms' elite, all engaged in an invisible battle of nerves, felt like treading thin ice. But she also could not bring herself to refuse Riftan's tender, twinkling gaze.

When she placed her hand in his, he slowly began to lead. Maxi followed his well-trained steps as if her life depended on it. A hint of a smile appeared on his lips; he was clearly amused by her desperate attempts to keep up.

Flushing, Maxi glared up at him and tried to stomp on his foot, passing it off as a mistake. But Riftan was a step ahead of her. Nimbly dodging her assault, he pulled her closer and began spinning them around. Maxi stifled a shriek as she gripped his forearm.

He effortlessly raised her in the air in time to the music. As her feet touched the floor again, he quickened their pace. Maxi could hardly keep up. It left her no room to worry about the watchful eyes and the undercurrents of tension in the banquet hall. The only things on her mind were his muscular form that moved gracefully with hers, his excellent dancing skills that made even her seem proficient, and the pair of black eyes filled with affection.

Realizing his intent, Maxi surreptitiously pinched his side and arched her brow. However, she soon found it impossible not to return his smile.

"Are you aware you are the most ill-natured dance partner? You move as if your sole aim is to make me dizzy!"

"How unfortunate that Lady Calypse finds me lacking," Riftan lamented, clicking his tongue. "A true misfortune, since she's stuck dancing with this ill-natured partner for the rest of her life."

Maxi giggled and shook her head in mock exasperation. As the lute and vielle began to wind down their melody, Riftan subtly steered them to the balcony.

Catching her breath, Maxi looked up at her husband. The full moon cast silver rings in his dark eyes. For a moment, it felt like her heart would burst from joy. They had overcome great adversity to be here. Though there were still problems to be solved, the fact that they were together now filled her with happiness.

"You will still dance with me...even when we are back in Anatol, won't you?" she asked.

"Whenever you wish."

"And when might we return?"

His smile faltered slightly. "I'm afraid you'll have to wait a little longer," he replied, looking toward the illuminated banquet hall.

"Is it because of my golem rune?"

"No," he assured her firmly. "You are well-regarded by the people. Nobody wants to risk a public backlash by putting you on trial. You have nothing to worry about."

"Then, why...?"

"The pope is using this chance to strengthen his position and the peace agreement. He plans to keep the nobles here for a weeks-long victory celebration. I am one of the supporters of King Reuben and the new pope, so I've decided to stay to back their cause."

Riftan released a heavy sigh and lightly brushed her cheek.

"I need you to be patient a little longer. After this, nothing will stop me from taking you home."

It suddenly dawned on Maxi that Riftan longed for home as much as she did. Although Balbourne was one of the largest cities in the Seven Kingdoms, and the grandeur of both the Roem Palace and the Grand Basilica of Osiriya was truly overwhelming, nothing could match Anatol's vibrant, rustic charm.

Maxi squeezed his hand reassuringly. "I can wait as long as needed. Don't worry about me."

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