Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 434 - 195

Chapter 434 - 195

For a moment, anger flared in Rosetta’s emerald eyes.

"You are a fool. The Duchy of Croyso owns one of the largest granaries in Wedon and the Seven Kingdoms. Even if parts of its eastern territory are to be ceded to Dristan, the remaining land could still make one as rich as any royal. And yet, you won't even fight for it?"

"We have no need for more wealth."

"One can never have enough power or wealth," Rosetta retorted, her voice growing heated. "If you won't fight for it, everything will be handed over to me, which is exactly what our father wants!"

"It doesn't matter."

Rosetta's face contorted subtly at her calm response. Maxi knew she had disappointed her sister, but she was not about to force herself to do anything simply to please her.

"If you wish to go against our father, you are on your own," Maxi added in the same calm tone.

Rosetta's expression grew stony. Abruptly rising from her seat, she angrily spat, "I see that I was mistaken. You haven't changed at all. You are as helpless as ever."

Maxi made no reply.

Rosetta's lips parted as if to spout more vitriol, but she whirled around instead. "This visit has been a waste of my time."

With that, she struck toward the door. Maxi watched her back for a moment before breaking the silence.


Her sister paused, fingers on the door handle. She slowly turned to face Maxi.

After a moment, Maxi ventured, "Is the crown prince...kind to you? Does he hurt you, or-"

Rosetta's lips twisted into a sardonic smile. "No one can hurt me."

Her response was in no way reassuring.

Maxi studied her sister's cold face with worried eyes. "Do you...not get along?"

A faint crease formed on Rosetta's comely brow as if uncertain how to respond. After a long look at Maxi, she replied frostily, "Our relationship is neither good nor bad. I fulfill my duties as the crown princess, and he regards me as he should a wife."

She seemed to be questioning if further explanation was required. Meanwhile, Maxi pressed her lips shut.

Rosetta regarded her with an inscrutable expression before walking out the door. "At least make an appearance tomorrow," she called over her shoulder. "I don't want rumors to start going around."

With that, she disappeared like the wind, her ladies-in-waiting scurrying after her.

The next day, Maxi made her way to the grand basilica to witness the pope bless Abellis Drachina Reuben. Though Riftan had reassured her that there was no need for her to attend, Maxi had been adamant. She knew her absence from her nephew's blessing ceremony would set tongues wagging, and she was also eager to see the child her sister had brought into the world.

As Maxi and Riftan walked to their pew, she curiously gazed around the chapel. Mystical light streamed through the stained-glass windows, casting a glow on the silver altar. A choir of young clerics, their voices yet to change, sang hymns in Ancient Roemian.

King Reuben III occupied the seat of honor alongside Princess Agnes Reuben, who wore a blue gown. Around them sat a bevy of opulently dressed attendants.

Taking the pew behind them, Riftan whispered in Maxi's ear, "Just tell me if you wish to leave."

Knowing what was worrying him, Maxi gave a bittersweet smile. Soon, Rosetta entered the chapel, dressed in a pristine white gown. The hundreds gathered for the ceremony seemed to hold their breaths. With a flowing veil draped over her shoulders, Rosetta resembled a celestial angel as she gracefully walked down the aisle.

Gasps of awe rippled through the pews as she passed, and people craned their necks to glimpse her face. The familiar scene brought a bitter smile to Maxi's face. Then, her gaze landed on the child in Rosetta's arms.

Max subtly flinched. She doubted that a more beautiful baby existed in this world. His fair, gentle curls glistened like gold in the light, and a rosy blush colored his pale, adorable face.

Observing the royal grandson playfully tugging at his mother's veil, Maxi felt a pang in her chest. Despite her belief that she had moved past feeling inferior to her sister, in that moment, she could not help but envy Rosetta.

As Rosetta knelt at the altar, gently patting her son's back, the pope stepped forward to bestow his blessing on the angelic mother and son.

Maxi watched the scene blankly until she felt a warm hand encase her own. Looking up, she found Riftan gazing at her with worried eyes. She smiled, reassuring him she was fine. She had no cause for envy.; she had a loving husband, and perhaps, in time, they too would be blessed with a child.

Her gaze returned to her nephew's adorable face. Without warning, the image of a beautiful child with ebony hair formed in her mind. Squeezing her husband's hand, she resolved to devote her time to conceiving as soon as they returned home to Anatol. For that, however, she would first need to break down Riftan's resistance.

Maxi stole a glance at her husband's face. Even now, he was careful not to release his seed inside her. And when passion drove him to do so, he would gaze at her with concern, after which he would try to distance himself for a few days.

She had not minded since she knew he was simply concerned for her. But now, she was ready to change that. As the ceremony went on, she began devising ways to make Riftan forget his needless worries.

The blessing ceremony ended with the ringing of bells. As Rosetta descended from the chancel, King Reuben and various nobles gathered around, offering greetings. Maxi watched quietly before tugging on Riftan's arm. It occurred to her that she did not have to wait to put her plan into action.

"I would like to leave now," she whispered into his ear.

"Of course. Let me escort you back to our room," Riftan tenderly whispered back, placing an arm around her shoulders.

He clearly had no inkling about the lewd scheme forming in her mind. Though she felt a prick of conscience, she deliberately leaned against his chest with a forlorn expression.

However, her plan was soon thwarted. As they approached the exit, King Reuben called for Riftan. With everyone's attention on them, Maxi was forced to accompany her husband to meet Rosetta and her son.

Up close, Abellis was like a living sculpture of a cherub, but Maxi no longer felt envious. She was determined to have a child of her own, one with dark, twinkling eyes and silky black hair.

Unfortunately, that dream would have to wait for the time being. After a lengthy and tiresome time with the nobles, Maxi was escorted back to her room by Elliott. Meanwhile, Riftan was obligated to attend yet another gathering. According to the knights, it was a clandestine meeting meant to sway the Arexian feudal lords into supporting the armistice.

The negotiations dragged on, as Riftan failed to return even late into the night. Maxi eventually gave up waiting and went to bed alone.

Over the next few days, opportunities for time alone with her husband were scarce. He was consumed with preventing disputes, while Maxi spent most of her time cloistered in her room.

She let out a despondent sigh as she gazed out the window. As usual, lively music emanated from the Roem Palace, signaling the start of another banquet. After flipping through a spell book that failed to maintain her interest, she rose in irritation. She was pulling on a light coat with the intention of going out for some air when there was a knock at the door.

"Wh-Who is it?"

"It's me, Sidina."

Maxi opened the door to find her friend, resplendent in a pearl-colored dress.

"I knew you would be in your room again," Sidina remarked, clicking her tongue in exasperation.

Frowning, Maxi pointed to her cloak. "Actually, I was just about to go for a walk."

"In the back gardens, I presume," Sidina scoffed. "Why not explore the city with me instead? I hear there's a new play debuting at the theater."

Maxi briefly considered the invitation before shaking her head with a sigh. "I'm sorry, but I cannot go outside without an escor-"

"I knew you'd say that, so I brought just the people we need. Tada."

Stepping aside, Sidina yanked at something behind the door. Maxi's eyes widened as Ulyseon and Garrow appeared before her.

Ulyseon, eyeing Sidina with a sour look, pried his arm free rather roughly. "You said her ladyship had summoned us!"

"I said she was about to summon you," Sidina shamelessly retorted before shooting Maxi a mischievous smile. "What are you waiting for? Ask these fellows to be your escort."

Maxi glowered at Sidina incredulously before giving the two young kinghts an apologetic look. "It seems my friend has inconvenienced you."

"Not at all, my lady. We were passing time at the training ground anyway," Garrow said with a gentle smile. "Please, don't let us be the reason to decline your friend's invitation. We would be more than happy to escort you if you wish to see the city."

Pushing Garrow aside, Ulyseon chimed in, "Yes! If that's what you wish, we will gladly accompany you, my lady."

After a brief pause, Maxi bobbed her head. In truth, she did want to do some exploring.

"In that case, please be our escort."

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