Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 433 - 194

Chapter 433 - 194

Riftan's gaze deepened, taking on a warm tenderness. Maxi always felt a special kind of joy when he looked at her like this, his eyes gentle and brimming with affection. It filled her with a different satisfaction than when they churned with fiery desire.

"Shall we share one more dance?" he asked, bringing her hand to his cheek.

Maxi cast a hesitant glance toward the banquet hall. The slow melody had just given way to a lively ballad. Despite her doubts about her dancing, she yearned to create at least one more special moment with her husband.

Stepping away from the balustrade where she leaned, she replied, "Only if you promise...to be gentle this time."

"But you like it when I'm rough," Rfitan teased with a grin.

Maxi glowered at him, her face flushing. "You will not get your dance unless you act like a gentleman."

Riftan chuckled. Though Maxi was enjoying their banter, she gave him a sullen look before starting toward the hall.

Riftan quickly wrapped his arms around her, saying soothingly, "Your wish is my command, my lady.

With that, he placed her arm on his and gallantly led her in. Maxi followed him to the dance floor, maintaining her mask of reluctance. However, the dance they anticipated did not happen.

They were just about to join the other couples when Elliot approached Riftan. "Commander, the king is looking for you."

Annoyance flickered across Riftan's face. He narrowed his eyes up at the gallery above, where only the guests of honor were seated. Then, with a sigh, he released Maxi's arm.

"Forgive me, but I must go."

Maxi hid her disappointment, saying lightly, "It can't be helped."

He leaned down to peck her cheek. "I shall be sure to make up for this another time."

After ordering Elliot to escort her, he strode away across the hall. Maxi's eyes followed him up the gallery staircase before leaving the dance floor with Elliot. Several attendees attempted to approach her, but Elliot deftly circumvented them as he led her back to the Remdragon Knights' table.

Settling into her seat, Maxi surveyed the banquet hall. In the distance, she spotted Sejuleu Aren talking to his liege. It seemed the Livadonian commander was thoroughly enjoying the night as one of the heroes of the campaign.

In contrast, Kuahel Leon sat at a table on one side of the hall, barely concealing his boredom while listening to a nobleman. Maxi watched someone approach him and whisper something in his ear. He left the hall moments later. If Riftan was right, the clergyman was likely working behind the scenes to help solidify the pope's position. Maxi suddenly felt a pang of pity for the man, freshly returned from war and already embroiled in politics.

But I suppose I'm not in a situation to worry about others.

Trying to ignore the many curious eyes on her, Maxi raised her goblet to her lips. Though the knights formed a protective blockade around her, the weight of constant attention was still draining.

"You seem tired, my lady," Elliot observed with concern. "Allow me to escort you back to your chamber."

Reluctantly, Maxi rose to her feet. She feared if she stayed until Riftan came back, she would have to hide her face in one of the plates of food.

Maxi excused herself and collected her robe. Ulyseon and Garrow volunteered to escort her, but the circle of infatuated young ladies around them refused to let them go.

With a teasing smile at the flustered young knights, Maxi left the banquet hall with Elliot. Unfortunately, that evening marked the last romantic moment she would share with her husband for some time. In the days that followed, Riftan was occupied with multiple daytime gatherings and evening events, including those hosted by the pope.

While invitations were extended to her as well, she politely declined. Many were eager to learn more about the golem rune, and she feared any misstep could spark hostility or censure. Ruth also advised her to refrain from attending social gatherings as much as possible.

"Many have this ludicrous fantasy of you, which makes them less afraid of the golem rune. I'd suggest minimizing social interactions as much as possible to preserve this aura of mystery."

Maxi glowered at the sorcerer, who was engrossed in jotting notes. While she knew the rumors about her were wildly exaggerated, the description of them as "ludicrous fantasies" was nonetheless disheartening.

"Are you suggesting I shut myself away so people will not find out what I am really like?" Maxi asked sullenly.

"I don't see how you came to that conclusion, my lady," Ruth replied, unfazed. "People have the tendency to romanticize characters from stories. The moment you fall short of their expectation, they'll turn against you. But if you maintain a low profile, you will be seen as humble, and they'll likely idolize you even more."

He set his quill down, regarding her with a sage look.

"Your safety hinges less on the agreement between the Mage Tower and the pope and more on your popularity with the public. The more saintly you are perceived, the safer you will be."

Maxi felt a dryness in her throat as she was reminded again of her precarious situation. Resolved to follow Ruth's advice, she committed to appearing harmless and humble.

"I understand. I shall do my best to be cautious."

Satisfied by her answer, Ruth picked up his quill and resumed writing in the ancient tongue with his elegant penmanship. Maxi peeked at his work and saw that he was organizing the information the Mages had gathered about the dragonians. Not wishing to disturb him further, she rose to her feet.

She stepped out of the study and into the sun-drenched cloister. She had thought to find company with Sidina and Anette, but they were outside sightseeing and not likely to return soon.

In the end, Maxi returned to her room. She was just about to open a collection of folktales to idle away the time when a knock came at the door. Thinking that Riftan had snuck out of the hall to see her, she opened it with a broad smile, only to freeze in shock. Standing before her was the last person she expected.


Her sister, who seemed to have grown even more beautiful in the past few years, looked down at her with a haughty expression. "It is Your Highness now."

Recovering from her surprise, Maxi flinched and took a step back. She executed a stiff curtsey. "Your Highness."

"You still can't take a joke," Rosetta said, sighing. She directed the four knights and two ladies-in-waiting behind her with a curt nod. "You will wait here."

Then, without pausing for an invitation, she strode into Maxi's room. Maxi could only stare in flustered silence. Since joining Wedon's royal family, Rosetta looked more regal than ever. A beautiful diadem studded with pearls, sapphires, and rubies adorned her meticulously coiled flaxen hair. A necklace studded with countless diamonds graced her elegant neck, and her dress - made of velvet and silk - was intricately embroidered with the crest of the Houses of Croyso, Rosem, and Wedon.

It was as if her sister was flaunting her distinguished heritage, reminding everyone that she was the woman with the most prestigious lineage in the Roviden Continent.

Perching on the velvet chair by the window, Rosetta nodded to the seat across from her. "Do sit down."

Maxi sighed before closing the door behind her. Settling into the spare chair, she asked, "When did you...get here?"

"Today. The pope extended an invitation, saying he wished to bless my son personally."

"I did hear you had become a mother," Maxi said awkwardly. "I know it is late, but...congratulations."

She nervously shifted her eyes under Rosetta's scrutiny. She could not fathom the reason for her sister's unexpected visit.

Finally, Rosetta broke the prolonged silence. " I have heard news of you as well. Your achievements are quite remarkable."

Unsure of how to respond, Maxi offered a noncommittal smile.

Rosetta eyed Maxi, her gaze filled with curiosity, before she said abruptly, "You have indeed changed, as you promised."

It took a moment for Maxi to recall their last conversation. The events of that day felt like a distant memory. Her current self was a completely different person from back then, no longer powerless. She would never again succumb to abuse or tyranny again.

"I have," Maxi said firmly.

Rosetta finally tore her eyes away to look out the window. "I've been informed of your plans to affirm your claim to Father's estate," she said, her voice emotionless. "Some vassals are willing to support you, depending on the circumstances. Is it the land you want?"

Maxi stiffened. "Did you come here to ascertain my intentions?"

"I need to understand your plans to decide how I am to proceed," Rosetta replied with a shrug of her slender shoulders. "Father wants me to give birth to a son who will inherit the Croyso name, along with everything else. It's an arrangement that will benefit the royal family, too. A prince ruling the duchy would strengthen the unity of the kingdom. His majesty thus awaits a second grandson whom he can immediately grant the duchy. However, your claim could complicate things." Rosetta's tone was matter-of-fact as if discussing the weather. "Your husband wields great power in the South; he could quite easily influence the royal tribunal. Should you bring the matter to court, you stand a chance of winning a significant portion of the estate."

Maxi stared at her sister. It almost sounded as if Rosetta wanted her to do just that. Was she urging Maxi to step in and derail their father's long-cherished ambitions?

Then, a realization came to her - much like herself, Rosetta might still feel the old constraints of their father's noose. A festering anger shadowed her sister's beautiful eyes. Maxi knew that sentiment all too well, except she had already freed herself from the Duke of Croyso's haunting legacy.

She knew her answer.

A dying old man's hatred and ambitions were nothing compared to the challenges she had already faced. She had no desire to waste her precious life engaging in a bitter inheritance dispute just to upset the contemptible aspirations of someone not long for this world.

"I have no interest in inheriting the duchy."

Maxi's answer caused a subtle ripple of emotion in her sister's eyes. Smiling softly, she added, "Everything I desire is in Anatol."

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