Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 763 Lith Awakens Abilities

Chapter 763 Lith Awakens Abilities

Lith was a hundred years old already.

Time had passed so quickly.

To Lilith, it felt as if it was just yesterday that she gave him birth, then did his first feeding session, and went out in the Merchant district to have him roam around.

She had watched every second of his life and was proud to see him come this far.

Although this was just the very beginning, her baby had grown quite a lot in these hundred years, both physically and mentally.

Things would start to get difficult from here onwards and although she wished that he wouldn't do something like Lucy, she knew in her heart that it was inevitable.

Just like how Lucy had ventured out to pursue strength and faced many near-death situations, Lith was sure to do it as well.

She hated to see her children suffer, but knew that it's just the natural course of life.

If Lith and Lucy both stayed cooped up in the castle, they won't grow or have fun whatsoever.

Lilith knew it very well. She too was in their shoes at some point in her life.

For half a million years, she had roamed the world and adventured to many places along with her friends.

It was only in the past ten thousand years did she decide to settle down and only in the last thousand years did she truly settle down and didn't move from Nightingale.

She had found her peace, she had found her comfort, she had found her essence of life, and it was only then did she settle down.

Once her children find these things as well, maybe then they would not have anymore suffering.

In any case, it took her half a million years, so that was probably the bare minimum she was expecting her children to spend in their adventures.

All she wanted now was to see them enjoy their journey and not get hurt. The latter part couldn't be helped but the former for sure could.

Hence, it was time to awaken their dormant abilities within the two of her children.

The abilities couldn't be awakened without a strong stimulus.

Her baby had been sleeping for almost eight decades and didn't go out much. It was not a surprise to see that he hadn't awakened much of his abilities yet.

Lilith was now helping him do so.

There was an ability that was really needed, now that he was a hundred years old.

"Don't move." Lilith said softly as she peered into Lith's amethyst eyes.

No matter how many times she saw these gem-like amethyst eyes of her son and the velvety silver hair, she would always feel warm in her heart.

The closeness she felt by these two things was unmatchable. Sure there were blood bonds and other stuff, but such glaring things like eyes and hair, it was a big proof of him being born from her.

Nevertheless, she could stare at it later as well. Now was the time to awaken a few abilities within Lith.

Being in the same cowgirl position and peering into his eyes, Lilith softly said a few words that Lith wasn't able to grasp.

Pretty soon, on her amethyst eyes appeared red ancient letters and they started revolving.

Lith felt himself get sucked into her eyes, but in the next few instants, his vision dimmed and he then heard:


[Host has awakened the ability 'Paradigm Perception'!]

[Host has awakened the ability 'Destiny Seer'!]

[Host has awakened the ability 'Psyche Puppetry'!]

[Host has awakened the ability 'Return'!]

These notifications popped up in Lith's mind one by one as he was starting to lose consciousness.

However, this sensation fades after a while and a healthy glow appeared on Lith's face, followed by his vision being clear.

He could now see inscriptions in front of him, the same as the one in his mother's eyes.

As he tried to comprehend them, a sharp pain followed in his head, making him close his eyes.

"Fufufu… they're new things, baby. Don't force yourself."

His mother's gentle voice rang in his ears.

"If I open my eyes now, I'll see the inscriptions again, yes?" Lith asked.

"No. They're gone." Lilith answered softly.

Opening his eyes, the inscriptions were indeed gone and only his mother's beautiful face was in his vision.

"What was that?" Lith couldn't help but ask.

Slowly starting to ride him, Lilith explained, "they're the dormant abilities within you, mama just awakened them."

"What?" Lith was confused. "I have dormant abilities?"

"Obviously, silly." Lilith said playfully. "Who do you think your mama is?"

Well, these words didn't make sense to Lith. But as pondered over them, he remembered learning something that said that parents could pass on their abilities to their children.

Wondering if it was that, he looked at his mother, who simply nodded in response, as if knowing what he was about to ask.

"The abilities you got are hereditary ones. There's many types to it. One such being hereditary in which the abilities of a parent are passed onto a child and both the people can have it. There's also…"

Abilities were something rare. Not many had those. And the ones that did have it, they monopolized it to keep their lineage safe or the most strong ones.

Just like Hereditary abilities, there were Generational abilities. Meaning a generation could pass on their ability to their successors.

The parents would lose the ability, but the child would have a bright future due to it.

These types of abilities couldn't be controlled and had a hundred percent possibility of passing down. This thus made many people who possessed it to not want to have children.

There's a small clan in the Beast Kingdom which is the Mantis Tribe who possesses such an ability.

These humanoid Mantises, only the females, die the moment they lay eggs.

The Generational ability acts as a boon for these type of creatures as the child is bound to lead a good life with such an ability.

The Mantis Tribe is probably the smallest in the entire Beast Kingdom as the males are killed by the females after the female feels she's pregnant and females die after birth.

This situation is due to an ancient curse.

In the ancient era, in the mantis population, since females could conceive and bring in lots of successors, they were revered.

They abused this reverence by killing the males and thinking they were superior. This was true as the males were indeed comparatively weaker, but killing was just cruel.

It was due to this that at one point of time, a male cursed the female mantis that she would die after giving birth.

The curse came into effect and females started dying one by one. This caused them to seethe with rage and one female cursed the male mantises that no matter what happens, they'll always die after making the female pregnant.

Hence, the curse of the two sides continued on and now the Mantis Tribe was just a miserable tribe that was barely hanging on.

Nobody was happy there and with each year, they were thinking of not having babies anymore and were on a sharp decline.

On the bright side though, the Generational ability worked wonders for them.

The next type was bloodline ability. Any person, it matters not who, if they possessed even a slight amount of blood of a person with this type of ability, they would automatically have it.

However, there was a catch to it. It was that the ability's power would totally be dependent on the amount of blood purity of a person.

One such major family in the world that possessed a blood ability like this was someone Lith knew of.

The Asmodeus Family.

There was a blood ability related to scent. In that, the more pure was the Lust Demon bloodline, the stronger their scent would be.

This scent was a natural part of their body that attracted people weaker than them. It didn't matter age, race, or gender.

Of course, the ones with the least purity could attract none while the ones with the most purity could choose on who they wanted to attract.

Ralph was a living chick magnet with such an ability. He could attract all the young girls in the world if he let his scent run free.

Another category of abilities were Bonded abilities.

As the name suggested, one being bonded to another can use the ability. The simplest example of that is the Vampire Blood Bond.

Once a virgin vampire has intercourse with another, they would share a blood bond.

Lith has it with his mother and sister, he has it with his wives and few maids, and this thing is available for even the lowest of low classes of vampires.

There were many more abilities but…

"Stop, stop, mom." Lith answered. "You can explain more of this to me later. Let me first eat my meal."

Lilith laughed softly. "Sure, sure, let's continue then."

And then they began with their obscene acts once again…

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