Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 772  Catgirls Are Bad

Chapter 772  Catgirls Are Bad

Keith was very unhappy while being on Lith's lap. She didn't like this and if it weren't for the fact that she couldn't kill him, she would've already cut him down.

All men were scums. Not only men, everyone was a scum. She hated each and every single person in this accursed world. Except for her daughter of course.

Everyone had selfish reasons and not a single soul was good enough. Even the Devil that made her reincarnate. At first she thought maybe he was nice, but the more she matured, the more she realized he was going to use her in the future.

There was no free lunch in this world afterall.

Keith didn't believe in Lith either. She knew he had some selfish motives as well. What they were, it wasn't discernible yet, but she was sure of finding it out soon.

For now, she could do nothing but give her report while being on this hateful guy's lap.

Lith did nothing to her other than have his arms wrapped around her abdomen and listen to the reports.

Once the reports were handed out, Lith nodded and said, "things are going as planned."

He then turned to Luna and asked, "Give me the details on who's most likely to become a Supreme Rank soon, Luna."

Luna nodded her head and presented a tablet to Lith. "Here, Your Highness."

Lith didn't take it and instead said, "hold it for me, Keith."

Keith could do nothing but obey.

While she held the tablet, Lith swiped on the screen and checked the people who were expected to be a Supreme Rank soon.

A surprised look appeared on his face and he said, "Damn. So many?"

"Due to the sudden rise in elemental energy, followed by the opening of portals and dungeons everywhere, people's attainment has seen a significant jump. Not only that, they've also broken through their bottlenecks and as His Highness can see, that's the result." Luna explained.

Lith was really amused. The list of people about to become a Supreme Rank consisted of around twenty people from around the world.

One of them being the infamous Yamamoto Sakaguchi, the ruler of the Beaskins.

"It seems the Beastkins will become a main race, yes?" Lith asked.

"Yes." Luna answered.

"Interesting." Lith smiled. He looked up at Luna and asked, "do you want some catgirls as your subordinates?"

Keith and Fanny frowned at such a question while Fei thought it was nothing inappropriate.

Luna knew what her Prince meant when asking that. He was teasing her, but well, Luna had to be in character and act like a professional because there were other maids in this place.

She simply answered in a neutral tone, "if His Highness feels the need for more maids, I have no objections to it."

Luna wasn't in the mood to joke, it seems, thought Lith from her answer.

Still, he didn't give up on this conversation. He had to keep his perverted prince's act in front of Keith and Fanny.

"Think about it though. Catgirls have cute ears on their heads, then there's their fluffy tails and… hehe…"

From that pause, Lith meant nothing, but Keith and Fanny's mind began filling the gaps on its own and they couldn't help but think of how perverted Lith was.

Lith's image in their mind was going down the abyss faster than even light itself.

Luna, hearing that comment, replied flatly, "Your Highness, I think you're having a wrong understanding of the catgirls from the Beast Kingdom. They actually aren't all that good because you know…"

Luna began explaining why catgirls were bad.

Firstly, most of the Cat Tribe population had quite a bit of hair on their bodies. Secondly, their nails were sharp, it wasn't cute at all since one could get scratched easily.

Most of the population were on the furrier side, meaning most had lots of hair, paws instead of hands, head of a cat rather than a human, and so on.

The ones that were not this furry, they usually had some flaws too.

For example, most of the catgirls would lick themselves, their masters, and even the ones close to them out of habit. Such things weren't easy to let go of.

They were also easily distracted. Their attention span was worse than a damn dead fish.

At this point, Lith interrupted and said, "but a dead fish can't pay any attention..."

"Exactly, Your Highness."


Luna then continued on with her explanation, stating that if Lith were to have a catgirl servicing him, say, giving a shoulder massage, and he accidentally were to throw something shiny or fluffy, the catgirl would simply jump to grab it.

They weren't good maids.

The catgirls that were in the touristy places of the Beast Kingdoms and shown on social media, were the best of the best. Plus, their full personality wasn't shown, hence most didn't know about these facts.

Not to mention—

"Stop, stop, Luna." Lith had to throw the towel otherwise Luna would just go on and on listing the bad things.

"I don't want the image of catgirls falling in my head. I wanna picture them being cute, so stop ruining it." Lith said and stopped the conversation.

"Anyway, show me the hidden Supreme Ranks in the world." Lith decided to be serious now.

Luna nodded and took the table to show the things to Lith.

While she took the tablet, Lith said, hugging Keith tighter, "Keith, stop scooting away slowly, I can feel it. Come closer and keep your Master warm."

Keith froze hearing that. 'He caught it!'

But then her expression turned into that of disgust thinking that of course he caught it. A perverted guy was sensitive to the touch of ladies. If she scooted away, he was sure to catch onto it quickly.

It was Keith's fault for underestimating how bad Lith was.

Unwillingly, she scooted back and glued her back to Lith's front.

As she came back, Lith did an exaggerated sniffing expression, sending shivers down Keith's spine.

"Nice scent, my maid."

'ARGH!' Keith was really annoyed and creeped out by this. She really wanted to beat up Lith for such an audacity.

How long had it been since some man had touched her? Millions of years!

Millions of years of slaughtering men and she eventually fell into the hands of a man once again. Fate was such a bitch!

Luna handed the tablet back at this point, interrupting Keith's curses.

Keith held it once again and Lith checked the things.

The things he saw on the screen made him raise an eyebrow in surprise.

Keith too shared a similar reaction now, forgetting the bad things that happened to her.

"We have such detailed information?" Lith couldn't help but ask.

Keith was surprised by this very fact as well.

The info of a damn Demigod was this much? Just what in the world was this clan that could strip someone's very being to the core and collect such boundless information?

Not only were there details of their birth written; how, when, and where they became Supreme Ranks was also mentioned in great detail.

Where this person was, what their weakness was, what bottleneck they were suffering from and what their ambitions were was also mentioned.

Lith was honestly really amused while Keith was starting to feel despair.

Sure she was a strong God at her peak, but even then she didn't have the resources to have such an amazing information network to collect intel on Demigods.

Keith was starting to feel that there was no escape from this place and was despairing hard.

However, her thoughts and her emotions on this… they weren't in sync.

Keith's emotions weren't depressive even though her thoughts were.

The warmth she experienced in the last two days, it was nowhere close to any of the most relaxed days from before.

Keith was always involved in some or the other thing and couldn't truly relax. There was no shelter in the world to truly make her feel safe.

However, that was before and now was different.

She actually found this place as a safe shelter and it was due to this that her emotions didn't match her thoughts.

Though, it was also a sure thing that she would be killed if she were to run away.

'Sigh… stop…' Keith thought to herself.

It wasn't good to think of something that wasn't in your control. She was bound by a contract for the coming ten thousand years so it was useless to think of escaping as of now.

Oblivious to Keith's thoughts, an interested look was on Lith's face.

While looking at a certain burly man on the tablet screen, he thought, 'Ilyas… Elven Continent… interesting…'

Lith took out a notepad from his ring and wrote a few things on it.

Then, looking at Luna, Lith said, "ask Bella to clear her schedule. I need her with me. Also summon Arbour from the CNC, we'll be leaving for the Elven Continent in a bit."

Luna bowed and left, while Lith prepared a few things before his departure.


A/N: Hey everyone, it makes me really happy to tell you guys that Lilith is in the top 16 best female characters on the ReadNovelFull platform!

The character voting is going on currently and Lilith is in the quarter finals.

Please vote for her and let's get our favourite vampire mommy to the number one spot!


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