Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 800  Unreasonable Things

Chapter 800  Unreasonable Things

Three days passed.

The situation in the Raguel Kingdom worsened. Previously the disasters they had been struck with seemed man-made, but now they were hit with natural disasters.

It would make sense if it was once or twice, but such wasn't the case. The kingdom suffered through a minimum of three disasters per day in the last two days and on the third day, that is, the present day, the kingdom was suffering through the fifth disaster of the day.

A volcano that had been dormant for so long near a town had erupted suddenly. The residents didn't even get a chance to evacuate and many died, making the death toll cross the one hundred thousand mark.

The ruler of this kingdom, her name Ino, was anxiously pacing back and forth in her room and mumbling some useless things.

Lith was sitting right on her bed and watching her. He was yawning as he felt bored, but he had to go through this for the sake of training.

Lith was aware of the fact that they weren't natural disasters and the same was the case with Ino.

She had gone from being passive to active in her strategies and was in search of the troublemaker. So far, she found no one and her men kept dying.

Lith was amused by this and after further stalking, found out that she wasn't even a newbie or an imposter, she was actually a regent.

What was the backstory to it and who was the actual ruler, Lith was yet to find that out. He was in her bedroom to find just that.

This woman was so stupid that she consistently kept talking to herself. She didn't realize that even walls had ears and one shouldn't speak so carelessly.

"Did I incur a curse?" Ino said while pacing around.

'There she goes…' thought Lith. She literally gave out every piece of information and Lith didn't even need to search around.

Ino's pacing fastened as she realized she may have incurred a curse.

But, how did she incur a curse?

Lith didn't even need to think about it as she literally answered it herself a few seconds later, by stating:

"I shouldn't have killed that child… I shouldn't have…"

'She killed a child? That's bad,' thought Lith.

From his experience, killing a child was not a good thing as one may experience severe guilt and develop a trauma when remembering that they killed a child.

In power struggles, such developments were quite common and Lith felt nothing from it. Yes, it was morally bad to kill a child, but at the end of the day, this was a hardcore world where power ruled.

Lith's opinion on children was a bit twisted. He did have the feelings of protecting and caring for innocent children, just like what happened in Keith's case, but he didn't feel even an ounce of sympathy for unknown spoiled brats.

An example of this would be what he had done in the werewolf continent with the kid in his dreams that treated him like a slave.

Lith was past the point of thinking like a human anymore and had succumbed to his vampire self. His mental barriers were degrading day by day and very little humanity was left within him.

Though, children were the future of a society and they had to be protected for its own betterment.

They say one can't teach an old dog new tricks and in the same manner, old cultivators just can't run the world and protect itself from external threats.

Fresh blood was needed every year to keep things running and with ambitious youngsters came ambitious and creative thoughts that could help the world be in an overall better shape and prowess.

It was exactly due to this that there were so many academies and sects. Many were free too as long as one passed their examinations.

Lith wondered why this woman had to scheme to kill a child if she was his caretaker herself.

A regent was someone trusted by the rulers and there shouldn't be any reasons for her to not act as a babysitter for the rulers' child.

While being a babysitter, it would be so easy to kill the heir and take the throne herself. Then why? Why did she scheme?

Lith looked at Ino and waited for an answer, but it seemed Ino didn't have the right thoughts in her mind to speak on this topic.

It was a waste of time to observe her further and thus Lith ventured out to find out who may be the heir and whether this place was really cursed or not.

To find clues to this mystery, he went to the volcano site and looked around. The heat of a mere volcano can't melt an immortal like him and he searched around it.

After hours of digging around, he finally found something noteworthy.

As expected, the eruption wasn't natural and someone had intentionally done it. There were traces of some spell being casted in the inner parts of the volcano and by following through it, Lith was able to find out that it was from some Rank 6 or 7 Fire Path expert.

Lith went around in search of the said expert and it took him four days to find this person out.

In these past four days, the natural disasters had almost stopped occurring. It was because Ino's men were everywhere and the troublemaker was probably not able to find the right time and place to cause chaos.

While the troublemaker hid, Lith reached the Fire Path expert. It was a local old man and after hypnotizing him and looking through his memories, Lith found a short guy completely covered from head to toe in a dark cloak was the troublemaker behind this.

Such a person was hard to find since it could be just anyone. Lith thus hit a wall as the clues came to an end.

He went back to Ino's palace and began stalking her again to find out more about this stuff.

While stalking her, Ino was not handing out much information. So Lith did what any sane person would do—hypnotized her.

He was about to go through her memories just like how he did with the Fire Path expert, but right then…

The space around Lith's feet fluctuated and in an instant, a dark vortex manifested below and sucked Lith in it.

Lith was surprised by this development and darkness flooded his vision for a second and then he saw himself standing in a serene courtyard filled with beautiful trees and the bright open sky.

"So nephew Lith…"

His aunt's calm voice rang in Lith's ears and turning around, he saw the purple-haired beauty sitting on a bench and staring at him while holding some slim book in her hand.

"I think you summoned me a bit early, aunt," said Lith while walking towards Mayzin.

Mayzin shook her head and said, "I summoned you at the right time. Anyway, let's see how good your comprehension and observational skills are."

Lith nodded and went to sit beside his aunt.

Mayzin turned to him and firstly asked, "Who were the pursuers you met at the start?"

This was an easy question, thought Lith, and was about to answer, when…

'Huh?' Lith was taken aback. 'The pursuers?'

Thoughts were faster than the speed of light and as Lith remembered the instance where he had first seen the pursuers, he realized that he didn't have any idea about them.

At the start, Lith thought that the child called Alvin was the person he had to look after, but as his aunt asked the question, he realised he had completely ignored the people who were after him.

Still, he could deduce a few things and after a bit of thinking, answered, "Were they the men of Ino? The Raguel Family's guards?"

Mayzin rolled her eyes at Lith's reply. She folded the slim book in her hand and hit Lith's head with it.

She then pointed it at the grass beside her and said, "Thirty push-ups, now!"



Mayzin hit his head again. "Fifty push-ups!"

'Damn…' thought Lith and wondered why did his aunt become so unreasonable so suddenly.

He didn't speak further and went to do the push-ups.

As he took the position of a push-up and was about to do it, he felt something soft on his back, but then felt a shit ton of weight press him down all over!

'Fuck!' Cursed Lith internally as he used all his strength to keep himself from falling flat on the ground.

Lith's arm muscles bulged as he used his strength and they tore apart his shirt's sleeves. Veins could be seen popping up one after another and he struggled to keep himself up.

"Are you finding this unreasonable and stupid, nephew?" Mayzin's voice rang in Lith's ears.

Lith didn't have the energy to answer her as she sat on his back and put pressure on him.

He had to do the punishment push-ups and his entire focus was on it.

Mayzin let out a knowing smile and answered, "Remember one thing, nephew. There are no unreasonable things. It is simply your own self that finds things uninteresting and loses interest, thereby thinking that it is unreasonable."

Mayzin began lecturing Lith while he did some push-ups.

"At the start when…"

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