Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 813 Turmoil In The World

Chapter 813 Turmoil In The World

Without any exceptions or irregularities, Vanessa was tamed and Lith got himself an Array Master.

It may seem easy, but it really wasn't.

Vanessa would not even glance at a person who wasn't handsome, let alone give them an audience.

Lith only got to meet her because the bartender had mentioned beforehand that Lith was extremely attractive.

Looks were the most important criteria, but if one didn't have the balls to overpower Vanessa, then they were doomed and destined to become here fuck toy for life.

There probably was no one other than Lith who had the ability to bring with him a Supreme Rank and then act like a haughty and dominant person, not leaving Vanessa any room to breathe.

From looks to strength, Lith had it all, and it was due to this that it seemed really easy. The average folks could not stand a chance even if they tried their whole life. Some things just weren't meant for them.

As the work in the club was done with Lith easily turning Vanessa into his bitch, he left the place with Fei and went back to the castle.

Vanessa was given the work she needed to do and was also made to sign a contract in which she would work for Lith and not betray him. In return, she would get the pleasures she so very much craved for.

After reaching the castle, Lith went to work instead of relaxing.

He called out Luna and began looking through the things happening in the world.

Usually, barely anything would happen in the world in even a hundred years and everything would be the same. But in recent years, a lot of little changes could be seen and it was not the same as before.

For instance, the Werewolf Continent seemed to be in turmoil as the people broke away from the King's pack.

Such a thing usually never occurs unless one deems the King unfit to be the leader of their pack. Werewolves literally worked like a pack of wolves and with the people breaking away, it was a big blow to the King's face.

Lots and lots of investigations were going on regarding why people were trying to break away. No output had come out so far, but the King was looking into it.

Next, in the Neutral Continent, a local guild was rising to become one of the world's leading guilds. It had great potential and for some reason, they never got oppressed by other big guilds.

It was a strange thing, but this went on to show that this local guild, called the Jingmei Guild, had the potential to become one of the world's leading ones.

In the Neutral Continent once again, sects were banding together to have a tournament and a student exchange. It was something normal, but in recent years, the sects have seemed to come a bit too close to each other.

Rumours stated that the sects were trying to form an alliance, but rumours were treated as rumours and people didn't pay much attention to this thing.

The Abalax World Academy present in the Neutral Continent was fully independent by now and was doing great. It was still looking after the welfare of its students and with each year, the graduates were just becoming better and better.

The staff in the academy was well trained and everything was well maintained. Even the most rogue students were tamed in that place and sent out as productive individuals of society.

Emilia was really doing a good job and the results were showing that. Lith was really proud of her and hoped that she continued to achieve greater things while also looking after her own health.

After the Neutral Continent was the Angel Continent, where barely any change had occurred.

Angels were chill and relaxed. Angel Kings followed their leader religiously and no particular problems had come up.

The King of Angels, the Heavenly Emperor Alex Paladin, was a great leader and since everyone believed in him and listened to him, the Angel Race had no particular friction internally.

The only thing they suffered was from Demons, but that too seemed to have lessened in the recent few years as there were problems in their race.

In the Demon Race, the seven sins had begun showing signs of friction and infighting was inevitable. They were all preparing for war against each other and were busy.

The Demon Queen had not commented on it, so the seven sins just thought that they weren't doing anything wrong and continued on with the preparation.

For the first time in many hundreds of thousands of years, the world had seen some actual peace with the demons not attacking anybody.

It was truly a historic moment and everybody made note of this period.

With the Demons away, the Humans were the most relieved of them all. They had one less race to be guarded against and could focus on other things.

Despite getting some time, they could barely focus on other things as internal fighting had begun. For who knows what reason, the top brass were fighting against each other and nobody was listening to the Ancestor's commands.

The Ancestor had lost a great deal of credibility when Lucifer attacked the very capital of the Human Race. The Ancestor had not retaliated and people had begun disliking him ever since.

Lith disliked this person as well and had plans to kill him, but that would have to wait for now as he had other important matters at hand.

Contrary to the chaotic Demon and Human Races, the Witch and the Dragon Races were peaceful like the Angel Race. They didn't have any sort of infighting and stuck to their real personalities.

Dragons loved to sleep while Witches loved to do business. Both the parties had no intention of conflicts and stayed out of the mess of others.

Just like them, the last remaining race, the Elven Race, it was peaceful as well.

The Elf Queen was doing a good job in managing the kingdom and there seemed to be no issues so far.

However, the same couldn't be said about the entirety of the Elven Continent.

The Beast, Orc, Goblin, and so on kingdoms nearby, they were having some sort of conflict going on between them.

The dispute was regarding the border they shared and it was a really old dispute that had just surfaced once again and made the three fight.

The fight was regarding a certain patch of area that was exactly in between the three kingdoms. This was an important piece of land as the density of all elemental energies was great in this place.

This meant that there could be mines or ponds or simply other elemental energy rich resources present. Such things were really and sought after as elemental energy in its pure physical form was not found so easily.

This small patch could make them all really rich and even help their leader ascend to become a Supreme Rank.

The Elves were supposedly keeping a watch on them and for now, things seemed to be fine.

The conflict was not too much and the elves weren't bothered, so they didn't take any action and just let them do what they wanted.

Lith was nodding at this thing as everything was happening according to his plans.

The turmoil in the Werewolf Continent was caused by Ruben. Lith had sent him there before his training period and by now, a good amount of work was done.

The turmoil in the Neutral Continent and other places was also due to him while the things in the Demon Continent were happening due to Noman.

Lith had asked Noman to move and he was doing a great job by making the seven sins fight together.

As for the Elven Continent, the dispute between the three races was caused by Ilyas. He was the one responsible for such a thing and was trying to rile everybody up to fight.

Nobody was annoyed to the level of fighting in that place, but that shouldn't be for long with Ilyas moving and doing his things.

All in all, everything was going just about right and the instigator of all this was no one else but Lith himself.

There were many assassinations happening around the world and a lot of influential and famous figures were dying one by one.

A great example of it being a pack member of Anderson Fenrir. That guy was an important lackey, but after he lost his life, his friends and family had lost their trust in their King and demanded to be left alone.

They took their babies and went to different cities to settle down.

It was disrespectful and something forbidden by the Werewolves, but as the King couldn't even do his own duties right, it was only natural they lost trust and left for a better life.

Things would be tough there without a King backing them, but this was a risk everyone was willing to take for a better life.

Whatever be the case, Lith was thoroughly satisfied with the results and just asked Luna to send another handful of instructions to others.

This needed to be regulated so that it didn't go out of hand. This was controlled chaos and for now, the best option in Lith's hands.

Once Lith was finished with the update, he then went on to do other important things.

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