Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 838 A Month In This New World

Chapter 838 A Month In This New World

Joselyn was made to hug the Kuroi and Lith was right behind her, hugging and touching her.

Joselyn was supposed to replicate everything and the soft touches soon turned into a finger session.

Lith had asked Milia beforehand to get Joselyn's nethers be cleaned of the remnant seeds of his. She was hence alright to touch and there was nothing disgusting in even eating her out, which Lith did later on.

Joselyn was really very surprised while feeling Lith's tongue on her and the same was the case with the Kuroi, who barely had any idea as to what was going on.

The others in the room were surprised as well, but got distracted soon by the shock of watching the Kuroi produce an unusual amount of milk.

The more the Kuroi was pleased, the more milk she released. It was that simple.

Women in this place were barely given any pleasure and after getting the touch, they became really sensitive and aroused.

In a matter of few minutes, Lith taught Joselyn on how to properly perform a cunnilingus and also gave her a taste of it.

Joselyn continued to eat the Kuroi out and after a solid ten minutes, the Kuroi passed out as she couldn't take it anymore.

She had produced almost four whole litres of milk in this twenty minute session and this was truly a shocking feat that nobody had ever achieved in the whole village.

Lith had done a ton of miracles in the short time he was here and the ladies didn't know how to respond with that.

Lith didn't need much anyway and making use of their shock, he got a few things done.

These were the high authorities of this village and had the final say in things.

Through them, Lith wanted to spread out the things he had planned and with that, he would be able to dominate the whole village.

The village was already half his with these elders being on his side. A few more pushes and he would be revered in this place.

Respect wasn't what Lith really wanted, rather, it was utter submission towards him for the greater good. He would be their commander and lead them towards greatness soon.

Lith's high intelligence made him understand that there was something wrong with this place. If such wasn't the case, a summoning would not be performed.

There were no coincidences and Lith had understood such a fact long ago.

The older he was growing, the shrewder he was becoming and such small schemes were nothing in comparison to the bigger picture he had in mind.

It had not even been half a day since Lith had stepped foot into this world, and yet he had already established a connection with a few influential people.

With these people in tow, Lith began executing his plans slowly and just like that, time continued to pass and without even knowing, it had been a month since Lith had arrived in this world.

A few glaring changes had happened in the village in the last one month.

The first and foremost was that the ladies were beginning to wear clothes that were covering up more skin of theirs.

They couldn't be made to wear full sized clothes from the get-go as it may seem weird and uncomfortable. Lith thus was taking it slow and gradually making everyone adapt to the changes.

The men of this world had their feel-good receptors in their brains totally fried up. They needed time to heal, rest, and recover.

Their stimulation levels had to be brought down from the high pedestal it currently lay at. Lith's plan was to bring it down to such a degree that just by looking at a woman's ankles, a man would jizz himself.

Josely, Milia, Tessa, and the rest of the council were working hard in bringing about the sudden reforms.

The villagers had no idea as to what exactly was happening for the council to do such a thing, but as the changes were small and didn't seem to disrupt their daily lives, they continued to ignore it.

Small steps everyday would eventually compound to a larger thing after a period of time. The changes wouldn't be visible now, but they surely would be there, and this sex village would soon turn into a normal village.

Apart from the clothing, the other thing Lith did was start his own Kuroi farm.

With the help of Joselyn, he ended up hiring a few less milk producing Kurois for cheap. There were also a few labourers he hired and after teaching them the ways to please the Kurois, ended up amassing some great wealth in a short time.

The milk of the aroused Kuroi was sweeter and the production was also high. Lith opened up a premium milk factory in his house's backyard and became famous in the village.

On the first day when Lith met Joselyn and the other elders and had narrated the story, they had suggested a few changes that would make Lith get accepted quickly by the other villagers.

The story Idina—one of the four elders Lith met on the first day—suggested that Lith wasn't found in the forest, but rather was a wanderer who now wanted to settle down.

Needless to say, it worked wonders and everybody flocked around Lith, wanting to know more about his adventures when he became famous.

Through the milk farm, a great deal of wealth had been amassed and Lith now lives at the periphery of the village, in a secluded residential complex with the four elders and Milia he found on the first day.

The milk farm was a few minutes away from his place and thus, Lith had complete privacy at his home.

A month in this new world had brought about changes within Lith as well on a physical and emotional level.

Physically, the fruits consumed in this place and the overall diet had brought about many changes within Lith.

His spiritual power was still sealed and so was his overall cultivation, however, Lith's physique was starting to grow stronger.

More analysis had to be done on this, but the fact that these fruits contained some special elements within it was hundred percent true.

The ladies here were mortals, but quite tight on the insides and would bring about a great squeeze. If a Half King like Lith could feel himself be crushed, then this just meant that the people here were strong in terms of strength.

To test this thing out further, Lith had ended up sparring with Milia, who was supposedly a warrior.

Milia, by no means, was suppressed by Lith. She was strong and brought along a nice challenge.

This proved that the people of this village were powerful and their prowess could be used in the future.

On an emotional level, Lith was feeling more connected with his family back at home. Their importance was being recognized further and Lith was also starting to understand as to what he could do to make his relationship with them even better.

Despite this being a sex village, Lith wasn't going around filling every hole he could see. He was a sophisticated noble, a literal royalty and such things didn't suit him.

With whom Lith had done things on the first day, he was continuing to do it with just them and no one else. Five people were enough and these five would eventually become his main subordinates that would manage everything in this world.

Even though Joselyn, Tessa, Idina, and Solina were council elders and high authorities, they were fully subservient to Lith by now. They listened to him completely and would do anything he asked them to do.

They were all married, Milia included, but leaving their husbands wasn't much of a problem to them.

There was barely any romance or intimacy and these people were just bound together to not feel lonely, that was about it.

Lith filled the void called loneliness and ditching their homes to live in his was the most sensible decision they had made in a while.

In the residential complex of Lith, at present there were only two buildings. One being the place where he and the five girls lived while the other was his cultivation room where only he would enter.

More rooms would be added soon such as a study and so on, but for now, these two were enough.

In the last thirty days, Lith just stayed in his house and gave orders to the ladies.

He taught them how to please the other ladies and asked them to teach this further to a select few people. These few people were the ones that would be sent out on further missions to do a few things.

At present, the trained people were being asked to practice on the Kurois and milk them. Their efforts weren't in vain as the Kurois were producing a good amount of milk every single day while also being really happy.

The complexion of the Kurois had turned rosy and they didn't seem drained, rather lively and happy while also producing sweeter and more milk.

This happy aura could be felt by others and behind closed doors, there were a few Kuroi farm owners who weren't happy with such a development.

These owners had decided to hold a joint meeting with the rest of the owners in the village and have a chat over what they could do.

Their business was suffering and if this continued on, they wouldn't be able to sustain their wealth.

It was night time and in the northern Kuroi farm, the secret meeting was being held.

Bonfire was lit up and around it were two men and women sitting on a wooden chair. Behind them were their servants standing with a few important documents in hand.

A bearded man with a skinny yet tall figure looked at the rest of the owners and said, "It is unusual for all of us to meet like this, but the matter which I'm about to shed light upon is of utmost importance that concerns the wellbeing of every farm owner."

The other man around the bonfire, a short and burly man with a trimmed beard, said, "Get to the point, Aolmond."

The skinny man, Aolmond, nodded his head and said, "Right, so it's like this…"

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