Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

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Chapter 102 – Mixed Feelings

On the square, a little further from the center of Bezart.

I am sitting on the bench, eating something that looks like grilled corn, looking up at the sky, and thinking.

“(Yes, this is also very sweet and delicious. I should probably give this to Felin.)”

As usual, I woke up to the sound of the church’s morning bell, and after breakfast at the inn, I wandered around town, having nothing urgent to do.

I stopped by the Hunters’ Guild, and Amanda-san told me that the drinking party was tonight, so I had nothing to do until then.

So I found a restaurant and thought I’d go in with Felin.

If I find some unusual food at a food stall, I’ll try to get Felin to eat it, too.

If there’s an unusual juice for sale, I wonder if Felin would be interested in drinking it.

All I’ve been thinking about since this morning is things like this.

“This is strange…am I flying into a world of some crazy love game?”

The question just slipped out of my mouth.

I’m not particularly insensitive… I think.

When you work in sales, you naturally become sensitive to the subtleties of the people around you.

I don’t think I’m good at it, but I had to be good at it to do my job, so I should have some ability.

Speaking from experience,

I can’t help but feel that Felin has feelings for me like a ‘love interest.’

Since they have feelings no different from humans, it wouldn’t be strange for the goddesses to have romantic feelings.

But… why did it come to this?

I can’t understand it at all.

I’ve only met Felin once, and that was in the divine realm, where only my soul was transported.

We’ve talked many times before and after through Divine Communication, but is that enough to make you fall in love?

Is there something behind it? A trap?

No, no, no… it’s not that.

It wouldn’t make sense for the Goddesses to set a honey trap themselves.

If there is, it would be the recruitment pattern that Yagov-san pointed out, where a country might set one up in the future if they found out I was from another world.

If that’s the case, it will be normal people who will try to trap me, not goddesses.

“(Oh no… what kind of face should I make when I meet Felin…?)”

I want to continue being normal, but I can’t help but hold my head in my hands in fear.

The goddesses were beings I never thought I would be able to reach.

They were the same kind of beings as idols, celebrities, or characters in anime.

Therefore, I could honestly say that they were beautiful or cute, and I wasn’t embarrassed to say those words.

However, when they become familiar, and I become strangely aware of them, I can’t say anything.

I’ve experienced this with the beautiful office workers at my workplace, where my communication disorder suddenly came out.

“(Well… I guess I’ll just have to stop thinking about it too much…)”

I don’t want to play a romantic game.

I don’t want to get killed by someone while flirting.

I don’t want to give in to unreasonable power.

So, I have to become strong.

And if this world is the soil in which I can become strong, then so be it,

I don’t know how far I can go with such a big handicap as not being able to get a job, but even so, if I work hard, I can definitely become stronger.


“(Loki-kun! Sorry about yesterday! I’m going to start the split unit now, so please take care of me!)”


I looked around and saw several kids playing.

“(This is bad! If she appears in a place like this, there’ll be a commotion!)”

I quickly stood up and, still holding the grilled corn, hurriedly walked to the shadow of a building where I wouldn’t be seen.

▽ ▼ ▽ ▼ ▽

“Wow, there are so many! Which one should I eat first?!”

As soon as she arrived, Felin showed interest in the grilled corn I was holding and asked if she could try some of the other food.

So I bought it.

I bought a lot of it.

I bought all the food I could find at the stalls.

And now I’m back in the square arranging it all.

“You can eat whatever you want. By the way, the grilled corn I ate earlier was sweeter and tastier than the kind on Earth.”

“Wow, it’s tastier than the kind on Earth? As a goddess, I’m kind of proud of that!”

Felin, who said that and smiled at me, didn’t have the shadow of the feeling of desperation that had surrounded her yesterday.

On the contrary, she was so radiant that I couldn’t look her in the eye.

“I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

“Haha… I’m really sorry for showing you such an embarrassing sight yesterday.”

“Yeah, well… I guess it was a hard story for you goddesses to take in.”

“I’ve been thinking about it on my own ever since. I think I’m going to see the world for myself this time. Thinking about it that way, I can’t just sit around and worry about it.”

“Huh? Is that okay?”

“Isn’t it too late now that I’ve sent the split entity down to the lower world?”

“U-um… if you put it that way… I guess so.”

“So far, we’ve just thought of ourselves as running this world. We’ve just been looking at it from above in a vague way, so we don’t even know what the results of our own actions are. Then I’ll check it out for myself! That way, I might be able to find other transmigrators besides Loki-kun, and I should also be able to find out more about the food situation in this country!”

What she’s saying is certainly not wrong.

If you take measures to break the current situation, it’s useless if you don’t check the progress and results.

The result of the goddesses neglecting to do this, or rather being bound by the rules of the gods, has led to the current situation that Yagov-san is concerned about.

If they had realized this earlier, they might have been able to limit the damage, and there’s a possibility that they would have taken measures to solve the problem themselves, just like I felt.

But… as I say, the Goddesses…

It might be natural for them to have spent their lives in such a small world with only six of them, but I wonder if they can travel?

“(Don’t tell me… they’re not going to follow me around forever, are they?)”

“Don’t worry, I won’t get in your way, Loki-kun! Even if I follow you around all the time, I’m sure you’ll just find me annoying, since I’m just a split entity with only the Divine Eye!”

“Uh… ah…”

“We don’t need to eat or sleep. We’re just a split entity, so even if something happens, we’ll be fine. If we take the split entity out and put it back in at each destination, we can move around without relying on Loki-kun! And I’m strong even as a split entity! You see? We’ll be fine, right?”

“Yeah… it seems like you’ll be fine…”

…What is this complicated feeling?

On the one hand, I feel relieved, but on the other hand, I’m starting to worry, no matter how much she says she’s fine.

“I can’t keep relying on Loki-kun! If I don’t want this world to end, I have to try my best!”

You’re already working hard enough.

I stopped myself from saying those words.

Felin is trying even harder than before.

I think it will be good for the world, and from what I’ve heard, it seems to be.

Then I’ll give her my full support.

If she has any problems, I’ll give her as much advice as I can.

“So, next time, Liste said she’ll come down, but until then, I’ll ask you to keep me company, Loki-kun!”

“I see… I understand. I already have an idea of where to go, so you’d better be prepared! Oh, but I can’t tonight because I have a drinking party.”

“A drinking party…? Could it be alcohol?”

I think to myself as I watch Felin in the corner of the square, gobbling up this and that with a look of delight on her face, like a child who has come to play in the hot sunshine at a festival.

I don’t know how long it will take.

But one day, when I feel that I have become strong enough to satisfy myself, and when I have such a cute girlfriend…

It might be good to work hard with that goal in mind.

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