Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

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Chapter 101 – The Reality of Reincarnated People

I couldn’t help but scratch my head.

As expected, she was reading my mind, and the “it’s a lie” excuse wouldn’t get through.

I thought about the possibility of Mind Reading and tried not to think too deeply about it as much as possible…

I got caught up in Felin’s thoughts and did what I always do.


“Well, I don’t know if it’s a lie. It’s just the information I heard. So I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

In the end, I had no choice but to say that.

I don’t even know if it’s true or not.

“I see…”

“You don’t have to think about it so deeply now. People are often jealous of those who have abilities they don’t have. So…”

“But wars happen very often these days. People die a lot…”

“…You mean in the last five years or so?”


Is this in line with Yagov-san’s information?

If so, what should I do about it…?

Now that it has been revealed, there is little point in withholding information unnecessarily.

On the other hand, it could be a positive thing to match Felin’s knowledge.

However, it would be premature to spread the information to all goddesses.

Especially if Ria and others find out, you never know what they might do…


“Felin. Can you keep what I’m about to say a secret from the other goddesses?”

“If you’re asking me if I can or can’t, I can, but… is that such a terrible thing to say?”

Hey, don’t look like you’re going to cry.

I’m so tempted to be protective and hug you in spite of this situation.

“I don’t know if it’s terrible or not; I’ve only been in this world for a few months.”


“But if you tell the other goddesses about it, there’s a chance that Ria will get ahead of herself, right? We don’t even know if it’s true yet.”

“I can kind of see that.”

“Anyway, I’m planning on going to a lot of different cities and countries, so I thought I’d tell you about it when I’m sure it’s true on the way.”


“So, if you don’t mind if it’s true or not, I can only tell Felin about it. What do you say?”

Felin replied, looking a little thoughtful.

“Yes… yes. I understand… Let me hear it!”

I guess it can’t be helped if she answers like that while staring at me with eyes that look as if she’s prepared.


I took a deep breath and then told Felin what Yagov-san had told me.

▽ ▼ ▽ ▼ ▽

“In other words, by inviting the reincarnated people, there are also a lot of people who are suffering, right?”

“That’s what it looks like from what I’ve heard.”

“The four people who openly declared that they were reincarnated…”

I’m sure this was a difficult conversation for Felin.

Normally, this kind of thing should be discussed first with Alicia-sama, who is in the leading position, or with Liste-sama, who seems to be able to judge things calmly and dispassionately.

This was probably not the kind of thing that would suit Felin, who was always cheerful and optimistic, for better or for worse.

But she wanted to hear it.

Then I’ll give her as much information as I can.

With that in mind, I take out my notebook.

I’ve already written down in detail what I heard from Yagov-san, so if I give her specific names, it might trigger something in Felin’s knowledge.

“From what I heard, there were three of them, or maybe two? One of them seemed to be protecting the beastmen, and the other just seemed to be dealing with people who were picking fights with them. So, just from the information I have, there are two reincarnated people; one is someone named Shiva in the Velfrea Empire who’s running around with his power. And the other one is a reincarnated person named Marie from the Albert Kingdom who’s making a killing with teleportation and stuff like that, so they’re the ones to watch out for.”

“Hmm, I don’t think there were any reincarnated people with those names…”

“Well, of course, they were born in this world, so it’s possible that they use different names, or their parents gave them different names, or they use fake names.”

“I see.”

“Well, the first thing I want you to understand, Felin, is that people are bound by the laws created by other people. On Earth, where I come from, those laws differ slightly from country to country, but in this world, I don’t know how they work.”

“I see.”

“And the problem is, from what I hear, even these two people who do whatever they want are not so clear when it comes to breaking the law.”

“Why? Aren’t they doing bad things?”

“Whether something is good or bad is a matter of personal opinion. For example, the reincarnated person named Shiva in the Velfrea Empire might be a merciless murderer in the eyes of the other countries they attack, but in the eyes of the people who belong to his country, he might be a hero who expands their territory. The Earth I came from was peaceful on the surface, so I don’t know much about it, but war is basically based on killing each other, so I think it’s common for the losing country to be made out to be the bad guy. If you’ve been watching this world for a long time, Felin, you’ve probably seen a lot of territorial disputes between countries, whether they involve reincarnated people or not, right?”

“Yes, I think the names of the countries changed all the time, and the borders changed often as well.”

“So in a civilization like this, I think war is pretty much the norm, whether it’s good or bad. Humans are basically just a mass of greed.”

“I see. What about the other reincarnated person?”

“I think there’s a good chance that Marie from the Kingdom of Albert hasn’t even broken the law. She’s using her own abilities to make the world more comfortable. She’s creating things that are useful to people and spreading them around the world. That’s not a bad thing, and you can see how that kind of repetition leads to the development of civilization, right?”

“Yes, I can see that.”

“However, when convenient things are created by someone else, it is natural that the income of those who have been working in jobs that have seen a decrease in demand will stop, and they will lose their jobs. That’s why everyone competes with each other to try to outdo each other, and that’s why the current society on Earth is one in which people work hard and strive to better themselves.”

“So you’re saying that neither is bad?”

“Whether something is good or bad is a subjective thing, as I said before. So, in order to be able to judge it objectively, it must be judged according to the rules of the law that have been decided in advance. And the law may be different from country to country, and I don’t really understand the laws of this world, so to be honest, I can’t say anything at this stage.”


“So if this story comes back to Ria and she starts talking about divine punishment, you should know that there is a possibility that she will judge people who say that as long as it’s within human rules, it’s okay.”

“I see…”

“Of course, if the goddesses who are above the rules made by humans are the absolute rules, then I won’t say anything, but as someone who was almost killed because of it, I don’t really recommend it.”

“I understand… I’ll make sure Ria doesn’t find out!”

“Yes. Now that you understand, the next part is the main point.”

“…I’m already prepared.”

I nod at the sight of her face.

“The person who gave me the information doesn’t just complain about the fact that there’s a war going on and that the wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few.”

“What do you mean?”

“Not only those two, but the abilities of the reincarnated people have become so outstanding that it is almost impossible for the inhabitants of this world to reach them. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes… because we gave them the skills they wanted at the highest level…”

This is where it all ends.

It’s a cruel story, but the goddesses’ desire to somehow improve this world has backfired.

“For example, if a self-proclaimed otherworlder, a reincarnated person born with abilities far beyond those of people living in this world, appeared, what would the people of this world think?”

“Huh? Envious? …No, it’s more like jealousy, right? It depends on the person?”

“That’s right, it depends on the person. It’s the subjective opinion of the residents that decides, so in the end, it all depends on how they use their abilities… If a lot of people benefit from them, they’ll be praised, but if a lot of people resent them, they’ll be shunned.”


“So how about applying the content we just talked about to the two people we talked about earlier?”

“Kill a lot of people in war… make a lot of money in a way that everyone else can’t… I think the people mentioned before are really hated, and there are a lot of people who resent them.”

“I think that’s probably true if there are a lot of victims. If what I’ve heard is true, it’s quite something. They said he didn’t spare women and children either.”


“And as for the latter, Marie, if this wealth benefited a wide range of countries or territories, it would be different, but from what I hear, it seems that the wealth is monopolized by one individual.”

“Well then…”

“Yes, if they do something like that, they’re going to be hated. Also, it seems like the ultimate goal is to take over other countries’ territories, so it’s like an economic war, similar to the one on Earth I was in.”


“The thing that the person who provided me with information was concerned about was that the world today has become centered around the people who openly claim to be from another world. In reality, there are only three of them. These three people are fighting for supremacy with their outstanding abilities, and the original inhabitants have no way to compete with them, so they are caught up in the conflict.”

After telling her the most important part of the story, Felin covered her face with her hands and hung her head, but I didn’t know what to say to her.

“I wonder if we failed…”

“Even if what I just said is true, it doesn’t mean that everything has failed, does it? There are actually signs that the knowledge of Earth is being passed on. So… you looked into my heart a while ago, so you know, right?”

“Yes. We gave them too much power… that’s the reason.”

“That is true. To be honest, I don’t even know how the other two feel. If you suddenly give people powers that are too great for them, they’ll want to test how far they can go with those powers. If you give people too much power, it’s easy for them to become like that, so you should at least try to keep them at a high level among the inhabitants of this world, or at least not give them powers that lead to military force that doesn’t lead to the development of civilization. If you’re looking at the long term, you might have to be extra careful about things like that.”

“…I want to tell everyone about this, but I guess I can’t?”

“Hmm… unless you plan on inviting reincarnators soon, it might be better to hold off for now. Why would you even bring that up?”

“I see. You’re right.”

“And to be honest, I’m afraid that if I talk about it, the goddesses will take notice of me. I have abilities that I don’t really understand myself, even if there is a difference between reincarnators and transmigrators.”

If she could see my thoughts, she would know.

I’m the same type as those who put their own strength first and do whatever they want.

If that’s the case, then it’s possible to nip it in the bud first, and if I were in the opposite position, I would do the same.

“You’re different, Loki-kun! You’re the one who’s always giving us advice! I know you’re obsessed with getting stronger, but you still spend time with us like this! You’re always listening to our stories every day with Divine Communication… without even letting us ask questions… Ugh… We really are hopeless goddesses… Ugh… I’m sorry…”

Seeing her like that, I naturally got up from my chair.

I can’t do something as bold as hugging the goddess, but at least I’ll rub her back.

“I am not a good person; I often act with ulterior motives, and the goddesses know that. I think that’s why you brought the Mind Reading with you today. There’s no need to worry…”



“I didn’t bring Mind Reading to doubt you, Loki-kun! It’s not like that!”

…Is that not the case?

Ria might have improved a bit, but she had also openly stated that she would keep an eye on me, and I don’t really understand it. However, Feeril also brought some kind of skill at the beginning.

I’m aware that I’m dangerous because I’m the one who wants to gain monsters’ skills and especially strength, so I thought it was inevitable that they would be on the lookout for me and bring in Mind Reading.

The same goes for Divine Communication.

Even if there are things I want to check out later, I’m focusing on safety right now, so there’s almost nothing that needs to be checked out urgently.

On the contrary, I think that if I answer the Goddess’ questions to the best of my ability, it will improve her impression of me a little…

“(Friend… friend, huh…)”

I remember my interactions with Feeril.

The reason I feel like I have an unnaturally high level of favorability is that I’m not a reincarnated person.

Even if it’s not quite freedom, I’m the only person who can talk to the Goddesses naturally, and I’ve spent a long time with them, a time that could be called eternal, so for the Goddesses, even if they wanted to, I’m someone they couldn’t have.

That’s why I used the word friend.

And Feeril nodded.

But… would you be so careful with a friend that you would use Mind Reading?

It depends on the person, but at least I wouldn’t be suspicious of my friend.

In the first place, if I were suspicious of them, I wouldn’t call them my friend.

The only one who said we were friends was Feeril, but if Felin had a different opinion… she wanted to know, even if it meant using Mind Reading. The need for it… to show off the marriage… No, no, no, that’s impossible.

That’s a little too much confidence, and it’s a little too much for someone of my status.

Besides, I don’t remember doing anything to deserve it.

“(Phew~… calm down, me. Right now it’s more about Felin than me.)”

When I looked at Felin with that thought, for some reason, she seemed more cowered than before, and her ears seemed red…

“Anyway, I’m not worried about it, so cheer up, okay?”

“Yeah… I’m sorry… I’m sorry…”

“You know, one of the good things about you, Felin, is that you’re cheerful and energetic, but it would be a waste if you stayed that way forever, don’t you think?”

“What? You’re saying that again… Ugh… Ugh…! I’m going home for today! I’ll come back tomorrow when I feel better!”

“Huh? Oh, yeah…”

While I was giving such an indescribable answer, Felin’s body turned into a bluish-purple mist.

After disappearing a few seconds later, I couldn’t help but lie down on the bed, and I could feel Felin’s body heat on a part of the bed.

“Hah… is that for real…”

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