Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

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Chapter 61 – Belongings Left Behind


As I pray, I open my eyes and see that my soul has returned to my body.

I’m not sure how long I was over there, but it felt like 10 or 20 minutes?

I quickly get up and look around, but I’m relieved to see that I didn’t seem to have bothered anyone, especially anyone waiting their turn behind me.

It’s a problem that I have to come directly to the church when it’s open, but I can still communicate more closely this way because I can talk to them longer and more directly face to face than with the Divine Communication skill.

Above all, my eyes are happy.

It is too much of a blessing to be able to see those figures at the same time.

And maybe, but not many people are called that way…

If I were to receive special treatment from these very beautiful women, I would be overcome with a sense of superiority.

But I have to understand.

They are Goddesses―in other words, they are Gods.

If I get used to their looks, I will become extravagant, and I will not be able to get married in this world.

So, I have to keep it in moderation.

If I don’t exercise some restraint, I might lose my life, so I should set some conditions for meeting them in person, like when something special happens, like when I meet Kaari.

I’ve been to Kaari many times, so I know I’m too lenient when it comes to temptation.

As I walk towards the exit of the church, I see Maryse-san wiping another bench, as if not much time has passed.

“Thank you, Maryse-san. I feel a little better after praying.”

“Oh, that’s good to hear. Then come this way.”

I followed her and was led into a room I had never been in before.

It seemed to be a kitchen and dining room, with a rather large wooden table and four chairs lined up on either side.

On the table was a plate of yellow fruit.

“Look, it’s the rapor fruit. You brought them, so go ahead and eat some.”

“Huh? Haven’t you all eaten yet?”

“We will take a meal break after the bell rings at noon, so we will have some left over. Since it’s the boy’s, don’t be shy, okay?”

Even though I was told, I hesitated because I didn’t buy them to eat them myself.

Well, the fruits are big enough, and there are more than 20 fruits cut into pieces, so it would be no problem to take one or two.

I picked one and chewed it.

“Ah, so sweet!”

“Of course, it is because it is a famous luxury fruit. It is usually eaten by the nobles, and the common people are lucky if they can eat it even once a year.”

Still, I can understand such a statement.

It was even sweeter than the high-sugar melons and strawberries I had eaten in Japan.

And for 3,500 beeke and such a large size, it was probably cheap.

“When I think about it, it seems to me that the price was very cheap. The fruit is also big.”

“It is a fruit that can be harvested in large quantities. If it becomes a rare fruit that can’t be harvested in large quantities, ordinary people will never be able to eat it.

I see.

There must be farmers to grow it and hunters to harvest it in the wild.

“(Just one more… to commemorate…)”

After tasting that one, I thanked Maryse-san and left the church.

I hid in an alley and looked at my watch.

I decided to take a walk around town, hoping to have a leisurely lunch.

▽ ▼ ▽ ▼ ▽

Ding dong…

As the noon bell rings, I enter the Hunter’s Guild and call out to Amanda-san.

“I’m here with a designation request from the Guild Master. What should I do?”

“It looks like the equipment has been successfully sold. I’ll call the Guild Master; please wait here for a moment.”

After being told that, I sat down on the couch in front of the reception desk, where a few hunters were eating in a restaurant, although the number of people had decreased considerably.

“Hey… I heard he said he had a designation request from the Guild Master?”

“Oh… I guess there’s something like that in the city of Bezart as well…”

“Why bother with that boy? Isn’t it better if it’s me?”

“I guess that’s a tough request unless you have more material than he does. If that’s the case, it’s probably impossible.”

“Well, if you put it that way, it’s impossible…”

Sigh… if this trend continues, it’s going to get depressing…

One day, an E-rank or a hunter higher than me will challenge me to a fight, right? I feel depressed just thinking about it.

I would welcome such rumors if they would just get scared and stop trying to mess with me…

“Hmm? What are you upset about? Didn’t you get a good price for your equipment?”

I looked up at the voice and saw Yagov-san standing in front of me.

“The equipment sold moderately well, so it’s fine. It’s more about the rumors…”

“It can’t be helped after all you’ve done. It’ll die down in time, and you’re not the type to worry about it too much, are you?”

“Well, that’s true. I just don’t want to get in trouble again.”

“I don’t think anyone would come after you after knowing how Adent and the others ended up… Well, you should be a little more careful with the E-rankers.”

While talking about this, I followed Yagov-san to the office area, which is usually called the staff area and is not normally entered.

“Eh? Am I allowed to come through here?”

“Yes, because it’s the only way to get there.”

If you say so, I have no choice but to go through it.

As I walked through the office, Amanda-san followed me for some reason.

I’ve gotten used to it because it seems to be a regular thing now.

Then Yagov-san spoke to one of the male employees while taking some keys.

“Peiro, come with us as well.”


After being told that, Peiro-san stood up and looked at me… I wondered what this was about?

He looks a bit scared.

I wonder if it’s because of the rumors from yesterday?

I think it’s harmless as long as you don’t do anything to me…

The four of us went straight to the door at the back of the office, where a staircase led down to the basement.

“Loki. From now on, you are not allowed to say a word to anyone. The designation request includes the money for it, so keep it to yourself.”

“I-I understand… I don’t have anyone to talk to, so don’t worry.”

I felt sad even though I said it myself, but since I had no one to really talk to, I doubt there are many people who are as tight-lipped as I am.

The group descends the stairs with Yagov-san in the lead.

Since there are no windows, Yagov-san puts a magic stone in a light on the way down and lights it as we go.

Then, we arrived at the first basement level. We went through several doors and continued down to the second basement.

At this point, I could already imagine that the building must be kept under very strict control.

The slight smell of humidity and musty air was a little unpleasant, but I followed him silently and went down to the second basement, where there was only one door.

When Yagov-san unlocked the door, there was a small room, about 6 tatami mats in size, with wooden shelves on both sides.

“If it were true, I should probably take it out of here first and show it in a bright room with daylight. But more than that, I wanted to avoid anyone seeing it, so I had you come right here.”

After placing the magic stone in several lights while he explained this, I finally got a full picture of the object that I had a vague idea that something was there.


“The guild was given these items by a hunter who found them in the Great Forest of Palmera about six years ago. Amanda received them from the hunter when she was the receptionist, and Peiro, who is here now, was in charge of the items and kept them under strict control.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“I’ll come straight to the point. Do you know what these are?”

Any modern person can tell what they are just by looking at them.

“Yes. I do.”

What was there must have originally been white.

One of the sneakers was blackened in parts by a liquid that was clearly blood.

I don’t know what era it is, but it looks like a smartphone, a shredded wire… and probably a headphone cable.

And a watch with a dead battery.

It would obviously belong to a modern, transmigrated person.

Does that mean that Yagov-san was able to identify the watch I was wearing as a “watch” because he saw this watch?

“Just to confirm, is this all you have?”

“Yes, that’s all. We haven’t received any other reports of mysterious objects being picked up besides these three.”

“I see. Can I take a closer look?”

“Of course. I would like you to explain it to me while I look. Especially about the mysterious board that looks like it has glass on it.”

“I don’t mind… Amanda-san and, uh, Peiro-san, was it? Do they already know what’s going on?”

“I told them today that Loki-kun is from another world. But don’t worry. Only the three of us in the guild know about the items left behind, and we have no intention of telling anyone else in the future. The higher-ups in the country also know about the belongings, but we will not report anything about Loki.”

“I understand. Well, let’s start with the first one. Isn’t it easy to understand? This is a pair of shoes that I used to see all the time in my world. The logo on the manufacturer’s… the logo here is one that I also had, so I’m pretty sure it’s from the world I was in.”

“I know it’s not leather, but what material is it made of?”

“I’m not sure of the exact material. I don’t think anyone can know unless they are the makers. However… since there is a lot of mesh material used, it is very well-ventilated, and I think they are probably running shoes.”

“Running shoes?”

“In short, it is easy to understand if I say that they are shoes specialized for running. In the world I was in, there are several categories of shoes for business use, mainly leather shoes, shoes for mountain climbing, shoes for exercise, and so on, depending on the purpose.”

“I see… By the way, from your point of view, Loki, do you think it is possible to reproduce these shoes in this world?”

“Hmm, I only know this city. I have no idea what level of technology the royal capital and other countries have. Compared to the city of Bezart, what is the level of technology and civilization in other places?”

I would check, but as Liste-sama said, if the development of civilization was stopped by magic, it would be hopeless at first.

“Of course, the quality of things in the royal capital is better than in Bezart, which is in the countryside… but even so, it’s not that much different. It would be the same in other countries.”

“It would be quite difficult. I suppose the rubber part can be done if there are rubber trees, but do you understand me when I say oil? Without it, I don’t think you can process the plastic part.”

“Oil? I’ve never heard of that… What is it?”

“Oil is a natural resource that is buried in the ground. It’s a thick, black stuff that’s probably thousands of feet underground.”

“T-thousands of meters underground? I can’t even imagine how to dig and bring it up…”

“Right. It seems that they are digging with a very large machine―a special tool, so you should think that it is impossible to dig with human power.”

“I understand. What about the others?”

“This one is definitely a watch, as you guessed, Yagov-san. It’s called a ‘wristwatch,’ and it’s the kind you wear around your wrist.”

“Is this the same kind of watch that Loki wore?”

“Yes, it is. The manufacturer is…, which I have never heard of, so it is probably a cheaper type than the one I have. It seems to be a battery-operated watch that just tells time.”

“Hmm? Batteries?”

“Ah… I can give you a simple explanation for that, but it’s quite difficult until you understand it, okay? I think I’ll have to repeat the explanation for the sake of explanation.”

“…Yes. Can I ask you to do that, just in case?”

“It’s okay since it’s an official request. First of all, a battery is something that stores electricity. If there is a suitable battery for this watch, there is a possibility that this watch will work.”

“R-really? What do you mean by ‘electricity’?”

“That’s the problem. The simplest example of electricity is lightning. If you can create it artificially, it becomes electricity. In my world, electricity is made by burning coal, but in this world, I think magic has a lightning attribute, so it might be possible. However, I think the technology of storing electricity in batteries is quite difficult, especially for a small type of battery used in a wristwatch. Of course, I am not an engineer but a buyer and user, so I do not know how to make it at all. All I know is that I think it requires mercury.”

“Damn! I wish we could reproduce it, but it’s still no good…”

It was rare to see the calm and collected Yagov-san like this. The two are also a bit surprised.

“It’s just like that. Even if we can’t reproduce it perfectly, I think we can come close. That watch and those shoes. If it is a watch, I heard that rich people in this world have them; is that true?”

“Yes, it is true. But only a few privileged people have them.”

“By the way, what about the pocket watch?”

“That little one? I feel like only royalty have them… but I think they exist.”

“If so, it’s an extension of the pocket watch. There are watches that run on electricity, and there are watches that are wound with a screw. If anything, in my world, the screw-wound type was more expensive. If you put a leather strap around a pocket watch, it should be something close. Think of it as an evolution of that watch.”

“So that’s it! I see… What about the shoes?”

“It would be impossible if we were too particular about the material of the shoes, but for example, the hollow part of this shoe. I think it would make a big difference if you just measured the exact shape of that part and made a replica with the materials you have now. These shoes are made so that people can run easily and not get tired easily. It is different from making shoes based on the shape of the foot, so I think it would be good if we could absorb such aspects in this world. From there, we need to make them as light and strong as possible. It will be up to the researchers to find the best combination of materials.”


“There’s blood on them, but… I don’t think you can tell anything just by showing them off and looking at them, so I think you’ll see the difference once you try them on. The size is… 26.5 cm, so it’s suitable for an adult male.”

The moment I said that Yagov-san looked at Peiro-san.

It was probably because his boss had silently appealed to him.

Without any kind of refusal, he fearfully starts to put on the shoes.

“Peiro, how are they?”

“T-they’re great… It’s as if I’m not wearing them at all. Besides, they fit perfectly, or at least I don’t feel uncomfortable wearing them at all!”

I guess that’s true if you’re talking about top-of-the-line running shoes or something.

Especially if you compare them to the standard heavy leather shoes of this world, you will feel the difference between heaven and earth.

“If it’s shoes from the world I was in, they don’t break so easily, so I think it’s a good idea to wear them, try them on, measure the dimensions, and… get close to this shape.”

“People in the other world are amazing… and such a thing is commonplace in that world…”

“Thank you for your valuable input. So, Loki, what is it about this board that we don’t understand the most?”

“This is…”

“What is it? Is it something that even Loki doesn’t understand?”

“No, I know what it is, but… I would say it is the most difficult thing to explain, and since it was created by a super genius, even in the world I was in, it is impossible for people in this world to reproduce it in any way. I can tell you that much.”

“I-is it really that great?”

“It is beyond amazing. I can honestly say that there is almost no one in my world who understands the structure and can reproduce it on their own. It’s convenient, and people buy it because it’s in an environment where everyone can afford it, but I don’t think there are many people who have mastered its use.”

“…What in the world is it made for?”

“I think there are a lot of words you might not understand. Is that okay? And I can’t explain in detail how each one works.”


“First of all, there are the basics of phone calls and e-mails, then there is the capturing, storing, transferring, and editing of images and videos, the gathering and providing of information via the Internet, and the selection of additional functions for personal use through applications… By extension, you can do things like shop, listen to your favorite music, play games, and so on. You can also see the time like that on the watch, and if you know where you are and where you want to go, you can see how much time you need and the best way to get there. On the contrary, it’s hard to find something you don’t know about.”


“Sorry, but this board is called… smartphone. It’s better to give up. Even if you took it apart, I don’t think you’d even get a clue.”

“Loki’s… Loki’s world, what kind of world is it…?”

“It’s a world without magic or skills. So, I think it is also a world where chemistry, physics, and many other disciplines have grown. So I know this is vague, but if you change the direction from now on… and if you just keep on studying and building up your knowledge with a focus on geniuses for about 1000 years, maybe you will be able to make this board!”

“1000 years…”

“I think so. To complete it, you need to solve a huge number of problems, such as electricity, radio waves, satellites, and so on, as I mentioned earlier, so it is definitely not something that can be done in a few decades.”

Perhaps Yagov-san wanted to show me, a person from another world, this abandoned object and reproduce it if he could get a clue as to its use and how to make it.

That’s right. A mysterious object that is impossible in this world is right in front of their eyes.

If they could reproduce a smartphone or something like that, they would be masters at the level of civilization in this world.

…The conversation I had with the Goddesses today comes to mind.

“(I told the Goddesses that I would help them if they needed anything…)”

“Yagov-san and the other two. I was told earlier not to talk about anything else… but you will also keep the secret that I am from another world strictly confidential, right?”

“Of course. I promise not to do anything that would cause trouble for Loki.”

“Well, right… if we can’t even keep a secret like that, we’ll end up no better than Adent and the others.”

Peiro-san doesn’t say a word but shakes his head vigorously at Amanda-san’s words.

I don’t know if these three will be able to use the knowledge of Earth, but I don’t even know what will set them off.

The three of them already know that I am from another world.

On the other hand, there are things I can do for them.

If that’s the case――

“Would you like to see my belongings from another world?”

――At that, the three people in front of me were dumbfounded.

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