Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

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Chapter 62 – Earth-Made Items

Billycorn. The inn where I am staying.

I was in a relatively large room for four people.

The time was just before 8:00 p.m. on my watch.

According to the preliminary plan, three people with knowledge of the situation, Yagov-san, Amanda-san, and Peiro-san, who are in charge of managing the remains, were to come to this room.

My duralumin bag, which inevitably contains Earth-made goods, is itself a somewhat special kind of bag, even in my former world.

I didn’t want to carry such a thing outside unless there were special circumstances, such as moving to a new base, so Yagov-san’s consideration to make sure I didn’t have to go outside resulted in me renting this room.

Of course, the guild paid for the room.

Also, they would not take anything out of the room that I would show them.

I can only show them and explain them here.

I can’t lend them out.

And since I have today’s Divine Communication time and I plan to go hunting tomorrow, I’ve set a time limit of 10 p.m.

I’ve already had dinner and cleaned up…

They said they would come right after the guild work, so it is likely that they will come without having eaten.

Still, it’s an unknown, alien item that they’ve never seen before.

They seemed to be dazed by my suggestion for a moment, but as soon as they understood it, all three of them responded immediately, so I’m sure they’ll be satisfied without any hard feelings.

There is one thing I will not show them, but I will reveal everything else and explain it to them as best I can.

――Knock, knock, knock.

“Loki, it’s Yagov. May I come in?”

“Yes, it’s okay.”

With that, I opened the door and saw Yagov-san and Amanda-san standing at the entrance.

“Huh? Where is Peiro-san?”

“Peiro went to buy some food at a stall. Since we didn’t have much time, we came right here. He will be here later.”

“Hahaha, so he’s running an errand.”

“I told him to buy more so Loki can have some if you want.”

“Thank you.”

With that exchange, I welcomed them into my room and showed them my bag on one of the beds and the suit I had prepared just in case they needed it.

“This is what I wore when I was sent to this world, an item from another world.”

“When you first came to the guild, you were dressed just like this and carried this bag. It makes me feel nostalgic…”

“That’s right. Back then, I couldn’t even find a place to stay and didn’t know where I was going…”

“How did you manage to get out of that situation and become known as a promising newcomer in such a short time?”

“I just try my best to defeat the monsters.”

As I say this, I open the bag they are both looking at.

“You can take it right now. If there is anything that interests you, please let me know. I will explain as much as I can.”

“Is this the same tablet that was in the guild’s vaults? The shape looks a bit different.”

“Oh, its function is the same, but this is a newer one. I think there are some differences, like the lens here.”

“I see, it’s the latest model… By the way, can you operate it?”

“Hmm~ I’ll try, but I don’t think I can… It’s been more than half a month since I was sent to this world, so the battery is probably dead.”

With these words, I turned the power back on, but the screen remained black, and the machine did not start.

I was left with a high-tech machine that I could not use.

 “How would it work if it had a battery?”

“The screen shows a lot of things, and you operate it with your finger. But I think it’s pretty hard to explain verbally.”

“Different things appear on this thin board. It is a very mysterious thing, but… it must mean that it has such high performance.”

“I think so. By the way, the long and thin one here is the one that was popular in the days before the smartphone. It is a type that specializes in the function of a phone.”

“I forgot to ask you before, what is a phone?”

“Well, for example, if Peiro-san, who is going to the store right now, has a phone, he and I here can talk directly to each other using this type of device. I hope you can think of the phone as a medium for talking to someone far away that you can’t see.”

“Hmm… I have heard that there are quite a few people who possess it, but is it similar to the Distant Communication skill?”

“I wonder. I don’t know what this Distant Communication skill is, so I can’t judge, but it is possible to talk to a distant person across the country on the phone.”

“What do you mean…? If it’s that far away… then the performance is on a different level than that of Distant Communication.”

“Loki-kun! What is this square thing? When I press it, something comes out, and it scares me!”

“Huh? O-oh, it’s called a calculator. Let’s see, think of it as something that does difficult calculations for you.”

“Huh? Is there anything in this?”

“No, there isn’t. It’s complicated to explain, but… It’s a program that converts everything into the binary system of 0s and 1s and does the calculations for you. Well, it’s built that way. So it instantly does calculations that are far beyond the scope of mental arithmetic that a person can do.”

“A-amazing… It’s definitely a national treasure-class artifact!”

“Hmm? Artifacts?”

“Oh, in this country, we call the three remains in our custody artifacts. The guildmaster at that time reported it to the government, and I, who had knowledge of foreign objects, was sent here after receiving the news. But this is the first time I have seen a functioning artifact like this.”

“Wasn’t that wristwatch also not moving when it was first discovered?”

“Yes. From its shape, we were able to determine that it was probably used for the same purpose as a watch, but it had already stopped when it was brought here.”

“I see. Then this is also something that works. It is called a flashlight.”

“Hmm? It’s small, but… quite heavy, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it’s quite sturdy. I used to hit goblins with it.”

“Does it work as a blunt weapon?”

“No, no, just press this button. Oh, don’t point it at people.”

“Hngg? What is it? Is there some kind of light magic built into this thing?”

“Of course not, because this is a world without magic. There is electricity and LEDs that emit light from the electricity. The purpose is to illuminate the darkness with light… Well, that’s a function that could be found in magic.”

“Surely there is such magic… but the amount of light it emits is tremendous. I can’t keep my eyes open.”

Saying that, Yagov-san squinted his eyes, made a funny face, and tried to look at the tip of the flashlight.

Well, you can’t look at it directly… it would make your eyes go crazy.

“Worst case, your eyes could go blind, so you shouldn’t do that.”

“Sorry to keep you waiting! I got all kinds of stuff from the food stall!”


“Gyaaa!!! My eyes! My eyeesssss!!!”

“Geh! Yagov-san, don’t point that at anyone! Don’t point that at Peiro-san!”

“Huh? Ah, I’m sorry, I reflexively pointed my hand in that direction as well. Peiro, are you okay?”

“No! I’m probably going to die! I knew it! The other world is dangerous!”

…Peiro-san looked at me in fear; maybe he had some trauma… The way he freaked out is a little abnormal.

“No, no, it’s okay, it’s not a weapon. And it’s just a little bit. I used to do this a lot in the past.”

“Huh? O-oh… There is still something wrong with my eyes… but I can see… Thank goodness…”

“Hey, hey, Loki-kun. This is paper, right? It’s very clean and white for parchment, but is it made by a different process?”

“That’s right. The raw material is wood…”

So each of them, while eating something like a sandwich of skewered meat or bread with something else in between, is intrigued by the unknown object and marvels at my vague explanation.

Peiro-san had been asked to go to the innkeeper to buy drinks… Since he was asked to take on a new mission, I didn’t have much direct contact with him.

Still, I showed them all the things I had in my possession, and the four of us, including myself, scratched our heads and thought about what could be reproduced in this world or what we could make that would be close enough.

And among them, the one that seemed most likely to be reproducible was this.

It was unanimously decided.

It was.

“I think we can make a ballpoint pen as long as we know its structure.”

“Yes. If you take it apart like this, it’s easy to see what’s inside.”

“This will make writing much easier. It’s revolutionary that you don’t have to add ink!”

“Actually, there’s ink in this cylinder, so you’ll have to refill it when it runs out… But even so, it will be a few steps easier to use than the quill pens you have now.”

“Hmm… a hollow cylinder… I have a feeling we might see something like that in the stems of plants.”

“We already have ink, and I suppose we could replace the tip with iron or some other ore, right?”

“Yes, that’s right. The material around it is plastic, so it’s impossible, but I think it’s possible to make that part out of wood or something. The key is to make sure the ink comes out evenly. To prevent ink from leaking out when the pen is upside down, the tube should be covered with oil or some other material after it is filled with ink. And since the cylinder that holds the ink will be disposable, it should be made of a material that is stable and available. If you can solve these problems, I think you’ll be able to finish the ink faster because you won’t have to push the tip in and out and pull it back in again.”

“That’s great…writing is something that is involved in the vast majority of jobs. If this is made available to the general public, there will be a lot more people who will study hard.”

“Just for reference, how much does this pen cost in Loki’s world?”

“It varies from place to place, but this one you are looking at is cheap. It’s about the price of a loaf of bread.”


“They are mass-produced by machines without direct human contact. So I don’t think you should use that price as a reference.”

“T-That’s right… If you say that such a convenient product is the same as a loaf of bread, no one would want to make it.”

“In the beginning, when the supply is not stable, it is inevitable that the price will be high. Everything is like that. When a stable production method can be established through trial and error, the production volume will automatically increase, and then the price will gradually settle down and become available to the general public. If you want to sell at a high price to those who have money, you can make such items separately.”

Saying this, I handed him another pen, this time a high-end one.

This is a pen I lend to clients when they write contracts.

“This one is similar in size but much heavier…”

“It has a luxurious feel to it, and it seems smoother and easier to write with than the previous one.”

“This one is about the equivalent of 300 loaves of bread. Even with similar features, if you give it a high-end feel, people will find it attractive and buy it. Then, when the market has been penetrated, you can develop this kind of product. Use better ores, refine the design, etc.”

“…Loki seems to be doing well enough as a merchant. It’s funny for me to say this as a guild master, but wasn’t it a mistake for you to become a hunter?”

“Hahaha, it’s okay, I did it because I like hunting monsters. Selling things doesn’t make me stronger, right?”

“Heh. It’s true… Today is truly a great day. I thank you once again. Thank you, Loki.”

“No, no, I’m glad you found it helpful.”

“That’s the thing. I never expected you to go this far for us. In return, I would like to ask… Loki, are you interested in the otherworlders in this world?”


“Only as far as I know, but if Loki needs them, I’m willing to talk about them openly.”

This is an unexpected story.

I was thinking of asking the Goddess, but since they have no direct contact with the lower world, the information would mainly come from otherworlders who have reincarnated themselves, and the content would be less fresh.

However, the guild master before me was able to gather information easily.

Moreover, he is a person who seems to have learned Japanese directly from someone else, even if it is only one sentence: “The stake that sticks out will be hammered down.”

Then, the answer is obvious.

“By all means, please.”

I said this and bowed my head.

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