Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

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Chapter 64 – Goal Reached

Fuh… Hah… Fuh…



A Poison Mouse collapses in front of my eyes with its belly ripped open.

‘You have acquired Poison Resistance Lv7.’


While confirming the level increase announcement, I immediately cut off its head and ripped open its belly with a knife, and after removing the magic stone, I also cut off its tail.

It has been about 10 days since then.

Even though I could hear the information about the otherworlders, what I’m going to do is the same.

I hunted from morning to night without a break, no matter whether it was raining or blowing strong wind, and finally reached the desired Poison Resistance level 7.

While suppressing my feelings of being distracted, I lifted myself up on a stone pillar using Earth Magic and checked the status screen while taking a bite of a sandwich in the safe zone.

Name: Loki (Yuto Mamiya) <Salesman>

Level: 11

Skill Points Remaining: 41

Magic Power: 72/72 (+18) +50 additional by granting magic power increase only when holding the sword

Strength: 39 (+6)

Intelligence: 40 (+11)

Defense: 38 (+112)

Magic Defense: 38 (+6)

Agility: 38 (+18)

Technique: 37 (+12)

Luck: 43 (+3)

Blessings: None

Titles: None

Acquired Skills

◆Combat and Tactical System Skills

Stick Art Lv1, Swordsmanship Lv2, Dagger Technique Lv1, Provocation Lv1, Frenzy Lv1

◆Magic Skills

Fire Magic Lv2, Earth Magic Lv3, Wind Magic Lv4

◆Job System Skills

Gathering Lv1, Hunting Lv2, Dismantling Lv2

◆Daily Life System Skills

Different Language Comprehension Lv3, Presence Detection Lv3, Vision Enlargement Lv1, Farsightedness Lv1, Exploration Lv1, Arithmetic Lv1, Memorization Lv1, Swiftness Lv1

◆Pure Passive System Skills

Poison Resistance Lv7, Increased Automatic Magic Recovery Lv1, Increased Maximum Magic Power Lv1


Oracle Lv1, Divine Communication Lv2


Rush Lv3


The level 7 increase was so large that I couldn’t help but chew on it in my mind.

At level 6, I was surprised by the increase of 30, but at level 7, the increase was as high as 60.

It was worth the effort.

I often measured the experience value of the skill and found that the increase from level 6 to level 7 was about 1% for every 5 monsters I killed.

The decimal point of less than 1% is not displayed, so this is just a guess, but if I assume that the experience required to go from unacquired to acquired at skill level 1 is “100,” I have found that the correlation between skill and experience value is approximately this much.

The experience required to acquire a level 1 skill is 100

The skill experience gained from possessing a level 1 monster is 20 per monster.

The experience required to increase a skill from level 1 to level 2 is 200.

The experience required to increase a skill level from 2 to 3 is 600

The experience required to increase a skill level from 3 to 4 is 2,000

The skill experience gained from a monster at skill level 4 is 400 per monster.

The experience required to increase a skill level from 4 to 5 is 20.000

The experience required to increase a skill level from 5 to 6 is 60,000

The experience required to increase a skill level from 6 to 7 is 200,000

From this, I would expect that a monster at skill level 2 or 3 would also get a fifth of the experience required from the monster.

This way of quantifying the importance of high-level monsters can be clearly seen.

If a monster is weak but has a high level of a particular skill, it is a great opportunity to increase my stats.

However, the question is whether I should aim for Poison Resistance level 8 or not…

At this rate of increase, the next step will probably take a month, so it is time to go to the Lulub Forest and fight some Orcs to see how well my defense holds up.

The total defense is already 150 on my status.

If it still hurts, I will stay in the Rocker Plains for some more time.

“(And yet, I’ve acquired a lot of different skills…)”

Some of the skills were acquired knowingly and with the goal of obtaining or leveling up, and some were acquired while hunting without much thought, but even so, as the number of skills acquired in this way increases, it adds to the enjoyment.

When I had a little extra magic power, I kept playing fingertip match, which only uses 2 Magic Power, and before I knew it, I was at level 2.

I think the level of Increase Maximum Magic Power and Increase Magic Power Automatic Recovery also went up because I was consciously trying to consume magic power.

This area is just like Paisa-san said.

And I am glad to see that the Swordsmanship has improved after so many days of hard work; it would have been a problem if it had not improved after so many kills.

However, I was not aware of the Dagger Technique, so I was surprised to see it.

I had been using the knife to get magic stones and cut out the subjugation proofs, but I had thought that the judgment was given for Dismantling, so it was like a lucky win.

Farsightedness and Vision Enlargement were gained because I was looking for monsters in the vast Rocker Plain.

Arithmetic and Memorization were because I measured the value of each monster and calculated how many more monsters I needed to hunt.

As for Swiftness, I ran as much as possible when I moved.

I understand why I was able to get those skills, but the three I don’t understand are Provocation, Frenzy, and Exploration.

Provocation was used when there were multiple Poison Mice around, but I don’t remember waiting that long to hunt them.

Once I got used to it, I just rushed into monsters as soon as I found them, so it remains a mystery under what conditions I was able to acquire it.

Even more mysterious is the skill called Frenzy… which, given its name, seems to be a dangerous skill.

The detailed description is as follows.

Frenzy Lv1: After using this skill, all normal attack actions will be corrected by 120% of the ability value. However, until the time limit expires, the user cannot perform anything other than a normal attack on the surrounding creatures. Duration of use: 1 minute. Magic Power Consumption: 0

No, no, that’s too scary…

A true berserker state.

Since it is a combat-active skill with a 1-minute use time, it seems like it would be no problem if I used it in the Rocker Plains, but we are talking about hunting without it in a low-ranked hunting ground…

I’m grateful for the zero magic consumption, but I don’t even know where to use this skill.

Besides, I’m still too afraid to even experiment with it.

If I used this skill in the city of Bezart, I could only smell disaster.

The other thing I didn’t expect but was really happy about was the Exploration skill.

Even at level 1, it activates a search function with a radius of 30 meters around the user.

A similar skill, Presence Detection, has a 15-meter radius even at level 3, but it targets all moving objects.

Exploration, on the other hand, allows you to visualize the object you want to find, such as an Air Mantis, and you will naturally know its location as soon as it is within the exploration area, making it a very useful skill when you want to find a small number of monsters.

Of course, it is possible to use both at the same time, so I was able to activate both of them while efficiently hunting Air Mantis in the last few days since I acquired this skill, and I was able to reach level 4 of Wind Magic earlier than I had planned.


Oh, I’m getting stronger.

I can really feel that I’m getting stronger.

Looking at the scenery in front of me, the stone pillars I built are standing in some places, and the scenery has changed…

But I don’t care.

My own experience bar hasn’t grown much, so I think it’s time for me to go to the Lulub Forest and see what I can do.

Perhaps I should consult with Amanda-san after today’s hunt?

With that in mind, I began the second half of the hunt.

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