Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!


Chapter 65 – E-Rank


“You’re still a stoic bastard… You have to compromise sometimes, compromise. It’s hard work to take it down, you know.”

The basket is made of a special material and is placed on the floor.

When I sell the materials, I put the basket on my back on the dismantling counter, but it is too high to take out the contents, so I have been doing this every time since I had the special basket made.

By the way, this basket was made exclusively for me for 20,000 beeke.

Since it is only used for hunting, I leave it as it is at the dismantling site.

I have never seen a scale in this world, so I don’t know how many kilos this basket weighs when filled with my belongings.

However, my guess is that it would hold 1.5 to 2 times more than the large baskets I have used in the past, so it would probably weigh about 50 kg.

Considering this, I can barely jog with such a basket on my back, so my physical strength has clearly improved compared to my early days.

Or, since I am sure it is heavier than my body weight, my strength value must be doing a good job behind the scenes.

“Isn’t that a new record? There must be a lot of Air Mantis magic stones around today, right?”

“Haha, I’ve been hunting them down with my sights set on them…”

“Was Air Mantis a monster that could be hunted by targeting it? Well, whatever. Here, for today.”

“Oh, please deposit it for me…”

“You idiot, why don’t you check it out? What are you going to do if I write down that it’s worth a Poison Mouse!”

“I trust you there…”

“You’ll get robbed if you let your guard down like that, you know?”

“Ugh… I see, I’ll check… let’s see, 84 Poison Mice and 31 Air Mantis. I think it’s okay.”

“You sound like you don’t care about money…”

“Because I don’t have anything I want. But I’m thinking of going to the Lulub Forest soon, so maybe I’ll find something I want there.”

“Hmm… I guess so. If you can hunt that many monsters in Rocker Plain, you will have no problem at all. In fact, I’m sure you’ll have a much easier time hunting them than those who are going to Lulub right now.”

“I hope so. Well, there’s the horror. If I am not careful, I will be the one who goes down, so for now, I will take tomorrow as a vacation and gather information.”

“Oh. If you have any questions, come see me.”

“Yes, thank you.”

“(Ugugu… this is what I mean when I say that a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. The feeling of freedom is incredible.)”

I went to the reception desk next while turning my shoulders back and forth.

Zink-kun and the others were just about to distribute the money.

“Oh! Long time no see!”

“Hey, Loki-kun! I got a potion from the guild the other day!”

“Good evening, Loki. Thanks for helping us out when we need something.”

“There he is! It’s Loki, the rich man who is setting a new record in the Rocker Plains! Thanks for the potion, though!”

“What the heck is that?”

Meanwhile, I asked the lady at the restaurant about it while asking for ice water, and it seems that word has spread among the hunters working in Bezart that I have an unusual amount of materials.

Well, if we run into each other at the dismantling site, they will know right away.

I guess it can’t be helped that I have no intention of hiding it.

“You’re famous, aren’t you? Loki-kun, you’re rich!”

“He’s so rich that he even treats us to that Kaari.”

“Well, the money is just an added bonus. I still live on about 5,000 to 6,000 beeke a day.”

“Are you going to save up that kind of money to buy some fancy equipment?”

“No, I don’t think I need that right now. It just seems to accumulate.”


“I envy you…”

“Hey, hey, hey. Do you make more money on the Rocker Plains?”

“I guess it depends on how you do things… because it takes a lot of time to move around. But the enemies are weaker than I thought. It is only a little stronger than the Great Palmera Forest. What, you want to go there?”

“Ah, I became strangely aware of it when I got the poison potion. I see, it’s just a little bit stronger, huh…”

“Zink-kun, you have Presence Detection, right? Can I ask you what level you’re at?”

“I’m at level 2. I checked with the coin Loki gave me before, so it should still be 2. Ah! That’s right! Skewered meat!”

“Oh, it’s okay, it’s okay, don’t worry about it. We will have dinner at the inn. However, I wonder if it will be a problem for level 2? The Air Mantis magic doesn’t seem to have a very long range, and I’ve never had a magic shot from outside my Presence Detection. Even if they did, it probably wouldn’t be a big deal from that distance.”

“Really? I’d heard that when you get hit, it’s like being cut with a sword. I was too scared to go.”

“I think it would be okay for you, Zink-kun… but there doesn’t seem to be anything to collect there, so Mei-chan might end up with nothing to hold on to.”

“Oh, really? What should I do then?”

“That’s right. If you know how to do dismantling, it might be a good idea to be in charge of the dismantling. Then Zink-kun can take on the next monster right away, right? Potta-kun will be in charge of carrying materials.”

“I can do the dismantling, too! It’s disgusting, though!”


I groaned and looked at the table in front of me where Zink-kun and the others were distributing their money.

“(About 30,000 beeke… If that’s the case, five Poison Mice would exceed today’s results, so I think it’s a piece of cake… But I can’t be responsible if something goes wrong…)”

That’s the problem.

Anyone can just give a recommendation.

I can teach them the tricks to the best of my ability.

But Zink-kun and the others are still kids, and if something happens to them, I would have no face to show not only to Mei-chan’s parents, who I already know but also to Zink-kun’s and Potta-kun’s parents.

Knock, knock, knock…

I tap my finger on the desk, look at the sky for a while, and think…

I have a suggestion.

“Just checking, do you really want to go to the Rocker Plains?”

“Yes, I want to see what it’s like.”

“I want to see it too!”

“Me too! I’d like to earn some extra money!”

“I see… Well, I was planning to take tomorrow off, so would you like to go with me to see what it’s really like?”

“Huh? You’re taking a day off, right?”

“Even though I said I was taking a day off, I was just trying to gather some information for the Lulub Forest. It won’t take that long. How about we leave after the noon bell? That way, I can finish my business in the morning.”

“If that’s okay with you, I’d like that!”

“Yes, yes! I’d feel safer with Loki around.”

“I think I can carry enough if it’s not a full day!”

“Then why don’t we use tomorrow’s half day to try it out? However, I will be the one to judge whether Zink-kun and the others can continue to go there in the future, so I won’t touch anything unless it’s really bad, okay?”

“Oh, of course. It makes no sense if we just follow Loki around!”

“I’m looking forward to it! Oh! I need to borrow my dad’s knife!”

“Can I just go on as usual?”

“Potta-kun, you’ll be fine as usual. Maybe your luggage will be lighter than Palmera’s. There’s no need to bring the whole thing back like the Horned Rabbit.”

After saying that, we made an appointment for tomorrow, and after helping with the distribution, I went over to Amanda-san’s place.

“Amanda-san. I need to talk to you.”

“What is it?”

“I want to get special permission to hunt E-rank monsters. Can you please talk to Yagov-san about it?”

“Ara. That won’t be necessary, will it?”


“If Loki-kun wants E-rank, the Guild Master says you can do it right away.”

“Oh, I see…”

“How can we keep a guy who breaks records every day at rank F?”

“Well, you could have just said that…”

“Who is it who only comes here in the morning? Whose fault is it that we want to tell you but can’t?”

“Ughhh… sorry about that…”

With that, I hand my guild card to Amanda-san.

I certainly don’t come to the reception area at night because I have all my money deposited there.

In the morning, it’s crowded with people fighting over applications… and I see that it’s my fault.

But thank God.

This means that I can go to the Lulub Forest and get more money there.

Even if I have nothing to buy, it is still good to have money, so it is better to have an E rank so that I can do requests all the time.

But still, this world.

I feel like it’s too easy just to live a normal life…

While I am thinking this, there is not an ounce of novelty in it.

I received an iron card with an E on it.

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