Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

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Chapter 66 – Preliminary Investigation

In the reference room of the guild.

Waking up later than usual, I checked the monster information I had skimmed in the past.

“(Hmm, there are three types of monsters that appear… Rig Spiders are poisonous and there’s no other information about them…)”

What to bring and what to leave out.

According to the information I had heard beforehand, it would take three hours to go from the city of Bezart to the Lulub Forest.

I don’t have time to bring extra luggage, so I’ll keep my belongings to the bare minimum.

However, it is important not to forget the essentials.

After previewing the Lulub Forest to some extent, I went to Roddy-san’s place next.

“Roddy-san, please give me some information about the materials in the Lulub Forest while you work!”

“You’re here early. There’s not that much tedious skinning work to do, so it’ll be fine.”

After saying that, he went to the counter, but I didn’t want to interrupt his work, so I wanted him to continue his work if possible.

Roddy-san begins to explain, regardless of my feelings.

“I think I’ve told you before, the most profitable item is the orc meat. The meat itself is more valuable than ordinary livestock simply because it tastes better. Besides, you can get a lot of it from just one monster.”

“Hmm… By the way, how much is an Orc worth?”

“No one brings a whole body, so I can’t give you a reference, but I would guess that if it were a whole body, it would be around 200,000 beeke.”

“Oh… that certainly seems expensive.”

“But it was a two-meter monster. Since there is no way to carry it home, the hunters will cut it up on the spot and bring back the meat, the subjugation proof, and the magic stone. At that time, it is up to the party to decide whether to take as much meat as possible for a body or just the high-quality parts.”

I see. So there are different parts of the meat that are good and bad.

It’s like the cows of the Earth, but even if I know the names of which parts of the meat are the best and most expensive, I have no idea where they are.

“If you want to hunt efficiently, you need to know about meat. If you eat a variety of parts, you will naturally learn… Well, to be clear, the meat in the back is basically expensive. The people who hunt several Orcs and bring back only the most expensive parts usually bring back that area.”

“By the way, how big is the high back area? And what is the price?”

When I said that, Roddy-san looked at some kind of magic tool?

From a square container like a commercial refrigerator, he brought me a frozen piece of meat measuring about 30cm x 50cm.

“This is the part of the meat that trades at a high price because of its good quality. This is about 60,000 beeke for a B-rank material. Here, hold it.”

“Ugh… it’s pretty heavy.”

“Right? Considering its size and weight, the limit is probably four or five in a large basket. Also, the quality of the meat will deteriorate quickly. It is important to know how fast you can hunt the Orcs and bring them back in pieces while avoiding the other monsters. Those who don’t do this well often take home as much meat as possible, not just quality, after killing an Orc.”


After a quick mental calculation, it is no wonder that some hunters stay in the Rocker Plain.

The round trip to the hunting grounds takes six hours.

The materials, even if packed in a large basket, would cost at most 300,000 beeke.

Furthermore, this is for an advanced party that can hunt Orcs quickly. If you take it easy, the quality of the meat will quickly deteriorate, and the cash value will drop.

For those who are not used to hunting Orcs, it would be about 150,000 beeke after packing enough meat for one Orc.

Maybe there is an advantage to only having to kill one of them, but depending on the party, the Rocker Plains would probably have a higher break-even.

“Um… just for reference, what’s the highest daily income in Lulub for a hunter in Bezart?”

“The highest I’ve heard is somewhere around 400,000. Besides you, they’re the only ones who use oversized baskets, and that’s about it.”


“So, I guess… I don’t think Loki will make much of a difference, do you? No matter how good you are, it would be hard to go alone and fill an oversized basket without compromising the quality of the meat, and it’s not a place you can make two round trips a day to begin with.”

“That’s right…”

I might be able to hunt and butcher Orcs quickly enough to fill an oversized basket if I tried hard enough.

But a six-hour round trip is really out of our control…

It might be possible to shorten the time by running on the way there, but the return trip is hopeless, assuming the baskets are filled.

“Well, I don’t get the feeling that Loki is just in it for the money, so you might as well go at least once.”

With that said, here is the information on the materials in the Lulub Forest that I was taught.

Orcs: 3,000 beeke per body for permanent requests to kill them, 3,500 beeke for magic stones; meat can be bought at a high price, but it depends on the part and the amount of meat. The subjugation proof is the nose.

Rig Spiders: 2,500 beeke per body for a permanent request. 2,800 beeke for magic stones. There is a demand for the threads after they are released. The price depends on the amount of threads. The subjugation proof is the head.

Small wolves: 2,400 beeke per body for permanent request, 2,500 beeke for the magic stone, and 5,000 beeke per body as there is a demand for fur, and it is recommended to skin them. The subjugation proof is the tail.

Hmm, the more details I hear, the more hopeless it sounds.

Of course, the rewards will be better than in the Palmera Great Forest, but unfortunately, the Rocker Plains were too good.

That is the way it is.

The value of the magic stone seems to be that it is not an attribute magic stone, and as for materials, not to mention Orcs, even small wolves have to go through the tedious process of skinning them.

This is not a task that can be done in a minute or two… And that’s just for 5,000 beeke.

In the Rocker Plains, the skinning can be done in about 10 seconds, so I feel strongly that the time and effort are not worth the reward.

Also, it is not enough to kill the Rig Spider; you have to take the risk of releasing the threads once, which greatly reduces the motivation, no matter how good the purchase price is.


Still, I thanked Roddy-san for going out of his way to teach me, and even as I trudged on, I thought about it.

“(Do I fundamentally change the way I do things? …No, but then I would have to acquire another skill depending on the situation…)”

Thoughts go through my head, but they don’t come together well.

If I want to do it, I need to have the determination to do it.

“(Hmm… Whatever it is, I should go there and see how strong the monsters are.)”

I decided that for now and told Amanda-san, the woman I wanted to meet, about my plans for tomorrow.

“Amanda-san, I think I will go to the Lulub Forest tomorrow.”

“I knew you would as soon as you mentioned the word ‘E-rank.’ …Looking at your face, you’re not thinking of a party at all, are you?”

“Yes, that’s right, but I’ll just give it a try and see what it’s like…”

“Hah. I know you’ve achieved a lot on your own, Loki-kun, and I won’t say anything about it, but… you really have to be careful. Is there something you want me to know?”

“I just want to make sure of one thing. Is there a river that runs through the Lulub Forest?”

“A river? Then the Seil River runs through the forest, yes? What about it?”

“No, I’m just wondering if I can secure water.”

“I see. But you have to take a canteen with you, you know? Even though the river flows, the Seil River is the river that separates the areas. Even if you enter from the Bezart side, you will go quite deep into the territory.”

“Do you know how far back it goes?”

“I don’t know. It’s not a forest like Palmera, so it’s not possible to get there in one day, but maybe in two.”

“I see, that’s very helpful! Thank you!”

“I have a bad feeling about this… What do you think? Be honest with me!”

“Huh? Huh? I was just thinking that if I could hunt normally, you know.”

“Really? That’s very suspicious…”

“Oh, also, I know it’s a lot to ask, but is it possible to deposit some money in the guild?”

“Huh? What do you mean? Loki-kun, you mean the money you have?”

“Yes. The money I have is heavy and a bit troublesome. I was hoping to add it to the money I have on deposit.”

“T-That’s disturbing… I’ve never seen a child so careless with money…”

“Uh, Amanda-san?”

“Oh, yes. There’s nothing we can’t do. Well, I don’t usually do this, but… I would never do this, but…”

“Ugh… but maybe I’ll ask you to do it… depending on how it goes tomorrow.”

“I see. Well, that’s okay. In that case, tell me. I’m sure it will end with one word, something the other girls can’t do.”

“I understand, as expected of you, Amanda-san. I can rely on you.”

With Amanda-san in a good mood, I left the guild for a while.

If it continues like this, it will smell like a monster again. I should leave before that happens.

But… it seems like I can at least handle this.

Depending on tomorrow’s results, I have to be prepared.

I have to go into hermit mode again.

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