Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

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Chapter 70 – A Sudden Visit

Dong… Dong…

“(Ah… Ugh… I couldn’t go yesterday… So I have to go to the Lulub Forest today…)”

The call of the Goddesses ended before noon yesterday, and I wondered if yesterday’s events were the biggest turning point in my otherworldly life? I couldn’t calm down when I thought about it and spent a lazy afternoon doing nothing but fishing.

Even when I’m just sitting around fishing, I can’t think straight.

I can say that was one of the benefits of fishing.

Of course, I didn’t catch any fish.

Maybe I don’t have a good sense of fishing.

Well, I stood up, rubbed my sleepy eyes, and suddenly noticed a foot at the edge of my vision.

“(…Hmm? …Hmmmmm?)”

My sleepiness quickly faded, and my eyes widened.

As I look up…




Bang, bang!

“Whoa! I’m sorry!!!”

I didn’t think that wall-banging existed in this world.

Of course, if I screamed early in the morning, my neighbor would be angry.

The walls seem thin.

But that’s not the point!

What’s this?

What the hell is going on?

“Why… Why is Ria-sama here?”

Yes, for some reason, Ria-sama was sitting on a provided chair.

Ugh~ It’s been glowing since this morning… It gives off a mysterious aura…

“Hmm? Because I made a split entity with Loki as my mark.”

“Huh? Oh, no, no, even if you answer me so calmly… or rather, did you always know where I was…?”

“You always used Divine Communication from the same place. I thought this was your home.”

Seriously… Can you find the whereabouts of the person you’re talking to using Divine Communication?

“D-don’t tell me you’ve been watching me all this time?”

“I can’t do that. I just know where you are.”

“How did you get in? It was locked, wasn’t it?”

“I didn’t unlock the door because I brought my split entity right into this room. But I could have if I wanted to.”


What’s with you, a Goddess, trespassing and all that?

I mean, why do you have to bring the split entity into my room?

I thought we talked about this yesterday, using the split entity to search for the transmigrator.

“Ria-sama? Why do you have to put the split entity in my room? If you want to look for transmigrators, there are plenty of places to look, like the city, right?”

“Loki is the first transmigrator among them. And if the remains were found in the Palmera Forest, it would be more efficient to search Loki’s surroundings―that’s what Riste said.”

I-I see.

I can’t say anything when she says that.

As expected from Riste-sama.

“Then have the other Goddesses already gone to look for it?”

“No. I was convinced by the momentum, but I’m still worried, so… for now, only one person can send the split entity down to the lower world. That way, if Felza-sama finds out, we’ll have the excuse that the person in charge was directly monitoring the suspicious Loki.”

I see…

I feel like I’m being treated too harshly… is it just my imagination?

“So you are in charge of finding the transmigrators, is that right?”

“I will be the first. We’ll take turns, so I think I’ll be in charge in about a week.”


Come to think of it, Phiril-sama said she was looking forward to it, and the others were very motivated, so maybe they all wanted to go down to the lower world where they were in charge.

I think Felin-sama said that the divine realm is boring.

“I understand. I’m going to have breakfast at the inn for now. What do you want to do? I mean, I don’t know if you can eat since you’re not a guest at the inn.”

“Don’t worry. I don’t need to eat.”

“A-as expected from a god… it might be bad if you go out through the inn, so if you go out, please go out well hidden, okay? I can’t be responsible for anything that happens!”

“I understand.”

Hah… what the hell is this in the morning?

If I say it’s my fault, it might be my fault, but to wake up and find a person sitting in my room is really too much of a horror story.

I’m really glad that I noticed it in the morning.

Still, how will Ria-sama spend a week?

Does she know that she’ll be staying in an inn?

And what about money?

She said she doesn’t need to eat, and don’t tell me she doesn’t need to sleep either?

When I think about it, I feel that the Goddess’ ecology is quite a mystery.

▽ ▼ ▽ ▼ ▽

Why are you still here?”

“Because I was waiting for Loki.”

After breakfast, I went back to my room, and Ria-sama was still sitting in the chair.

She’s cute with her bare feet dangling around, her face is ultra cute, and if she said, “I’ve been waiting for you” in this situation, I would be thrilled, but I won’t be fooled.

“Um… You’re looking for transmigrators, right?”


“Shouldn’t you get going?”

“I’m going with Loki.”


What does that mean? Why am I going with her? Did I say yesterday that I was going to explore with them?

No, no, I didn’t say that.

There’s no way I would have let go of the hunt and done that.

Yeah, I mean, I definitely did not say that!

“Wait… I have plans too, you know? I want to go to the Lulub Forest today, which I didn’t get to yesterday.”

“So I’ll go with you.”


Oh, man.

It seems like we’re having a conversation, but we’re actually having trouble keeping up.

Even though I don’t have hearing loss, I feel like my hearing is getting worse.

If I keep doing this, I’m going to keep saying, “Hmm? What?”

“I don’t really understand the towns and villages of the lower world. So I’m going to follow Loki and see if there are any transmigrators around.”

“I see… So what are you going to do at the end of the day?”


“I mean, what are you going to do at the end of the day, Ria-sama?”

“I’m coming back here with you.”


I’ve certainly wished for that.

The women I’ve had a lot of contact with in this world are Amanda-san (estimated to be about 40 years old), the landlady of the inn (estimated to be about 50), the lady in the guild dining room (estimated to be about 50), and Sister Maryse-san in the church (estimated to be about 50).

All of them are older than my former age; that is, all of them are aunts.

They are way beyond my strike zone.

There is even Mei-chan (10 years old), but she is also far below the strike zone in the opposite sense, so I have only seen her as a child.

I thought this was my destiny after my transference.

For some reason, I was shunned by young girls of the right age, so in a way, I could say I was cursed.

So when I found out that Takuya, the reincarnated cheat hero, was a famous harem guy, I felt a trembling desire to kill him.

Hey, why are you taking all the good parts? Do you understand my situation? I wanted to scare him if I met him.

But the Goddess is too high a hurdle to jump out of the blue…

What am I supposed to do with such a literally inhuman girl?

“Ria-sama? As you can see, there is only one bed in this room.”

“I don’t need to sleep. I’ll be fine.”

“Hey, what would you do in the middle of the night if you didn’t sleep…”

“I sit and wait for Loki to wake up.”


…That’s not how it is!

If that happened, I wouldn’t have a shred of privacy!

“That’s no different than monitoring me, is it…?”

“You could say that.”

My body flowed naturally when I heard this.

This is a dogeza that I have done a few times in the past and had to perform in front of my clients.

“Please give me a break!”


“Don’t get me wrong! I’m not trying to do anything wrong! I’m just living hard day by day! So I have nothing to be guilty of! But still! But still, private time is important! I’m a man, too―especially at night, before I go to bed!”

“I don’t really understand, but it’s okay, right?”

“Of course it’s not okay!”

Oh no, no, no, no…

I wonder if there is a more effective way to convince Ria-sama, who definitely doesn’t understand my situation.

I have some tricks that might work with other Goddesses, but I’m not sure if they will work with Ria-sama.

But the only way to get out of this predicament is to try.

“Ria-sama. Do you realize how you look to other people? You are the most beautiful girl in the world. I have never seen anything like you on Earth. What do you think would happen to me if I had such a girl around me all the time? I would die in many ways. I have a modest dream of getting married and having children in the future. Please… Don’t make me an overly demanding, extravagant person.”

After I finished, I stared at Ria-sama and――

“O-okay, I’ll think about it…”

Hooray! I did it! I did it!

There is no element of lying at all.

Since it’s quite honest, there’s no problem if she reads my mind.

But… the way she looks down with a slight blush on her face is also too precious.

When I think about it, wouldn’t it make me very happy to be with her all the time? Then, another desire leaks out of the cracks.

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