Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

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Chapter 71 – Accompanying

“Well then, let’s go… Ria-sama, can’t you make shoes or something like that appear here?”

“If I had the materials, I could make them with my skills, but I don’t have them, so I can’t.”

“You really made the split entity without thinking, didn’t you?”

In the end, after the discussion that followed, she agreed to accompany me for just one day today to find out what the monsters’ skills are like.

We agreed to do an examination of me separately from the search for the transmigrators to see if anything unusual would happen if I acquired it again.

I have nothing special to hide, so there is nothing wrong with being told that it is an investigation.

I also confirmed the power of the split entity since we were going to defeat the monsters, and I was told that the number of the split entity is divided by the ability of the main body.

It is said that the Goddesses always have some of their own bodies in the divine realm for prayer, for the Oracle when choosing a job, and so on. Even so, they are much stronger than humans, so there is no need to worry about Ria-sama on the hunting grounds.

That’s because she has all the skills that humans have.

The bonus status alone would have been a huge skill value.

Even if her ability is only a fraction of her original level, she is definitely much stronger than me, and it is no wonder that she cannot be defeated by an E-rank monster.

And even if something were to happen to her, it would only be a split entity created with her skills, so there would be absolutely no damage to her main body.

If anything, the disadvantage of creating a split entity is that it weakens the main body, so as long as she remains in the safety of the divine realm, Ria-sama will be invincible.

I don’t know if there are any people who can use this skill, but if they can, it’s certainly an excellent skill.

The only drawback is that the purpose of creating a split entity is to automatically use the designated skill, and only one skill from the main body’s skills can be set in the split entity.

Since the assigned skill was God’s Eye, which is necessary for this purpose, she could not rely on any other skill, and I told her beforehand that she would not participate in the battle aspect just to watch.

As expected, it would be too much of a cheat to say that the Goddess can use all available skills.

I was not looking for that much, and since I had planned to do the last attack myself from the beginning, it would not have been a problem at all if she had not participated in the battle.

And as a simple question, if she doesn’t have Different Language Comprehension, can she understand my language? I wondered.

When I asked her about it, she told me that the Goddess had been endowed with many language skills from the beginning and that she had no problem conversing in the languages of Felza-sama’s world, even without any skills.

It’s a level of intelligence that ordinary people can’t understand, but as long as I can communicate with her, it’s fine with me, so I don’t mind.

This way, there is no problem with her accompanying me to the hunting grounds.

Yes, there is no problem after arriving at Lulub Forest.

First of all, how will she get to Lulub Forest without shoes? This is a big problem for me right now.

“(I’m not sure what time the shoe store opens. I’m thinking 8:00 a.m., which is about the same time the other stores open. If that’s the case, it seems like it would be okay if we go now, but…)”

“Ria-sama, is it possible to withdraw the split entity once and send it out again later?”

“If I can determine Loki’s location with the Oracle in between, it’s possible. But I want to see what happens along the way, so that’s not an option.”

“Eh… But just getting out of this inn will be a hardship, you know? Ria-sama didn’t pay for it.”

“Loki will do his best there.”

…It’s a hell of a lot of work to leave it to someone else.

But even if I think about it here, it won’t help me.

Normally, I would have left this city for the hunting grounds by now, and I don’t want to waste any more time.

“Ah~ I understand. Anyway, I’ll pay the landlady for both of us today… Let’s go, shall we?”

Saying that, I squat down.


“You can’t walk barefoot, can you? I’ll carry you on my back to the shoe store, so please hop on my back quickly for now.”

“I got it.”

I’m already squatting, so I don’t know what face Ria-sama is making.

After a short pause, I make my way to the landlady’s place, not letting my dirty mind get the better of me despite the weight on my back, the long, thin black hair tickling my cheeks, and the indescribably sweet smell wafting through my nostrils.

I have never felt more resentful of the leather armor between me and Ria-sama than I do today.

“I’m sorry, landlady. For some reason, this girl had to stay in the room yesterday as well… I’ll pay for both of us, so please forgive me!”

“Ara, ah, you’re doing it too, little boy. I see… Next time, tell me in advance!”

“I didn’t do anything! The sheets are clean!”

I know I’m making a terrible excuse, but I won’t be misunderstood.

If this continues, I will be considered an erotic child, and since I haven’t really done anything wrong, I will make sure to correct it.

By the way, Ria-sama is so light…

Is the weight of the split entity also being split?

Just by looking at her, I’d say she’s in the third year of middle school or something like that.

She’s about the same height as me, or I’m just a little taller than her, probably not even 150 cm.

Even if she had bought shoes, what would be the excuse for a girl wearing only a white one-piece dress and carrying no weapons if I met someone in the Lulub Forest or the hunting grounds?

With this thought in mind, I went to the shoe store with Ria-sama holding me tightly around my neck, feeling a little irritated.

▽ ▼ ▽ ▼ ▽

“Ria-sama, are you sure you were okay with the sandals? You’re going to walk to the Lulub Forest like this, you know?”

“It’s okay. I’ll take off my shoes if it comes to that.”

“What’s the point of buying them if you can just take them off…”

Now, we are out of the city of Bezart and heading north towards the Lulub Forest.

Of course, my style is the same even when the Goddess is present, so I always jog with an oversized basket on my back.

When I went to the guild with Ria-sama, I was afraid that there would be a big commotion, so while she was choosing her shoes in the shoe shop, I took my basket and confirmed my request, and then I immediately joined her, and we set off.

Ria-sama has been jogging with me for a while, but I was a little nervous because the shoes she bought were sandals.

But as expected, I couldn’t say that the sturdy hunter boots would look good with a one-piece dress.

If you asked me what would look better on her, I would have to say sandals.

I will probably never forget the look on the shoemaker’s old man’s face as he watched this exchange with a grin on his face for the next five years or so.

“Oh, by the way, Ria-sama…”


“Are you sure that the Goddesses, including Ria-sama, are not recognizable by your face?”

Of course, it would be a big deal if the Goddesses descended to the lower world.

Even if it was a split entity if it was discovered, there might be an uproar, and the question of who I was with would be raised nine times out of ten.

“That is all right. The people I met in person were over 10,000 years ago, so no one would know.”

“I see. Oh, is he the person who fell out of the interdimensional space you mentioned?”

“Yes. That was the last time.”

“Did you know this person because he stopped by the church?”

“Yes. If he comes near the church―or rather, the sacred object―then we can identify people individually, so if there’s an outsider at that time, we’ll be able to notice the discomfort.”

So that’s why.

The first time I went to the church, I just felt like I was being called to do something.

I ended up thinking it was all in my head and just walked away.

“Was someone calling to me the first time I stopped by the church?”

“That was Alicia. She was making a big fuss about the fact that I might not be from this world, and she was trying to keep Loki from leaving.”

“So that’s what was going on. I thought I was imagining things and left.”

“It can’t be helped. If you leave the statue, which is a sacred object, our power will be weakened.”

So, is the statue of God a sacred object?

That means the blackboard is also a sacred object.

Still, when I think that there have been statues of gods and churches for more than 10,000 years and that civilization has continued much as it is today, I realize that the stagnation of this world is tremendous.

What would the Earth be like? Would it be the age of cavemen?

“Well, if the statues of the gods are made like that, even if they are sacred objects, people will probably think Ria-sama is just a super cute girl when they see you.”


“Please don’t reveal this to the public by yourself. There will definitely be trouble after that.”

“That’s okay.”

After that, I continued to talk with Ria-sama during the three-hour one-way trip.

The information received from this split entity is transmitted to the main body in real-time.

When the information is transmitted to the main body, it is shared with the Goddesses as it is.

The Goddesses will respond to the reincarnation, but Alicia-sama is in charge of all direct correspondence.

The God’s Eye must see the object with its own eyes, so the range of its reach depends on its eyesight.

The Goddesses read minds as a matter of course, literally using the Mind Reading skill.

Of course, Ria-sama has no money in this world and is penniless.

The divine realm is divided into separate administrative worlds, so there are only six Goddesses living in the place I saw.

It took 2 minutes to use Divine Communication and 10 to 20 minutes to call the souls to the divine realm through the church.

When you think about it, it was the first time I had ever talked to the Goddesses for that long.

However, the words never stopped flowing as the topics naturally came up one after the other.

I slowed down from my usual jogging pace so as not to interfere too much with my breathing…

Before noon, however, I finally arrived at my first visit to the Lulub Forest.

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