Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

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Chapter 72 – Troublesome Hunting Ground

At first glance, the forest does not look much different from the Great Palmera Forest.

Standing at the entrance of the forest, I asked Ria-sama, who had led me here.

“Ria-sama, are you sure this is the Lulub Forest?”

“No problem. The names of countries and cities change so often that I can’t remember them, but the names of places don’t change so easily, so I won’t make a mistake.”

“That’s exactly the kind of statement that the goddess who has been observing the world would make.”

Many countries have been destroyed, and new countries have been built on top of them. She has witnessed the rise and fall of each of those times.

The time she has spent with me now is probably not even a momentary memory for the goddess, but as a man, I still have to protect the minimum I need to protect.

She is much stronger than I am, and she is also a split entity, but I guess that is what a gentleman is supposed to do.

“Well then, Ria-sama. I will start hunting immediately, so please follow me. This is my first time hunting here, so I don’t know how it will go, but… if there are any monsters that come close to Ria-sama, I will try to defeat them with priority.”

“…I understand.”

“Ah, you also want to see the monster’s special skill, right?”

“Yes. I want to find out what kind of skills you have.”

“Then I’ll use Rush aggressively, but just to confirm, is it true that God’s Eye also shows the skills of monsters?”

“Probably? I don’t know, because only Phiril has tried it.”

“I see. Well, it’s good that you know, but please tell me if the monster has a skill that Ria-sama doesn’t know about. I’ll let you know after I acquire that skill.”

“I understand.”

After such an easy meeting, we went to the Lulub Forest.

As expected on the first day, there was no need to run, and my steps were slow and deliberate.

(For now, I’ll leave the Presence Detection and Exploration functions completely open… The question is which monsters to specify with Exploration).

There are three types of monsters in Lulub Forest.

Among them, I will quickly consider the most troublesome.

(Is it the Rig Spider here? The Orc is so big that it would be easy to spot it without using Exploration, and even if the Small Wolf were to attack me, I don’t think it would be fatal. Then I should be most wary of the Rig Spider, which is the smallest in size and could wrap me in its web…).

Then, less than three minutes after entering the forest, I caught the Rig Spider’s response with Exploration.

“Ria-sama, I have received the reaction of a monster called Rig Spider for the time being, so I am going there. Please let me know if you can confirm its ability.”

“Roger that.”

As I set off, I checked the status screen for a moment.

When I was only about 10 meters away, I saw the Rig Spider.

(22% experience, huh? I mean, wow…)

It looks like something a normal girl or even 90% of the people on earth would be disgusted by…

Even the big spiders you sometimes see in Japan are about 3 cm long, I don’t really want to look at them directly, but the spider hanging just outside my field of vision is about 50 cm long.

It’s kind of black and shiny, and even now that I’m getting tougher mentally, I wouldn’t go near it if I could.

What’s more.

“It’s on a tree. My sword can’t reach it, and it’s a bit of an inconvenient place…”

I glanced at Ria-sama when I blurted it out, and she nodded and answered what I was looking for.

“Night Vision Level 1 and Sticky Thread Level 1. Sticky Thread is a skill that even we don’t have.”

“I see… Sticky Thread, huh? From the looks of it, it is definitely a skill.”

Even if I were to acquire such a skill, how would I be able to use it?

Will I be able to shoot strings out of my mouth?

Just thinking about it makes me sick, but if it is level 1, I have to defeat 5 monsters.

So, for now, I’ll just concentrate on the monster in front of me.

Anyway, it’s the first time I’ve seen it, and even though I think I can defeat it by releasing Wind Magic towards the main body, I approach it with my magic power conserved.


(It spits out a string when I get within 5 meters of it. But the speed of the spurt isn’t that great, so if I don’t let my guard down, I won’t get eaten first… The problem is after that).

Rig Spiders are hanging by a thread from a branch about 5 meters high.

Even though it’s slightly lower than the branch, I can’t reach it at all, even if I extend my sword.

I wonder if it will come down after it spits out the string…

Psshh! Pssh!

(Ugee! It just keeps spitting out strings and won’t come down! It’s a good tactic if you want to mass-produce strings, but it’s just annoying when you want to take it down quickly!)

I can understand why Zink-kun wanted a bow.

Maybe he had heard from a senior hunter that he needed a means of long-range attack.

Isn’t it inevitable if that’s the case?

(If I’m going to defeat a number of them, I’d like to conserve my magic power, so I’ll keep my magic power consumption to about 2 or 3…)

“O wind, cut!”

For a moment, a blue-purple mist covers my hand, which is shaped like a hand sword, and soon after, an invisible blade of wind heads towards the thread that supports the Rig Spider, but――

(Is it not good…?)

Even when I shake the Rig Spider a little harder, it doesn’t reach the point of severing.

Then it’s a question of whether to increase the magic consumption or take other measures, but if the premise is to defeat the numbers, this is the next one.

“O fire, fly!”

Without pausing for a moment, this time, I turned my hand into the shape of a gun and shot out a small fireball that consumed much less magic power.

If it’s sticky and has high physical durability, I thought it might have the property of being easily flammable.

(Wow, I guess I was right!)

The prediction came true, and the strings holding up the Rig Spider broke, causing it to fall to the ground.

In this case, it was just a target.

To avoid the proof of subjugation, I plunged my sword into its belly and finally killed the first one.

As soon as the first one was killed, I began to dismantle it, slightly opening my status screen to check only the experience bar.

(23%. If the increase is about 1% per body, the experience value is quite tasty. How much more than in the Rocker Plains?)

While I was thinking about this, Ria-sama called out to me.

“How are you doing? Do you think you can make it?”

“I have no problem beating them. It’s just that I have to shoot magic once to bring it down to a position where I can reach it with my sword.”

“Why not just hit it directly on the body?”

“If I do that, it will consume a lot of magic power, and I can’t handle the number of shots.”

“Hmm, it’s hard to do with so little magic.”

“Please don’t compare me to the goddess! I do this in my own weak way, think about efficiency later!”

When I interject, Ria-sama giggles.

“Oh… I think that might be the first time I’ve ever seen you laugh…”

“――!? Hurry up and show me something called Rush!”

“Haha, I can’t do it against the spider~ I’ll do it when the Orcs come out, just wait and see.”

After saying that, I finished dismantling the piece and collected the threads that were scattered around the area for reference―it was another hassle!

Even when I tried to cut them with a knife, the sticky nature of the threads made it difficult to cut them smoothly, and they also stuck to the knife, wasting a lot of time.

(Ugh… what a stressful monster…)

I managed to get as much thread as I could from the trees and the ground, and then I braced myself and went deeper into the forest to look for my next target.

(Hmm, strange, isn’t it? I was going to say that she looks cuter with a smile on her face, but then I suddenly felt embarrassed. Am I okay?)

As I thought this, I was inwardly relieved that I was lucky that it was the split entity that could not read my thoughts.

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