Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

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Chapter 76 – Business Discussion

“I’m really sorry!!!”

A loud apology echoed through the guild.

Seeing this, the hunters near the reception desk, which was bustling with redemption, distribution, and food, pushed aside to see what was going on.

“Um… please raise your head.”

“No! I can’t just raise it! To force a monster on someone who took the trouble to come and help us… I’m really… really sorry…”

I’m in trouble… this person’s sincerity is already well understood.

So, I’m not going to do anything about it, and since I was able to return home mostly unscathed in the first place, I didn’t suffer any real damage.

Perhaps my previous incident with Adent made him even more upset.

“I understand. I forgive you for today’s incident. As you can see, I am safe.”

The man finally looks up.

“I really appreciate your kindness… but if there’s anything I can do―anything at all? After all you did for me, you can tell me anything!”

Oh… I guess you could say he’s a righteous man or something.

When I think of it, I think Ria-sama also said that the axe man was the only one who worried about me when they ran away.

But even if he told me to say something…

I looked at Amanda-san, and she explained the situation to me while she sighed.

“Alba came to tell me what happened today. He told me that he pushed the monster onto the boy who came to help him and ran away. When I told him that you hadn’t come back yet, he said that he would wait for you all the way back here…”

“Oh, really?”

“But thank goodness, Loki-kun is the only boy who is alone, and even though I thought you were probably okay, everyone in the guild was worried about you, you know?”

I looked at the office side and saw Peiro-san, who knew about my situation, and other people I had never spoken to before but whose faces I knew.

So, while bowing to everyone, I lightly confirmed the situation for the time being.

“By the way, I think you were in a party of four back then, but where are the other three?”

Then, both Alba-san and Amanda-san looked at me with bitterness.

“I’m sorry… but as soon as they found out that you were the one who got into trouble with Adent and the others, they fled this town…”

“This is my fault. I told them that if they tried something against Loki-kun, they wouldn’t get away with it so easily.”


I can’t blame Amanda-san.

If they had dithered and dodged without such an apology, I would have seriously considered making them pay some kind of bill.

“I understand the situation. I received your apology, so you don’t have to worry about it anymore. Just be careful next time.”

“Huh? N-no, but…! Only those who were saved survived, and in the worst case, you could have been the only one to die!”

“Well, that could have happened under certain circumstances, but I’m alive, as you can see?”

“Are you hurt or something?”

“I’m fine, thank you.”

“You’re fighting two orcs by yourself…? What’s going on…?”

“No real damage was done, and Alba-san seems to be sorry for what you did… If I see the three who escaped, I’ll beat them up… but I have no intention of doing anything to Alba-san.”

“B-but! Then my feeling is…”


Does this guy really feel guilty?

Well, it’s true that if I had been a little weaker, I who came to help would have died horribly, and those who were saved would have run back home.

If I had been in the opposite position――

Yes, if I felt guilty, I wouldn’t be able to sleep well right now.

Then maybe it would be easier for Alba-san’s heart to lighten if I made a simple request, huh?


“Loki-kun? Are you okay?”

He is a hunter who hunts in the Lulub Forest.

At the moment, his party is disbanded, and he is probably alone.

His age is about… 30s, and he seems to be used to being a hunter.

But with two orcs, he is able to fight…

“Wait! Loki-kun! Are you listening?”

“Oh, I was just thinking.”

“You seem to get lost in your thoughts sometimes…”

“Hahaha… I often do that when I’m thinking. So, Alba-san…”

“W-what is it?”

“It’s not because of what happened today, but because I think it could be a win-win situation for both of us, so why don’t we have a little chat?”

With that, I offered to have a “business discussion” with him.


I urge Alba-san, who doesn’t quite understand my question, and lead him to an empty table.

“Let’s sit there for now. Oh, Auntie, I’ll have the iced version of the fruit water, please! Would you like something to drink, Alba-san?”

“N-no, I’ll pass…”

“If you get thirsty, please let me know. I’ll buy you a drink.”


He has a confused look on his face, but depending on the content, it could be a win-win situation for Alba-san.

I hope he will forgive me if I ask some rude questions.

“Well then, I’m going to ask you a few questions. I won’t ask you anything too difficult, so please feel free to answer them.”

After saying that, I confirm whether what I have in mind is feasible or not.

“Are you from this city, Alba-san?”

“Hmm? Yes, but…”

“How long have you been a hunter?”

“Since I turned 10.”

“So you have been a hunter for a long time. Are you at rank E now?”


“Three members of your party fled the city, which means you are all alone now, right, Alba-san?”

“That’s right.”

“What are your plans for the future?”

“I haven’t decided yet if I will join some of the parties that are hunting in Lulub, or if I will go to Palmera… where I can earn some money on my own.”

“I see… so that means there are some parties you can approach.”

“If you’ve been a hunter for a long time, you’ll have a certain number of acquaintances.”

“By the way, how well do you think you could defeat the Lulub monster by yourself, Alba?”

“By myself…?”

“Yes. For example, you can’t defeat an orc, but you can defeat two small wolves or something like that.”

“Well… if it’s an orc, I’m not sure if I can defeat one or not, but with small wolves and rig spiders, one on one is no problem. But I’m not so sure about several at the same time.”

“I see, I see… What about the other people in your party you want to talk to?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are they all about the same in terms of ability? Are they able to defeat one orc alone, or are they not too strong to fight several orcs at the same time?”

“In Bezart, there is one party that is strong, but the rest are all similar in ability to the one I just mentioned.”


The only strong party is probably the only one that uses the oversized basket that Roddy-san mentioned.

“So, in terms of a day’s income in Lulub, it would be about 200,000 to 300,000 for the party?”

“Right… no, 300,000 is impossible. The party I was in was the same, but after hunting an orc, we would pack up as much meat as we could and head back to the city. Even if there is material for other monsters, it is often a little more than 200,000 a day.”

“And you would divide that among the party members?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“I understand, thank you. I’m sorry for asking so many details.”

“No, I’m not talking about the skills I possess, and that’s fine, but did you get anything out of it?”

“Yes, I think I got everything.”

Now that I’ve heard that much, everything is fine.

The rest depends on whether the conditions are right and whether he is willing to do it or not.

Well, even if Alba-san is not on board, there is no problem.

That was the original plan, so what I am going to do now is just an addition.

“I will make you a proposal. Of course, you can reject it, so please just listen to what I have to say.”

So I told him the plan I had in mind.

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