Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

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Chapter 77 – Transportation Systems

I explained to Alba-san what I was going to do tomorrow and what I had scratched out from this plan.

From tomorrow, I will shut myself away in the Lulub Forest.

During that time, I will not even bother with the monsters’ materials and throw them away on the spot.

He can collect the discarded materials as he pleases, but he must give me 30% of the reward.

As long as he keeps a regular distance behind me, he can follow me as far as he wants to collect the materials.

However, if he encounters a monster, he will have to deal with it and defend himself.

This is just an outline, but when Alba-san heard this story, he rolled his eyes.

“Whoa, wait a minute! Excuse me―is there any benefit to you, Loki?”

“There is, isn’t there? The Lulub Forest is quite far, and it’s not easy to get there and back in a day, so I thought it would be more efficient if you carried the load while I concentrated on defeating the monsters.”

“I… it would certainly make sense if you said so, but… you would still have to defeat a considerable number of monsters, wouldn’t you?”

“Is that okay? I’ll hunt 50 or 100 monsters a day.”


“I still don’t know what happens in the Lulub Forest. In the Rocker Plains, I hunted about 100 monsters a day, so I think I can do that in the Lulub Forest as well.”

“Y-you mean I can just go along and collect materials from the monsters you kill? Is it really okay to have such a good deal…”

“It’s not without risk, you know. A certain distance, so that the benefits of the goddess’ prayers are not dispersed―yes. I’ll ask you to move at least far enough away that I can barely see you.”


“In order to make it difficult for Alba-san to get entangled with monsters, I intend to hunt monsters with the image of crushing the surroundings, but it will be impossible to eliminate all omissions as expected. It is necessary for you to assume that you may be involved with monsters to some extent.”

“I’ve hunted in that area before. If that’s the case… the problem is the people.”

“That’s right. It would have been better if the whole of Alba-san’s party had reflected on the matter and stayed behind. But if it was just you, the basket would fill up quickly and it would be dangerous, so I just checked if it was possible to invite another party.”

“I see. So that’s how it is.”

“Hey, that story. Would you mind letting us in on it?”

Turning towards the voice, I saw a man in his thirties, the same age as Alba-san, with a stubbled beard, standing there.

When I turned my eyes to Alba-san, he nodded deeply, indicating that he knew him.

“My name is Mizur. Like Alba, I’m the leader of a party that hunts in Lulub… Can we join the conversation?”

“My name is Loki. Um, are you all E-rank hunters?”

“All the members of my party are E-rank. I heard something that sounded interesting. If we leave Loki at a certain distance, we can gather all the materials we want, and we will give you 30% of the reward. If we’re attacked by monsters, we’ll deal with them ourselves. With these conditions, we won’t have any problems, right?”

“Oh, is that so? By the way, is this one of the parties that Alba-san wanted to approach?”

“Yes, that’s right. I’ve known him for a long time. He was the first person I wanted to approach.”

I see… Then, I can judge that he has at least some credibility.

The way they talk and the way they look is something you have to ignore when you’re dealing with hunters.

“That’s all right then. On the contrary, thank you for calling me.”

With that, I ask Mizur-san to sit down in an empty chair.

“How many people are in your party?”

“We’re a party of five.”

“Hmm-hmm. In that case, the reward for a day’s hunting is about 40,000 to 50,000 beeke per person, is that about right?”

“Yes. There’s a chance it could be more than that, you know?”

“Considering the 30 percent you give me, you can probably get at least 70,000 beeke per person… and probably more.”

“Seriously? Can you afford it, the rewards would be so great…?”

“It’s simple: with Alba-san and Mizur-san’s party of five, there are six people in total. It would be easy to fill the baskets of all of them, wouldn’t it? If I kill six orcs, that’s enough to fill them. Of course, I’ll be hunting more than that, so you can be as selective or mix in other materials as you like.”


“So my request is that everyone carries a large basket on their back. If necessary, I can lend you a specially made basket, which is my own, but even bigger. And when the basket is full, I want everyone to leave at the same time. I think it would be easier to defend yourselves that way, and if you want to prevent people from fighting over the materials, you could divide the rewards equally among those who participate.”

“Right. If those who have filled the positions start to leave, it’s going to get harder and harder for those who are left.”

“I agree with the idea of equal pay. It would save a lot of unnecessary bickering and make work more efficient.”

“While someone is dismantling, one of you should accompany the others, or something like that, so that everyone can do it together.”

“Alright, we’ll think of something.”

“Besides, since I’ll probably start hunting in the morning, I won’t even know you’ve arrived. That will be the main problem with this operation. So anything that can make a loud noise would be welcome―is there such a thing?”

“The only thing I can think of is a musical instrument…”

“Ah… how about a finger whistle? That’s the only thing I can think of that makes a decent sound.”

“Then let’s try the finger whistle. If I can hear it, I will go in the direction of the sound while killing the monsters. Of course, if there are any monster corpses scattered around in the meantime, you can have them dismantled as you go.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Well, is there anything else you need? …Oh, I think it would be better if I appointed you as temporary leader, Alba-san.”


“Yes. If I could get Alba-san to be present at the handover of the materials and hand over the wooden planks to Amanda-san… Amanda-san! I’ll pay the gratuity, can you help us?”

“I heard you. Again, I don’t understand… Well, okay, it’s 30%, right? I’ll add it to Loki-kun’s deposit. Is that okay with you?”

It would be great if you could also keep track of the daily amounts for each of them!”

“Kuhaha! That’s exciting, isn’t it?”

“I know… no one would even think of throwing away material. It’s unheard of.”

“Don’t push yourself too hard, okay? I plan to hunt every day, so if you want to take a day off, just tell me the day before and I’ll probably be deep in the Lulub Forest.”

“I have to earn when I can. The rest depends on the results.”

“I’m not in a position to say I want to take a break. If it’s just me, I’ll use the opportunity to take a break, but as long as there’s someone who wants to go, I’ll go with them.”

“Shall we go together tomorrow? We can meet at the guild after the morning bell!”



So, the three of us shook hands and decided to create an environment that could be described as a variant of the sub-character transport system that I had previously envisioned on the Rocker Plains.

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