Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!


Chapter 78 – Special Training

About an hour after the evening bell.

After successfully concluding the business negotiations, I slipped into a store that was about to close, bought more salt, and hurried to the inn.

It was still dinner time, and many people were still coming and going.

I think Ria-sama is probably still wandering around the city, but since there is no set time, I have to return to the inn with plenty of time to spare.

I don’t have too many complaints about this other world where civilization has lagged behind, but…

The only inconvenience I feel is that I can’t clearly tell others what time it is.

I know I’m leaving it up to others, but I wish someone would spread the use of clocks around this world.

And then about the bath.

I don’t want to say every day, but I would like to take a bath or shower at least once every two or three days.

With these thoughts in mind, I arrived at the inn.

Just to be sure, I looked around the ground floor, which also serves as the dining room.

“(That’s quick… She’s already here.)”

For some reason, Ria-sama was sitting on a chair at the counter, her legs swinging.

“Hey boy! The little girl is waiting for you!”

“Loki, you’re late.”


Even Ria-sama, who doesn’t eat, had to wait for me here.

And the fact that the counter is hard to see for other customers is also a good job.

For some reason, there was even a glass of drink in front of Ria-sama’s table, which is to be expected from the proprietress who runs the business alone.

She is a person who can do her job well.

“No, no, no… it’s still time for the people in the world to be active, you know? Have you finished your inspection yet?”

“I have time, so I’ll take it easy.”

“I-I see…”

I’m not sure if she’s motivated or not, but I guess the sense of time is different between the goddess, who is immortal, and an ordinary mortal like me.

It’s probably pointless to go into it, so I’ll leave the search for the transmigrants alone.

“Would you like to eat now, boy?”

“That’s right. how about you, Ri…”

I couldn’t help but stop speaking at that point.

Isn’t it bad to call her “Ria-sama” in public?

Even if they don’t know her face, as expected of a god in this world whose statue is in a church, at least her name should be well-known.

What should I do…

“W-what are you going to do? Do you want to go back to the room first?”

This is what immediately came out.

I call her “you.”

I know it’s very rude because it sounds like a newly married housewife, but it’s better than being exposed.

Maybe she noticed my concern, but she didn’t mention it.

“I’ll try it too.”

“Huh? Ah, yes… sorry, Proprietress-san. Is it possible to add one more person’s portion?”

“It’s okay, because I made it with a little extra. I’ll prepare one for the little girl as well, so just wait a little while!”

The proprietress went into the back kitchen, so I took the opportunity to check.

“(Ria-sama, even though I’m the one who asked, are you able to eat?)”

“(It’s not that I can’t eat, it’s just that I don’t have to.)”

“(That’s fine, but…)”

“(I just had some water and it was fine. So the food down there is probably okay.)”

What do you mean by “probably”?

Well, if she leaves some, I’ll eat Ria-sama’s portion for her.

I’m used to eating for two at the dinner combo between the curry place and the inn.

“(And it’s not good to call you Ria-sama in public, is it?)”

“(There must be a lot of kids who take goddesses’ names, so it’s not a problem.)”

“(I see.)”



“(I don’t think it’s a good idea to use ‘sama.’)”


That’s also true.

I think only the daughters of royalty and nobility would be called ‘sama.’

I feel like she could be the daughter of a very rich person, but that’s what her employees and those who take care of her would call her, and it doesn’t feel right for me, a hunter, to call her with ‘sama.’

Which means?

No way?

“(…So it’s okay to call me just Ria.)”


Seriously? Calling Ria-sama by just her name, huh?

I feel my heartbeat increasing strangely.

Maybe this is it.

It’s because I’m about to violate the taboo of calling the goddess without honorifics.

I’ve called the Goddess “trash” before, but when I think about it calmly, I know it’s not right to call a God without honorifics.

I am sure that I am not nervous about calling Ria-sama, just Ria.

For some reason, I am pressured by Ria-sama, who is staring at me, and I am enveloped in an atmosphere where it is necessary to say it…

Suuhaaahh… Suuhaaahh…


“Here we go!”



Nice timing, Proprietress-san!

Let’s get some air! …It was us who were whispering to each other here.

“T-thank you… for now, let’s eat before it gets cold, shall we?”


The taste of today’s meal wasn’t very good, but Ria-sama, who I looked at from the side, looked satisfied with her meal, so I agreed with myself that it was okay.

▽ ▼ ▽ ▼ ▽


“One more time.”


“I can’t hear you.”


After returning to the room, for some reason, the practice of calling Ria-sama’s name began.

I was half forced to start because I didn’t want anyone to find out because of me… But wait a minute, please.

Starting tomorrow, I’m going on an expedition to Lulub.

I won’t be back in Bezart and won’t see Ria-sama for a while.

By the time I return, she will probably have passed the baton to another goddess.

So, what is the point of this practice? When is the right time to use it? I wonder.

“More clearly.”


I have become an obedient person who obeys when I am told.

And I find myself surprisingly comfortable in this situation.

“It’s okay! Ria! Ria, Ria, Ria! I’m used to it! I don’t have to add ‘sama’ to your name anymore!”

“Okay. Then I forgive you.”

Was this a situation that needed forgiveness?

I’m not sure, but if Ria-sama is satisfied, that’s all that matters now.

“So, R-Ria. Here.”


“Is it the money of this world or of this country? If it is in another country, it would be in a different currency. I’ll give it to you anyway.”

On the table was a leather bag filled with the money of the Kingdom of Lagreath, about one million beeke.

After the business meeting, I was about to leave when Amanda-san gave me a strong push, and I received about 200,000 beeke for the day.

That was all I had at that time, including the money I had spent.

“You’re not planning on using it, are you?”

“I found out that Ria’s split entity can also eat, and you seemed to enjoy your meal.”


“Besides, the goddesses will continue to take turns dropping off the split entity in the lower world, right? So please give it to them as it is when the passing takes place. If something happens and you don’t have the money, it would be a problem.”

“Okay… Thank you.”

“No, no, no. Just don’t waste it on something you don’t understand, okay? I’m leaving Bezart tomorrow for the time being, like I said. I can’t just replenish it when you tell me you’ve run out!”

“Don’t worry. If that happens, I’ll send a split entity to the Lulub Forest, so there won’t be a problem.”

“No, no, I don’t have any money even if you show up in the Lulub Forest…”

The small talk, which included such jokes, continued into the night.

And then we talked for a while.

In the end, she said, “Well, good luck,” and Ria’s split entity disappeared, leaving behind a dense blue-violet mist and a pair of neatly matching sandals.

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