Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!


Chapter 80 – What is a Hunter?

“We’ve arrived.”


“Looks pretty normal to me.”

“I mean, it’s a little quieter than usual, don’t you think?”


“Alright! I’m ready.”

“Me too.”

The seven of us looked at the forest where the Seil River enters.

Looking at the sun, it must be about 11 o’clock.

It took us about 4 hours altogether because we had to make a sudden change of direction…

Still, we arrived at a place that could be described as a hidden gem at best or a monster’s lair at worst.

The surrounding area was grassland, just like on the way to the fishing spot, and the scenery was almost the same as if you had entered the Great Forest of Palmera before.

After all, the six people who accepted my suggestion were hunters, for better or worse.

No, that’s not right.

I should call them inhabitants of this world.

Death is a familiar thing.

It is natural to take a certain amount of risk to make money, and when they weighed the two, “a lot of money” and “the possibility of death,” they chose “a lot of money.”

That’s what they thought.

…Although one person is a little doubtful.

Well, he followed us anyway.

Then, let’s just do what needs to be done.

I’m going to hunt monsters and make money while trying to keep the six who followed me from dying as much as possible.

That means I have to be even more determined than I was with Zink-kun and the others.

“Let’s get started, shall we? Today, I’ll start from the river about 500 meters to the east. I’ll move around and destroy the monsters in that area as I go.”

“We’ll go in about an hour later, is that right?”

“Yes. There’s no clock, so I think it’s approximate, but that should be about right. Please don’t get too far away from the river. I can only measure the distance by feel, so I think it would be better to have some safety margin of distance, like 300 meters or so.”


“If anything happens, I think it will be easy to escape to the safe zone where we are now, so today, the first day, we will concentrate on the shallow part of the forest as much as possible. Once everyone’s baskets are filled―Mizuru-san.”


“Please blow your finger whistles as loud as you can. This will signal the end of the hunt for me, so I will return here for the day. If you happen to be surrounded by monsters and there is nothing you can do, please blow your finger whistle twice. I can’t guarantee that I will get to you in time, but I will come to your rescue.”

“Leave it to me. I’ll make it a priority to get out of the forest if I feel we’re in trouble.”

“That’s the best. Phew… I’ll be on my way!”

With cheers of encouragement flying from behind me, I make my way into the Lulub Forest.

I start with the river area.

I don’t think there will be any orcs leaking out, so I’ll target small wolves and rig spiders and switch to Exploration to create and then expand the monster-free zone.

“(No reaction as soon as I enter, huh…? Then maybe it’s a little deeper?)”

With that in mind, about 100 meters from the forest entrance, the presence changed drastically.

“(Wow… three orcs in sight, rig spiders… 5 in a 30 meter radius, and the small wolves, how many are there…?)”

Exploration doesn’t have the ability to give you a specific number.

It’s just a sense of knowing that they’re in that place or that area, so if there are too many of them, it’s impossible to get individual responses.

“(Well, that’s okay. The small wolves are coming from the other side anyway, right? They are already running toward me. So, while making sure to stay out of range of the rig spiders, I should just crush any of them that come near me.)”

With that decision, I took a step, and then another, deeper into the forest.


Four small wolves leap from the front.

The first of them uses Rush, and I swing my sword sideways.

Immediately, I slashed at the small wolves that were also using Rush, then ripped the belly of one of the next two as they moved.


Another one bites my arm, but thanks to my defense, its teeth are only slightly sunk in.

That only hurts a little.

I hit the small wolf that thought it was biting me in the head with the hilt of my sword, kicked it as it rolled to the ground, and prepared for the three orcs and five small wolves approaching, as well as the several small wolves I could see behind them.

“Hahahahahaha… this is awesome! It’s like a feeding frenzy with no time to rest! Come on! Come at me!”

A blue-violet mist covers my toes.


“O earth, rise high!”

Rumble, rumble, rumble…

With a mound of earth appearing in front of me at the same time as my footsteps, I create a wall between the two orcs swinging at me at the same time, and the two small wolves using Rush and kick up from the side of the mound of earth, slicing the orcs’ heads open.


Was it muscle strength or Swordsmanship?

I was unable to cut off the orc’s head, but I managed to thrust my sword into its neck from behind as it crouched on its knees, and while dodging the attack of another orc wielding a thick wooden trunk that could be considered a club, I slashed at its thigh, forcing it to its knees.

At that moment, a small wolf jumped at me from behind the orc, and I quickly stabbed the knife in my left hand into its eyeball.


I felt an impact on my side and was blown away slightly, but the pain was not that strong.

Without even looking at the cause, I stared at the small wolves that were jumping at me one after another, slashing at them with the short sword in my right hand and the knife in my left hand.

‘You have acquired Bite Lv 2.’

“(Huff… hah… before I can defeat the orcs, the next group of small wolves will be here…)”

While stomping on the fallen small wolves, I plunged my knife into the neck of the orc that had just attacked me and stabbed the sword into the belly of the third orc that was swinging its club in front of me.

But the club did not stop swinging.



I feel a strong blow to my head, my vision flickers, and I feel a slight pain in my shoulder, arm, and leg.

“Kuh… this is annoying…”

“O wind, cut all around me!”

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh――!

The bluish-purple mist quickly turned into an invisible wind cutter, slicing through the body of the small wolf that bit me.

‘You have acquired Rush Lv4.’

The orc in front of me, who was stabbed in the stomach with a sword, also suffered countless wounds, but since I was crouching, my attack did not reach the upper half of its body.

However, due to the pain, its face is gradually drooping.


I pull the knife that is still stuck in its neck out of my left hand and immediately plunge it deep into the orc’s throat.

Hah… hah…

With this, the orc is dead, right?

‘You have acquired Stick Art Lv 2.’

“Huff… huff… hah… finally… things have calmed down…”

The bodies of nearly 20 monsters were lying around.

I have never experienced such a series of battles.

Exhaustion is the perfect word for me right now, and even though the upper part of my field of vision was filled with skill acquisition announcements, I didn’t have the time to take a leisurely look at them.

But even now that I’ve calmed down a bit, I don’t have time to worry about such things.

Soon, they will rush into the forest in search of materials.

If possible, I need to leave as much of a monster-free zone as possible…

“As expected… It was untouched… The area near the river is… dangerous… I must control the use of… magic power…”

While muttering this out of breath, I walked towards the rig spiders, where there was still a sign of them.

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