Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

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Chapter 81 – Incomprehensible Scenes

“Is it almost an hour?”

This is the third time I’ve heard it.

I guess everyone is tired of hearing it; no one even says the words “Not yet.”

We just wait while Loki hunts.

I didn’t think it would take this long.

So I’m thinking about a lot of unnecessary things.

Monsters gather at the water’s edge.

That’s an old saying.

Some people used this information and preferred to go to the water’s edge in the Great Palmera Forest.

But in Lulub Forest, where the strongest monsters appear in the Bezart region, no one thought to go all the way to the water’s edge.

Surrounded by orcs, there was an air of death in the air.

There were no suicidal people around me or in my father’s generation who would choose to go to such a place with such a high concentration of monsters.

It was no wonder that no one but Mars knew about this place.

Alone in the midst of all this…

I know that the records of the amount of materials are kept within the guild.

I’ve heard a lot of rumors mixed with envy, especially from the younger people.

However, no one here has ever seen him actually fight.

He was obviously a boy, or at least young enough to be my child.

Was it right to let such a child go in alone?

I had let him die once, and to let him die again would have been a mistake.

But I couldn’t say anything when I felt this strange confidence.

After all, I had no right to veto Loki’s proposal…

“The sun is right above us. It’s time for the long-awaited hour.”

Mizuru said, and we all stood up.

I’m only the temporary leader.

They will probably feel more comfortable with the instructions of their original leader, Mizuru.

But I’ll do what I have to do.

I don’t want anyone to die, and I don’t want to die yet.

“Let’s go then. As planned, I, Mizuru and Ents will carry the basket first. The rear guard will switch to carrying the baskets when the magic power gets low. If we succeed in filling it, we’ll go back and change baskets.”

For the past hour, we had been making various arrangements, partly because we were running out of time.

It’s not that I don’t trust Loki, but we don’t know how many monsters are still on the road.

So we decided to leave three of the six baskets here.

It’s a place where no one comes.

There would be no problem if we left the baskets here.

And if we thought that the three of us could move freely without the baskets, we came to the conclusion that this would have many advantages.

At first, Ents, who was originally in charge of carrying the baskets, was the mainstay of the team, and the melee team carried the baskets.

When the magic power becomes doubtful, the rear guard takes over the basket, and the melee team becomes the main escort.

Today is the first day.

For now, we will see how things go.

“Let’s see what’s going on in the forest.”

“Leader, don’t let your guard down, okay? It might be overrun with monsters.”

“You’re still thinking in the wrong direction, you know that? Mars, it’s more fun to dream, isn’t it?”

“Do you know how many hunters die because of those dreams?”

“Well… as soon as he realizes it’s just a nightmare, he’ll be long gone.”

“Then the boy won’t be saved…”

“It can’t be helped. This is what Loki himself suggested. A hunter is always ready to die.”

“But there’s no monster, not even a body, is there?”

“That’s because we’re still at the entrance to the forest, right?”

It is true that it is just a forest with nothing to see, but that is probably because it is too close to the entrance.

We can either continue along the river or leave the river and enter the forest…

However, it would be easier to mark the spot and escape if something happened along the river since the direction is easily determined.

――In that case.

“Well, let’s go a little further for now. If we don’t find anything, we’ll leave the river and go into the forest.”

“Oh… that may not be necessary. I smell blood.”

“Hmm? Are you sure?”

“The leader has a good nose, as always.”

Mizuru quickly licks his fingertips and checks the direction of the wind.

“No doubt about it. Straight ahead. I’m sure the smell of blood comes from there.”

“I hope it’s not Loki’s blood.”

“Hey, hey, hey, Alba, you shouldn’t say that, man. We can’t make any money if Loki is dead.”

“What do you think? Huh, what is that? …A pile?”

“Huh? …Ah… this is… even worse than expected…”

…No wonder Mizuru was surprised.

At first, I also wondered why there was a mound of earth in such a place.

But when I approached the small mound of earth, I found about seven or eight monster corpses lying around it.

“All of them are small wolves… Is it possible for such a number to attack all at once?”

“Usually, there are only four or five of them. I wonder if there would be so many of them near the water.”

“There doesn’t seem to be any sign of the monsters, but Zarsa! Just go ahead and check the back of the mound!”


“All right! There are too many of them, so I need you two, Zarsa and Mars, as escorts for now. The rest of you will start dismantling.”

Just as they were getting ready, a voice called out to them.

“Hey, wait a minute!”

“What is it? Is it a monster?”

“N-no… that’s not it…”

“It doesn’t sound like Zarsa was looking at… Loki’s corpse or something, right…”

Even Mizuru, who had noticed Zarsa’s unusual behavior and approached him, was speechless.

No way…

“I-is Loki dead?”

“Kuhaha… hahahaha! …I-I think we might have hit the jackpot with that guy… We got such a terrible guy!”

“W-what are you talking about?”

As I approached the small mountain, I saw the bodies of small wolves, which seemed to be more than the number I had seen earlier.

There were even three dead orcs lying around.

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