Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

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Chapter 83 – Forest Base

It was dusk, and the sun was setting.

I looked at the cliffs leading to the riverbank, dragging my tired body.

“(Hmm… it looks like I could find a place to sleep. If I go a little deeper, I might find an environment I like, but… no. I don’t want to walk anymore.)”

The cliffs are not more than 5 meters high.

They only exist on one side of the river, and it looks as if the uplifted ground has somehow been carved away by the river current.

It should be less than 1 km from the entrance to the forest, so the location is favorable for carrying out the plan.

However, the walls were not made of rock but of earth, which was my only concern.

It was not so easy to find a comfortable cave like the one where I spent the night in the Great Forest of Palmera.

However, with my legs and hands shaking slightly from battle after battle, I could not muster the energy to search for a better environment.

“(Considering the figure of the orc, I thought that if I drilled a hole about 3 meters away, I should be okay…)”

With that in mind, I started preparing to make my home in the river.

“Create a stone pillar, three meters high.”

Rumble, rumble, rumble…

I have been doing this exclusively since I learned on the Rocker Plain that if I build a stone pillar on my buttocks while sitting on it instead of on my feet, it will carry me up more stably.

Now that I was almost three meters high while sitting on the stone pillar, I started to drill a hole while staring at a part of the cliff.

“Make a big hole.”


“(Well, it’s a little narrow and distorted.)”

The result is a hole about 1 meter high and 2 meters deep.

It is possible to sleep in it, but it is a little uncomfortable to make a fire and have a meal, and most of all, I am very worried about the uneven, bare ground.


The status screen shows that I have 29 magic powers left, even though I have the sword in my hand.

I’d like to modify it a bit more, but I don’t have much magic power left.

At this rate, I’m going to go into unconscious mode here.

Unlike the Rocker Plains, the Lulub Forest is a movement hunt where light magic is always cast.

Even if there were automatic recovery, it would be a good compensation for the pace of use, and the situation was far from full recovery.

“(It can’t be helped… I’ll hold out for now and do the expansion work after the magic power recovers.)”

With that in mind, while calculating the remaining magic power, I made this first.

“Create a flat stone.”



My voice leaks out when I see it shaped exactly as I imagined.

As expected of spirits, they must have a firm grasp on the image I have in mind.

On a rather large stone chopping board in front of me, I place a piece of “orc meat of the highest quality,” which I have been carrying on my shoulder for some time, and then put it down.

I had brought the equivalent of one body, which is about 10 kg, so no matter how I think about it, it is not an amount that can be eaten by just one person…

Nevertheless, it was my first orc meat. My first otherworldly barbecue.

I was so excited that I greedily brought home a large portion of meat, thinking that I would have plenty left over anyway.

I got the salt out of the leather pouch, and the knife to cut the meat was ready.

If I heat the knife over a fire before using it, there should be no problem with hygiene, even though it is for disassembly.

If anything goes wrong, Poison Resistance will surely take care of it.

And then…

Aaahhh…! Trees! Branches! Burning things!

I hurriedly slid down the stone pillar I had just built before nightfall, gathered branches from the surrounding area, and threw them mercilessly into the hole I had made for my sleeping place.

The branches fell into the river from above, but I didn’t care about the details because there were branches everywhere.

I also throw some larger rocks into the hole and look around carefully to make sure I don’t have to go down again.

While I’m thinking about it, a small wolf attacks me, and I kill it as if it were a nuisance.

I look at its corpse a bit…

“(Hmm… actually, at this temperature, I don’t need fur when I sleep, do I? It would definitely smell strange if I suddenly peeled it off and used it, wouldn’t it?)”

If possible, I would like to have a mattress and a blanket, but I don’t think I can live a hermit’s life if I start asking for things like that.

I put the problem aside and returned to the hole with a branch in each hand.

――No, my feet stop before I get back.


I look up at the stone pillar I made standing in front of me…

It brought back unpleasant memories of the Rocker Plain in the past when all I could do was lift the basket and couldn’t take it.

“(Whew~… calm down, me. It’s okay. It’s not time to rush yet.)”

A quick glance at the status screen shows that my remaining magic power is 15.

If I use level 2 Earth Magic, the worst that can happen is that I will lose consciousness.

“This is no time to be happy about making a cutting board… What to do, what to do, what to do…)”

Come to think of it; I hadn’t really checked what happens to the magic power consumption when making a stone pillar of a certain height.

The main reason is that I didn’t have much trouble with magic power in the Rocker Plains.

“(The maximum magic power consumption is 9 at level 1, so coma can be avoided for sure, but only a stone pillar about 50 centimeters high―there is no way to jump onto a 3-meter high stone pillar from there… Then why not wait for me to recover? When the magic power recovers to 20, a 1.5-meter stone pillar can be created, so if I can reach that height, I can go back first. But the sun has already gone down. Soon, there will only be moonlight… Can I fight the monsters with this? I’m sure I won’t die from a surprise attack, but I have a feeling it would be much harder to take them down…)”

I didn’t think that making a cutting board would be so important, and my thoughts were swirling around in a situation that could be called a predicament.

But in the midst of all this, I suddenly realized something.

“(Come to think of it, I had forgotten that I got another skill from the rig spider called Night Vision, which I had hidden because of Sticky Thread, a skill that is useless even if acquired. Where is it…)”

I used Explore to look for signs of monsters, and once I knew it was safe, I checked the status screen.

I then searched for Night Vision and read the detailed description.

Night Vision Lv2: can slightly ensure vision in the dark, magic consumption 0

“(Hmm, as expected, but the description is very short.)”

Thinking about it, I decided to try it as soon as possible, as long as it was a type that did not consume magic power.

Night Vision.

Then, although only slightly, I felt as if the amount of light had increased, and the contrast was a bit clearer.

The dark areas in the shadows are dark as they are, and the moonlit areas seem a bit brighter…

“(Hmm. In any case, there’s no way I’m going to do something fatal like fall unconscious in a place like this, so I’ll just wait for my magic to reach 20 while using Night Vision. Oh, and while I’m at it, I might try to measure the time it takes for my magic to recover.)”

With that in mind, I took my watch out of my leather bag and noticed that the hands, which I knew from experience were a bit difficult to see in this darkness, were a bit easier to see.

“I should be ready for battle at any moment…”

I quickly stood up so that I could swing my sword, and while I leaned against the stone pillar, I checked the status screen while being careful with Presence Detection.

As soon as the remaining magic power went up to 16, I checked my watch and turned my eyes back to the status screen.

While doing so, I looked at my current status.

Name: Loki (Yuto Mamiya) <Salesman>

Level: 13 

Skill Points Remaining: 66

Magic Power: 16/98 (+18) +50 additional with the grant of increased magic power only when holding a sword

Strength: 47 (+20)

Intelligence: 48 (+11)

Defense: 46 (+112)

Magic Defense: 46 (+9)

Agility: 46 (+23)

Technique: 45 (+12)

Luck: 51 (+7)

Blessings: None

Title: None

Acquired Skills

◆Combat and Tactical System Skills

Stick Art Lv3, Swordsmanship Lv3, Dagger Technique Lv1, Provocation Lv1, Frenzy Lv1

◆Magic Skills

Fire Magic Lv2, Earth Magic Lv3, Wind Magic Lv4

◆Job System Skills

Gathering Lv1, Hunting Lv2, Dismantling Lv2

◆Daily Life System Skills

Different Language Comprehension Lv3, Presence Detection Lv3, Vision Enlargement Lv1, Farsightedness Lv1, Exploration Lv1, Arithmetic Lv1, Memorization Lv1, Swiftness Lv1, Night Vision Lv2

◆Pure Passive System Skills

Poison Resistance Lv7, Increased Automatic Magic Recovery Lv1, Increased Maximum Magic Power Lv1


Oracle] Lv1, Divine Communication Lv2


Rush Lv4, Sticky Thread Lv2, Bite Lv3


I left my notebook at the inn, so I don’t know the details, but still, the skills of Lulub’s monsters have increased across the board.

Well, that’s true.

There are so many monsters out there.

If I continue to hunt them, the skill level will increase by itself.

Unfortunately, there are no monsters with exceptionally high-level skills like the Poison Mouse of Rocker Plain…

None of them are super useful skills that I would use all the time.

So, the goal of the Lulub Forest might be judged more by how far I raise my own level than by skill level.

After a day of hunting today, my level has already increased by 2.

This is clearly the kind of increase I would expect if I were at a lower level than is appropriate here.

At what point does the level increase stop?

If I use the Rocker Plain standard, there will come a time when my level will stop increasing even if I continue to hunt a full day for about half a month, so I will graduate from this place when my experience level drops below 20%―or even 10% per day.

So, I’ll leave it at that level as a guideline for now.

However, when the number of skills acquired increases to a certain extent, it is quite difficult to tell which skill level has increased.

Especially during the melee, there is no time to check the announcements, so other than the skills that can be increased even if I remain silent, the only thing I can remember is that my Swordsmanship skill has increased, right? That is all I remember.

If the skill level had increased when I checked the status screen, it would be convenient to have the word “New” attached to the side of the screen.

Well, Acorn’s “Amazingness” is probably just beginning, so I guess it’s no use asking for the impossible.

While I was thinking about it, my magic power changed to 17, so I immediately closed the status screen and checked my watch hands.

“(Well? Hmm… 2 minutes and 40 seconds?)”

I thought that the result was very mediocre, but since the level 1 Increase Automatic Recovery of Magic Power and the Grant of Leather Armor were also involved, I agreed that such a mediocre result was normal.

“Then it would take another eight minutes or so. I’m glad to know that it will only take this long, but… Ah, I’m hungry…”

As I muttered this, I looked up at the moon, which was shining a faint light.

“I don’t think I can use Divine Communication today.”

I don’t know if the goddesses can hear me or not, but I will apologize.

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