Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

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Chapter 84 – Wild Idea



“…Whoops! Oh no! What time is it?!”

I quickly grabbed the clock under the dirt pillow and checked the time.

“What, it’s only a little after 6:00… It surprises me!”

When I’m in the town of Bezart, the church rings its bell at six in the morning, and for many of the townspeople, it’s their wake-up call.

I used to wake up to the sound of that bell, but of course, there was no one to ring the bell in the Lulub Forest.

In fact, there are no bells at all.

I regretted that I had taken on a terrible responsibility in exchange for the money, thinking that if I overslept, I would put Alba-san and the others in danger as they entered the forest with great enthusiasm.

“Hmm… this watch doesn’t have an alarm function, does it?”

I looked at the watch from different angles with faint hope but soon realized that there was no such convenient function, so I started to prepare breakfast while muttering to myself that if I didn’t go to bed early and wake up early, it would lead directly to someone’s death.

They will probably arrive around 9 or 10 o’clock, no matter how early.

So, after an hour or so of relaxing over breakfast, the hunt would begin.

After gathering the rest of the branches I had brought yesterday, I threw them into the fire pit I had built at the entrance of the cave and lit it with a fingertip match.

I added some salt to the orc meat (extra fine) that I had cooked last night and reheated it.

It was summertime, but since it had been cooked once, it should be good for half a day, right? It is a very appropriate man’s dish.

While it’s being heated up, I continue with my plan to rebuild the hole in the wall, thinking that my magic power will recover to some extent by the time I go hunting.

By the way, before I went to bed last night, I had already made some progress on the expansion.

The space in the cave, which felt too narrow, was widened by about a meter in the back, and the uneven floor was leveled.

Apparently, when a hole is made with Earth Magic, the earth that was there is more likely to be compacted than to disappear.

As proof, when I touch the surface of the wall, the ground is so hard that it does not seem to collapse easily, so when I make a hole, I can kill two birds with one stone by hardening the ground around it.

On the other hand, my lower back and buttocks hurt when I slept.

I could think about putting down leaves or small wolf skins or something like that later.

What else should I do?

The current cave is about 1 meter high and 3 meters deep.

This is still enough to spend time in, but…

“(It’s a bit tasteless. Should I build a storage room?)”

With that in mind, I continued to expand it.

But it would be dangerous to dig any deeper.

I had not yet ventured to the other side of the river, so I had no idea what the terrain was like on the other side of that cliff.

It would be pointless to dig a hole and walk through it, so I made the hole in the shape of a T.

I widened the back of the hole with the idea of extending it to the left and right.

This would not be a problem as the cliff was long enough to follow the river.

“Make a hole. Make a hole.”

Rumble, rumble, rumble…

Rumble, rumble, rumble…

I guess this is for safety.

I can lie down while I watch the entrance, and since there is no height in this cave, large orcs should not be able to get in the back so easily.

I think I will use the other hole for equipment storage.

“(I’ll also make this one…)”

“Make a smaller hole.”


The hole in the wall is about 30 cm wide and deep.

I will put salt, tonic pills, soap, and other small things in this hole and use it as a shelf.

It’s a little oval, so it’s hard to put things on it, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

If I were to order it to be square, it would be in the realm of Earth Magic level 3, so I can’t spend that much magic in the morning on a mere shelf.

I failed with yesterday’s cutting board!

And then…

I thought of the toilet, but there are no toilets in the hunting grounds.

My life in the other world is more about doing my business in the wilderness at the moment, so there’s a river right in front of me, so I’ll keep releasing it into nature.

That should be good for this world.

Then the only thing left would be a bath?

That is the most wanted, and the most difficult wish right now.


I looked around, but first of all, it would be impractical to build it here by any stretch of the imagination.

First of all, how would you get water from the river to this hole in the ground at a height of 3 meters? That would be the question.

The only way is outside, in an open-air bath.

Thinking about it, the only thing that comes to mind is that thing, the Goemon Bath.

Or maybe not exactly that, but a drum bath or some kind of bath where a person can fit all the way in, and a fire is lit from underneath.

There are things everywhere that can be burned, and if only I could create the iron, which is the key…

With that in mind, I immediately set to work.

“Create iron!”

――But no luck.

The blue-purple mist did not appear, and I knew it was a failure.

I could think of several reasons why stone could be created with Earth Magic but not iron, but I was not sure.

Iron is supposed to be iron ore, so is it the amount in the ground?

Or is it the level of Earth Magic?

There is also the possibility that it is beyond the scope of what Earth Magic can compensate for in the first place.

Without knowing the reason, it is impossible to solve the problem by shaking skill points.

If that is the case, what other methods are there?

As is my habit. I think deeply.

“(The problem is whether it’s possible to use the water from the river, heat it properly, and create an environment where monsters can’t enter.

If I acquire Water Magic, the bar for making a bath will be lowered, but I don’t want to spend the points to acquire it when I’ve already secured the water, and I don’t know how much magic power it will take to produce the water needed for a bath. In the current situation, acquiring Water Magic would not be an option.

If that were the case, should I build a stone wall by the river so that even monsters can’t get into it with Earth Magic? No, that won’t work. Once it is built, the water cannot be drained, and if there is a gap, the water cannot be heated.

Most of all, it would be inefficient to use stone pillars to get in and out of the bathtub naked every time. Eventually, the closed bathhouse would be filled with stone pillars to get out…

So what if I draw the water from the river into the inside of the cliff where I drilled the hole? If I connect the base and the bathhouse by digging a hole and filling the river entrance with soil, I should be able to block the water from entering and exiting the bathhouse.

With soil, it would be easy to retreat. But then the baths would just be muddy… and if I blocked it with stones, it would only be for one time. If I’m going to go in there, I want to go in there to clean my body.

So why not open it up and build it outside in the grassland area? That would make it safe, and since no one would be around, there would be no need to cover the bathhouse every time, right? But in terms of distance, it’s almost a kilometer or… too far to the baths. Besides, if I run into monsters on the way, I will end up sweating even after I get out of the bath, and that is too subtle.

So I might compromise and take a bath in the water since it’s summer. No, no, no, silly, then I should just jump into the river right now. Oh, with the sticky threads of the rig spider――)”

I can’t even notice what I can notice in a situation where my brain is covered in a bath.

It was only half an hour later that I noticed that the orc meat I was barbecuing had turned black.

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