Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

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Chapter 87 – A Little Longing and Reality and…

“I see. Should I continue to the east of the river, or should I try to reach the west of the river?”

After the string man was safely released, I immediately told Alba-san and Mizuru-san that I was wondering which way to attack.

I then asked them how the material recovery was going and what the current situation was.

Of course, I had no intention of getting in the way, so I let them continue with their work.

I followed Alba-san and the others as a sort of escort and listened to what they had to say.

“By the way, how is the gathering of materials going?”

“That’s not a problem. The orc flesh is a bit spoiled, but there are still small items like magic stones and part of the subjugation lying around!”

“Yes, that’s true. It’s just the freshness of the orc meat… Well, we’ve been carefully selecting only those that are likely to be of material rank “C” or higher for the past few days, so there’s nothing for you to worry about, Loki.”

“Hmm. That means there are a lot more people, but that means everyone gets their fair share, right?”

“Yeah, that’s the thing…”

That’s what Alba-san started talking about, and what he said was oblique to me.

As the first person I met had said, there were currently four units in the material-gathering team.

Eight parties that had been hunting in Lulub Forest were participating in this material gathering, which seemed to be all the E-rank hunters in Bezart Base, except for Feather’s party, which was considered to be the strongest by far.

They were all assigned to a unit about 100 meters apart, and they walked about 50 meters to the east and west, respectively, heading north while gathering materials. Each unit marked its starting point and temporary retreat point with some kind of weapon or magic.

When they resumed the next day, they would check the markings, and as they checked the deterioration of the orc flesh, they would decide whether or not to accelerate their progress.

I was frankly impressed when I heard that.

I thought it was very efficient and to my liking.

Since Mars-san looked so smug when I showed such a reaction, he might have been the one who came up with the idea. He seemed the most cautious and wise.

But then there are some things that worry me.

“Do you think it will be safe to split up the units? There was some monster reaction before I got here…”

This is the place.

No matter how much emphasis is placed on efficiency, it is meaningless if people die because of it.

No, I know it still makes sense to the inhabitants of this world, but as a planner, I am not comfortable with it.

“It’s all right, you know. For now, the westernmost unit and the eastern one have more men.”

“The first unit has nine men in preparation for the monsters coming across the river, the second unit has six men in a party, the third unit also has six men, and the fourth unit here has ten men in preparation for the monsters coming from the east. So far, there have been some injuries but no deaths. We are prepared for anything.”

“Yes. The way Mars came up with it is working well. Everyone goes to and from the city and exchanges money at the same time, so no one cheats.”

“I see. You have thought this through. That’s great!”

I think Mars-san is getting carried away at this point, but if he’s thinking that far ahead, it’s not my scene to complain about.

In fact, after five days, there have been no deaths, so that must mean it is stable.

So, the question is, what should I do about the hunting ground problem I mentioned at the beginning?

First, let’s check to be sure.

“If I did the same thing on the west side of the river, would there be a problem with the other side of the river being in a different territory?”

“Hmm? I don’t see any.”

“What are you worried about? Whether it’s another territory or another country, defeating monsters is an act that is appreciated everywhere, right?”

“I see.”

I knew that it was an unnecessary worry.

Then, the rest depends on how comfortable they are with it?

“Then let me ask you frankly, which would be easier, to continue east of the river or to cross the river and do the same on the west side?”

“That’s fine with me, whichever is more convenient for Loki.”

“If I were to speak personally, I would prefer the west side, as crossing such a shallow river is no problem for me. But, well, I make a lot of money here, so I’ll leave it to Loki, okay?”


Although they say they will leave it up to me, I think they really want to be on the west side of the river, considering the existence of a safe zone and the risk of going deep into the forest.

Alba-san didn’t say that, but I think he was thinking the same thing, judging by the look on his face when Mizuru-san told him that he wanted to go to the west side of the river.

It is a bit far for me, and in a way, both the distance and the situation of the bath are my selfishness.

So let’s move according to their wishes, right?

I’m making money thanks to their cooperation.

“I understand. Then, starting tomorrow, I will do the same thing on the west side of the river. I’ll start first thing in the morning and destroy the west side of the river up to about 500 meters from the river.”

“If that’s okay with Loki, I’d appreciate it, but… is it okay with you?”

“No problem. If it’s obviously inconvenient for me, I won’t even suggest it.”

“I’m glad to hear that! The deeper you go into the forest, the more afraid you get! …Mars!”

“Hey! I’m not freaked out! I just get a little nervous when I go deeper into the forest.”

“That’s the same thing.”

“I’m still fine, but you’re freaked out.”

“Shall we call you the God of Scaredy-Cat?”

Parties are nice…

But I can’t.

It’s because I did it alone that I’m able to drink here. I can’t forget that.

“Well then, please tell everyone on your way home today that I’m going to continue hunting monsters further north, just in case.”

“Oh, I understand. I’ll tell them it’s on the west side of the river starting tomorrow.”

“Make sure you kill them all!”

At the same pace, it should take about four days to clear the west side of the river to where we are now.

In that time… I doubt I’ll make it to the level cap yet.

Then maybe I’ll go back to the north approach on the east side of the river next time.

Or, depending on the number of monsters, do I try another 500 meters east of the forest entrance?

With these thoughts in mind, I started hunting for monsters near the base.

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