Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 88

Chapter 88

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Chapter 88 – Men’s Wild Bath

“Fufufu… finally! It’s finally done!”

A mysterious stone lay in the middle of the river.

Staring at it, I roared alone in the forest.

It was my sixth day of hiding in the Lulub Forest.

It was already dark, and I worked silently, using my Night Vision to make baths every day, including today, after the hunt was over.

And the monsters attacked me regardless of my situation, so it was hard to keep a low profile…

But, anyway!

There is a bath of my own making in front of me.

I want to tell someone about this excitement! But there is no one around!

So, I’ll tell the story alone.

It’s the second night of my shut-in life.

I was looking for a way to make a bath, but I could not come up with a clear answer, so I gathered branches for the fire and thought about what I could do to make a better idea.

When I returned to the cave, I casually used magic to see if there was a way to get a foothold on the 1.5-meter-long stone pillar.

The only reason was that it was hard to climb a stone pillar as tall as I was after a long and tiring day of hunting.

“Make a dent.”

I had already experienced that I could not erase the stones on the Rocker Plain.

So maybe I could at least make a dent. Wouldn’t it be nice if I could?

That was the extent of my wishful thinking in this experiment.

The result was a nice dent.

It is not clear whether it was scraped or compressed.

If it follows the same logic as soil, I think it is probably the latter.

I used Earth Magic level 1.

Moreover, since I used it somewhat spontaneously, very little magic power was put into it.

Even so, a one-centimeter dent was made in part of the stone pillar, and by repeating the process several times, it became possible to at least hold on to it with one foot.

This was the first step in deciding on the concept of making a bath.

The third night of my stay.

I started by making a huge stone.

I say huge, but that’s just what I said when I cast a spell.

“Make a huge square stone.”

This word was transmitted to the spirit, and I was able to use my level 3 Earth Magic, which is the limit of magic power.

The result of using 29 magic powers was a cube-shaped stone block about two meters on each side.

It suddenly appeared in the middle of the river.

Then, on the same day, the stone block was sunk to the bottom of the river using Earth Magic, and the height of the stone block was increased by about 1 meter.

In other words, it was half buried in the riverbed.

As a result, a stone block about 1 meter high and 2 meters long and wide was sitting in the river at a depth of about 50 centimeters.

With this size, it would not be washed away even if the river speeded up due to rain.

I also felt that the riverbank around my base looked cleaner, but that may have been my imagination.

The night of the fourth day of my secluded life.

I sat on a block of stone and dug hard.

Of course, this is not something you can do with a sword or a knife.

If I did that, I would not be able to use it for hunting, so I dug on and on with magic.

To be precise, the stone may have been compacted, but unlike soil, you can’t tell the difference by touching it, so I’ll use the expression “digging” here.

Of course, unlike soil, the amount that can be dug at one time is not large. No wonder since the hardness of the soil is different.

As the work progressed slowly, I tried various things during the process, which I should say was because of the slow progress.

“Make a hole.”

Even with this, I could dig stones according to the amount of magic power.


“Chip off the stone.”

“Gouge out the stone.”

The spirit did not respond to such words that indicated the disappearance or separation of the stone.

The criteria for judgment are vague and difficult, but even if compression can be done, disappearance is a different area of magic.

Assuming that it would be Spatial Magic that I was looking for, I continued my work, silently searching for a more magically efficient method of digging.

In the end, I was called by Feeril-sama and had to use Divine Communication, so I had to stop my work.

The night of the fifth day of living in seclusion.

I continued digging for the stone chunks, determined to make up for last night’s work.

I used the magic power I had regained in the morning to do some digging before I went hunting.

By the fifth day, the monster hunting had become more stable, and my level had increased, so the amount of magic power remaining in the evening increased day by day.

I deliberately suppressed the amount of magic power because I wanted to continue the work of making a bath.

And from the fifth day on, the final goal of modeling.

In other words, I began to think about the shape of the bath.

It was a large stone, two meters square.

It is possible to make a circular bath like those found in resorts or a rectangular bath like those found in ordinary Japanese homes.

It is also two meters high, so I could even make a standing bath if I wanted to.

However, I chose the most popular and familiar rectangular bath.

It was the safest choice, but that was not the main reason.

While making the tub, I also thought about how to heat the water.

How would I heat the water?

With this stone block and the location, it would be impossible to heat the water from below.

So there was only one way.

Where to burn the stones?

If I burned the stones at the bottom or by the river, there was the problem of how to carry the stones to the bath, and I was not sure I could solve that problem.

This way, I could just poke the burned stone with something and drop it directly into the bathtub.

In other words, half of the 2-meter square stone was for the bath, and half was for making a fire to burn the stone.

Today is the sixth day.

The bath was finished in the morning, and the final adjustments were made a few hours later.

The first thing I tried was the plug that goes in when you make a hole in the bath.

If I had messed up here, all the work I had done so far could have been lost, so I was very careful and experimented first with a stone shaped like a plate that I found lying around.

The materials for the plug were the skin of the small wolf I had found today and the sticky threads I had the rig spider release.

I used the sticky threads because they are strange, sticky material, and I thought they would seal the gap if I covered them with more.

I cut a small piece of small wolf skin, rolled it up, covered it with sticky threads, stuffed it into a stone with a pre-drilled hole, and poured water over it.

Then, I made sure that the water pooled at the top but did not drip out of the gap between the plugs.

There was no sign of the sticky threads dissolving in the water.

Even when the water was changed to hot water, which could be called the right temperature, there was no change in the sticky threads.

This was a success, or rather, a great success.

The plug can be easily removed by pressing a little harder, so I think the functionality of the plug is quite good.

It may be a little sticky, but that’s to be expected.

And if this experiment is successful, it will be no problem to make a small hole in the main body of the tub.

I drilled a hole in the inside of the tub on the upstream side of the river and another hole at the bottom on the opposite side, thus securing the entrance and exit of the water.

The sight of water entering the bath immediately made me shiver.

Having made it this far, there was only one thing left to do.

After hastily gathering the branches and placing them in the space next to the bath, I ignite them with Fire Magic and throw the stones into the space.

I don’t know how many stones I’ll need, so if I burn more, it won’t be a problem.

The spot is about 50 centimeters above the surface of the water, and the current of the river is calm, so there is no need to worry about being covered by water.

All I have to do is wait and wait for the stones to burn…

I suppressed my feelings of anxiety and began to undress at a leisurely pace.

▽ ▼ ▽ ▼ ▽

Holding only my sword, I stared at the bathtub, naked.

So long.

I didn’t think it would take that long for the stone to burn.

For more than an hour, I waited naked without eating.

During that time, a monster came to check my bath, so of course, I defeated it.

For some reason, the orc was scared to death when he saw me, but there was no way I was going to put my clothes back on now.

Only a few more steps.

So I grabbed my sword and waited.

I threw three of the stones that had finally turned red earlier into the bathtub, and the water swayed vigorously, but…

Will it be all right?

Was it too much for me to throw them in?

“Let’s see… Hmm.”

Is it warm? But it’s not too hot to put in.

Let’s put more stones in and see how it goes, and enjoy the lukewarm water first.

If it’s too hot, I’ll soon be overtired.

But I’m glad I made the bath bigger.

This bath is as big as I am. If I put the stones in the corner, I won’t get burned by touching them.

Splash… Splash….. Sizle, sizle….

Well, let’s go.

It’s been a super long time since I had a bath――let’s do it!



Oh no. This is too weird…

I had no idea a bath could be so good.

I looked up at the sky and saw the stars shining brightly, unobstructed by trees and grass because I was in the middle of the river.

I looked ahead and saw a campfire burning rocks.

The water flowing 360 degrees around me was as if I were soaking in the middle of a river.

I felt that the view of the open-air bath overlooking the ocean was spectacular.

Normally, if there were an outdoor bath on a river, it would be by the river.

No one would be stupid enough to build a bathhouse in the middle of a river.

“Ah… Aaaaah….. Aaaahhhhh~~~…



Then, let’s take the next step.

I took half of my body out of the bath, which was just the right amount of hot water, and found a homemade cutting board next to the fire.

I put the chopping board on the fire while looking at the orc meat (extra fine) on it.

The meat was freshly plucked because it came to me while I was waiting naked.

It was definitely A-grade meat.

I had already cooked it a little earlier, so now was the perfect time to put the finishing touches on it.

The best meat in the best setting.

I’m sure I’m the only one who enjoys this luxury.

Fuhah… hahahahahahahahahaha!

It’s a wonderful other world.

With magic, even amateurs can do it.

I’m sure the people who have the cheating skills are enjoying their lives.

But I’m enjoying mine even more.

This ability that I don’t understand maybe a cheat, but if I don’t work hard, it won’t grow at all.

That’s why I keep trying.

I think it’s better to work hard and experience hardship so that I can enjoy the fun and joy of life even more.

Takuya, the hero who was strong from the beginning and is probably taking luxurious baths with a woman in his castle, has never experienced the thrill of taking a bath with a sword in his hand, has he?



Well, is it time to burn?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s good.

Now all I need is a sprinkle of salt and…

Oh… it’s really good…

It would have been great if there was beer here, but that’s about it.

I’ll save it for future enjoyment.

As expected, I don’t know what would happen if I drank with this body.

Well… I guess I’ll just have to make the backrest a little more sloped and smooth out the bumps on the buttocks a little more.

And I’d like to make elbow rests on both sides of the tub.

I’ll make some adjustments tomorrow while I’m taking a bath.

I hope Feeril-sama will like this bath, too.

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