Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

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Chapter 93 – Unwanted Holiday

The 11th day of my secluded life.

I took a bath in the middle of the day and looked at the gently meandering landscape of the river.

Today is a holiday.

I will also meet someone here.

At this point, on the 10th day, the collection of materials on the west side had extended to the vicinity of my base, so I wondered if I should move further inland next time.

Or should I move away from the river and hunt around the east side, concentrating on an area about 500m to 1km away?

I went to see Alba-san and Mizuru-san to discuss this.

But as soon as I found them, they started crying for some reason.

No matter how much money they could make, they had never worked so hard for so many days in a row.

So they asked if they could have a day off.

What a bunch of spineless people.

Personally, I think that if they’re going to make money, they should wait at least a month before complaining, but it seems that the other party members who joined on the second day were also exhausted, and it seems that the decision was unanimous when the people who met me spoke on their behalf.

The frequency of orc appearances is increasing on the west side of the river, and if you choose carefully, the weight is expected to be quite heavy.

In this case, I can’t say anything.

It’s a job with a high risk of being killed by monsters if you make a mistake, rather than a desk job where your safety is guaranteed.

Even though the main job is collecting materials, there are also quite a few fights with the monsters that pass by, and I’ve seen people get hurt when that happens, as well as people who were turned into caterpillars by the sticky thread.

When both your mind and body are exhausted, the chances of dying increase, so I agree that it is inevitable.

I was the one who said from the beginning that they could take a break if they wanted to.

But then I would have to ask myself, “What am I going to do?”

I could hunt alone, but that would mean that the orc meat in that area would definitely go bad and be wasted.

I’ve already done that around the base, so it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to go hunting alone.

But going deep into the forest is also a hassle, to be honest.

I’m exhausted every day, so I’d rather hunt efficiently in a place that’s close by.

Then I thought, why not?

I thought I’d take the opportunity to rest while everyone else was resting, so I ended up taking a bath in the middle of the day.

By the way, the people I was waiting for were Alba-san and the others.

I don’t know how many people are coming, but I casually asked them, “Since you’re going to take a break anyway, do you want to take a bath?”

When I said this, all the members of the 4th unit, including Alba-san, looked at me as if they had just been hit by a peashooter, but I had made my own bath.

The base itself is about 1 km along the river from the entrance to the forest.

I’ve cleared the surrounding monsters to a certain extent, so it’s relatively safe, and when they take a bath, I’ll be resting too, so I’ll be their bodyguard.

Of course, when I told them that it was a free bath, the color in everyone’s eyes suddenly changed.

Well, if the Billycorn Inn doesn’t have a bath or shower, then I doubt every household has one, and I don’t even know if there are any houses in Bezart with baths.

Some people probably know they exist but have never used one in their lives.

Since there was such a big fuss about taking a bath, I told them it would be free, but they would have to bring their own soap.

I told them that if they brought pots and vegetables, they could take a bath while eating since there was a little fish and a lot of orc meat.

Needless to say, everyone’s eyes lit up.

They didn’t look like people who were very tired and wanted to rest.

And now, an armed group is coming at me from behind.

For some reason, I’m a little worried about the fact that some of them are carrying baskets on their backs, as usual.

Or rather, I think there are clearly more than 30 of them…

While I was thinking that things were going to be more difficult than I expected, I spotted a woman in the distance, so I quickly got out of the tub and got dressed again.

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“So, this is a bath…”

“Wow, this is amazing!”

“Building it in the middle of a river is just crazy!”

“It’s much bigger than I thought it would be.”

“I wonder if three or four people could fit in here at the same time?”

While everyone was expressing their impressions, I stood by the bathtub, dazed.

From a distance, I recognized Mizuru-san and Royce-san from the party, but why were there several other women?

If it’s a place where men usually go, don’t they usually refrain from going out of embarrassment?

Or could it be that I was imagining that even places like modern bath houses and spas have separate bathrooms for men and women?

But everyone seemed completely unconcerned, even though there was only one bath…

I really don’t understand the morals and sense of shame of people in this world.

What’s more…

“Loki, you’ve done something amazing!”

“I’m here!”

“I’m looking forward to my first bath!”

Why is there even Zink-kun, May-chan, and Potta-kun?

This is the Lulub Forest, you know?

This is a more dangerous place than the Rocker Plains!

“May-chan, you shouldn’t be here! This is a dangerous place, you know? Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Even Loki-kun took a bath in this dangerous place in the middle of the day!”

“Mizuru-san invited me to take a bath for free. The number of monsters has been greatly reduced, and there are surprisingly many guards as well.”

“That’s right. That’s why I came.”

There are indeed a surprising number of guards…

Of course, there are.

Almost all of the E-rank hunters who have been gathering materials here have come, so I’m sure the escort request is for a surprisingly large group of escorts.

And the other unknown people―probably their wives or girlfriends?

There don’t seem to be any children who are too young, but it seems that the people who don’t look like hunters might be someone’s family.

There were also several hunters of rank F and below who seemed to have been invited and came without really understanding what was going on, just like Zink-kun and the others.

The people carrying baskets must be carrying food because things like leeks and burdock seem to be sticking out of the baskets.

It’s starting to look like a festival site…

Oh well.

In a few days, the bath will be left as it is.

While it’s still usable, it’s better to put it to good use.

I’ve already burned more than enough rocks, so if I use the fire, I can start cooking right away.

I can see a colander and a fishing rod in May-chan’s equipment, so I guess they’ll be able to catch some fish and replenish the food supply.

If I run out of meat, I’ll go hunting, and with so many hunters, even if a monster attacks, I think we’ll be able to handle it easily…

Yeah, there’s no big problem.

I’m starting to feel that way!

Since they’ve come this far, why not have some fun?

And so, in a corner of the Lulub Forest that had not been visited for many years, the event was to take place.

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