Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

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Chapter 92 – Friend

What is a “friend”?

I’ve never really thought about it before, and I’ve never asked someone face to face if we’re friends or if we’re still friends.

In the beginning, I hardly had any friends…

Thinking back to my childhood as a young elementary school student, I realized that that’s how we both felt about each other.

There was no need to be conscious of it.

I guess that’s what friends are.

So, what makes you call someone your friend?

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that it is being able to talk naturally and without restraint.

That is all I can think of.

Even though I was forced to get used to it when I started working, I’ve always been terrible at socializing.

No wonder I don’t understand it when I think about it.

Even so―even though I have little experience―I feel a little uncomfortable with the current situation.

“Hey, Feeril?”

First of all, I call people by their first names.

And get rid of the honorifics.

That is the first step to being friends.

At first, I thought Feeril was angry, but it seems that deep down, she was jealous of Ria being called by her first name, so we were able to come to a smooth agreement.

Then, taking it a step further, Feeril suggested that honorifics weren’t necessary either, and I readily agreed, thinking that if we were friends, that was the way it should be.

But for some reason, Feeril’s tone remained the same.

And when she said that she couldn’t change it now, I had no choice but to accept it, unfortunately.

It’s been a long time, literally.

So, so far, so good.

“Is this what friends do?”

But as far as I’m concerned, I don’t think it’s right.

Even though I know it’s wrong, I have no qualms about refusing, so I don’t know how to deal with it.

“It’s okay! I’m doing it because I want to, so if you’re my friend, please accept it!”

Feeril’s voice is so happy.

I’m sure she’s having fun right now.

I’d like to see her face if I could, but unfortunately I can’t.

All I can see are two big melons.

I had never imagined a situation like this.

Tomorrow will be another day of hunting, and since I’ve already done two rounds today, even if Feeril came, my sleepiness was at its maximum.

So I told her it was time to go to bed.

I thought telling her that would make her stop her split personality, but when she saw the stone pillow in my hand, she seemed to realize something and tapped her own thighs.

I couldn’t resist her charm.

My head was sucked in.

The back of my head was enveloped in a sensation that was too different from the stone pillow, and a calm, flower-like fragrance that I had never smelled before gave me a strange sense of peace.

What’s more, when I opened my eyes, a huge cosmos spread out in front of me.

It was so comfortable that I seriously wondered if I was in heaven.

“Well, at least in the world I came from, a lap pillow is something that lovers do together, you know?”

“It’s okay, isn’t it? It’s my way of thanking you for the bath.”

She said, stroking my head.

I wonder when the last time that happened was.

I remember when I was in elementary school, I won a prize for a picture I drew in art class, and my teacher patted me on the head and said, “Well done.”

…Oh, Kasahara-san did the same thing when I got a big contract.

But that time, he didn’t pat me on the head; he just rubbed it roughly.

Oh well…

Even though I want to experience that feeling of comfort for just a moment, my eyes naturally start to close…

I don’t want to think about anything… I’ll just be honest and let myself be pampered…

“We… understand each other… and can move…”

I thought I heard Feeril mumbling something, but I didn’t answer and fell asleep.

▽ ▼ ▽ ▼ ▽


I wake up in the morning and look around.

“Has Feeril left already?”

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:30.

Was it the pillow that made me feel so good, or was I just more tired than usual?

Either way, I feel like I slept for a long time and really well.

It’s supposed to be a refreshing morning, but what is this fuzzy feeling?

“I wish she would have at least said something…”

I can’t help but grumble to myself, but since I woke up later than usual, I didn’t have much time to relax, so I started preparing breakfast.

However, as I was happily walking towards the entrance of the cave, I noticed a delicious, savory smell, as if someone was grilling fish.

I couldn’t help but think, “Did I turn off the fire properly yesterday?” when I looked outside, and there I saw Feeril doing something in the room next to the bath.


I had already assumed that she had gone back, so I was overjoyed to see her unexpectedly close by.

Thinking to myself that she looked like a maiden, I rushed over to her and immediately understood what she was doing.

“Good morning, Loki-kun. It looks like you slept well. Breakfast is ready.”

Gosh, what is this…? She’s not acting like a friend but like a wife, a wife, a wife. [T/n: Tsuma, Yome, Okusan.]

Whatever you call it, she’s practically like a wife!

I was about to burst into tears with emotion, but before I could, a question came to my mind.

Feeril is grilling fish in front of me.

Yesterday, I explained the fish trap in the fish tank to her, and she saw me take fish out of it, so it’s understandable that she would imitate me and take fish out of it.

Even though it’s a split entity, the goddesses’ physical abilities must be incredible.

But what about the fire?

How did she light the fire?

Did the goddesses use primitive methods to make fire by rubbing sticks together?

“Oh… I’m grateful, but did I leave the fire on?”

“No, I thought I wanted fire, so I went back and summoned a split being that could use fire magic.”

“Oh, I see!”

“I’m just copying what you’re doing, but is this about right?”

As she said that, I looked at the fish, the skin was crispy, and it looked delicious, just like I had cooked it.

Or maybe it’s a little overcooked, but I’m sure I’ll eat it all, just because Feeril took the trouble to make it for me.

“Is there enough for Feeril too?”

“It was fine~. There were two, so I caught them~.”

“Just as I thought! Wait, I’ll get some salt!”

I quickly run back to the cave to get some salt and sprinkle some on Feeril’s portion as well.

Eating fish while standing in a line and sticking our feet in the river… my otherworldly happy life is starting to scare me.

Then, while I was eating and checking the monsters with Exploration, I found an orc.

It’s very close, so it could be attracted by the smell and come over, or it could pass by without noticing.

Distance is such a tricky thing.

I wonder if I should go back and get my sword.

“Speaking of which, were you okay with the monsters when you were cooking? I was sleeping so hard I didn’t even notice.”

“It was fine, wasn’t it? I took care of the one that attacked.”

“Huh? Oh, I see. Well, I knew you’d be fine because you’re a goddess…”

As I said that, I looked in the direction Feeril was looking and saw that the ground was scorched black.

“Did you use fire magic to defeat it?”

“Yes, I was careful not to burn down the forest.”

“I see… but there are no monster corpses, are there?”

“It’s all burned up, you know?”


I see, I see.

This isn’t the same as my puny magic.

Still, I didn’t think it would be like this.

It wasn’t the time to say, “That’s amazing,” while dismembering a monster.

The gap between what I look like and what she does is so huge that I don’t even want to go into it, so let’s change the subject.

“Speaking of which, Feeril is an expert on monsters, right?”

That was something that bothered me a bit.

If she was the only one among the goddesses who could see the monsters’ skills, then I might be able to get information about useful monster-specific skills.


“Hmm? I’m interested, but not at all!”

The response I received was unexpected.

“Wait, you looked at the monsters’ skills when you were looking for a place for humans to live, right?”

“That’s right, but I only looked at a few kinds… I didn’t want to get into trouble, so I quickly left when I saw that the areas where the monsters were concentrated were more or less fixed, so I thought that maybe Felza-sama had created them that way from the beginning.”

I see, and her embarrassed expression is also very cute.

But that’s not it.

Hmm, it’s crowded…

Well, now that she mentions it, it might be true.

There are probably various factors involved, such as the food issue, but in both Palmera and Lulub, monsters are only found in the forest, and you almost never see them in the grasslands.

The only pattern I’ve seen is them chasing humans, and I think in the Rocker Plains, they only come close because food is produced nearby.

This feels like a game where the hunting grounds and the monsters that appear are set.

This is easier for me to accept, so I’m grateful.

“So I guess you used Divine Eye to look at the monsters in Lulub yesterday, and today you’re going to look at the monsters in Palmera while searching for the transmigrator, right?”

“That’s right, but I didn’t look into the Lulub Forest yesterday, you know?”

“Huh? Is that so? I see… Since you can only bring one skill with you as a split entity, you can’t see far with long sight or secure your field of vision with night vision, right? No monsters came near here last night.”

“No, I didn’t use Divine Eyes last night, so even if monsters had come, I wouldn’t have been able to see them anyway.”

Feeril looks disappointed, but…

――Wait a minute.

What kind of skill did she bring yesterday?

Depending on the content, my heart might die. Is everything okay?

“Feeril-san? I’m going to ask you a personal question, but what skill did you use yesterday?”

“Eehh… That’s a secret, you know~!”


Wait, wait, wait.

If that was mind reading, then I was thinking about some pretty embarrassing things, wasn’t I?

Like huge breasts in the bathroom, huge breasts in wet clothes, huge breasts from a low angle while being leaned on someone’s lap…

I thought things like, “My happiness has broken through the heavens and reached the cosmos!” and if anyone saw me thinking that, it would be a fatal blow that would make me unable to live any longer.

I looked at Feeril fearfully, with my head in my hands, and she answered me kindly.

“You really like breasts, don’t you~?”

It’s over.

At this very moment, I feel like hundreds of strands of my hair have been blown away by the wind…

I’m done for… It was stupid of me to let my guard down, thinking it was just a split entity… I’m so embarrassed that I want to dig a hole and crawl in…

“And now, one last tip for you, burnt-out Loki-kun!”


“The skill is not mind reading, you know~?


“Well, see you later~.”

I could only watch as Feeril laughed and turned into a thick mist of magical energy.

I wonder what kind of skill she had brought with her after all…?

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