Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

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Chapter 98 – Transportation System Outcomes

“(The estimated budget is about 16 million beeke… maybe okay? It’ll be okay, right?)”

I went to the building across the street, the Hunters’ Guild, feeling nervous inside.

Paisar-san, who seemed to accept my request, told me what materials he planned to use, exuding a slightly cool atmosphere, “It’s been a while since I’ve been serious.”

“I have a small amount of mithril here. So, I’ll use it as the core material of the sword and then cover it with a relatively expensive material. This will improve the sharpness of the sword and also improve the magic power conduction, in other words, the affinity with magic power. I won’t know if the multiple granting will be successful until it’s completed.”

When he explained this to me, my heart skipped a beat.

It was finally happening, I thought.

I was familiar with silver, but mithril is a material unique to the fantasy world.

When he told me he was going to mix it into my weapon, I couldn’t help but get excited.

As I recall, Amanda-san had explained to me earlier the relationship between hunter rank and ore, and mithril was rank B, which is quite high on the scale.

Hahaha! It’s not a material that an E-ranked person like me should possess!

I couldn’t help but think to myself, but let’s use the power of money to solve this problem.

So I asked.

How much?

And Paisar-san replied.

He said, “It depends on how much I can multiply the grant, but it will probably be more than 16 million beeke.”

I couldn’t help but exclaim, “That’s more expensive than the finest items on display in this store!” But I couldn’t say anything when he told me that mithril was such a material.

On the other hand, Paisar-san would give me a challenging look and say, “Can you afford it?” If I tried to negotiate with him, I would have felt defeated.


“I can afford it. Please proceed immediately.”

――I couldn’t help but say it.

That’s why I’m in such a state of intense anxiety now.

Until now, I have never asked Amanda-san how much money I have saved.

And I had no plans to spend any money at all…

It took a total of seven days to maintain the equipment I had left with him and to make a new sword.

If that wasn’t enough, I would have to go to the Rocker Plain after a long time with only a dismantling knife, carrying a special basket on my back.

If I set my mind to it and worked hard for about four days, I could probably earn about three million.

While I was thinking about it, I became a suspicious person, muttering in front of Amanda-san.

She is as close as ever, too close.

It was so close that I didn’t have time to think about it.

And it was good that Amanda-san’s counter was the same as usual.

“Loki-kun, have you regained consciousness? Or have you gone completely insane from being holed up in the Lulub Forest?”

“I’m fine! I was just thinking, as usual, so don’t worry!”

“I see… so you’re going to check on that thing today, right?”

“Yes. I might have to go to work, so I’d like to know the total amount of money I have in my account right now if possible…”

“W-what did you buy? A house? A mansion?”

“No, no! It’s a weapon, you know, a weapon!”

“I-I think you’ll be okay then… In the meantime, I’ll give you the records of the time you worked with Alba and the others first, so wait for it. And then I’ll give you the total amount after that.”

After a short wait, Amanda-san hands me a rather large wooden board.

“Today’s invoice is not ready yet because they are checking the materials right now. So this is for the last 16 days.”

I took a quick look at the contents of the board and couldn’t help but snort.

“Buhoooh! It’s… It’s amazing…”

“Just to be clear. This is unheard of, not just in Bezart, but in Malta.”

“J-just to confirm, this is my 30% share, right?”

“Of course.”

I don’t know much about Malta, but… it’s certainly an unprecedented amount of payment when it comes to Bezart.

The first day, written at the top of the list, is 410,000 beeke.

That was a total of 6 participants, Alba-san and Mizuru-san’s party.

Even if the materials were selected again, it would still be something like that.

But here’s the amazing part.

On the second day, it suddenly reached 2.27 million beeke.

On the third day, 2.62 million beeke.

It stayed around 2.6 million for a few days after that, so you can tell that they had formed four units by the third day.

And after the 6th day, the reward amount increased further to about 2.8 million beeke.

I wonder if this is… because of the increased appearance of orcs after going to the western area.

It is believed that it is because everyone carefully selected and brought back the special upper ranks.

After that, it went back to around 2.6 million beeke, and for some reason, I got an unknown amount of 40,000 beeke on the 11th day alone, but the number never dropped below 2.5 million beeke after that.

“(Uh?) Assuming 2.5 million beeke per day, if that’s 16 days, then… Wow! I’ve made about 40 million beeke in the last 16 days!”)

My hands trembled as I unintentionally held the wooden board at the numbers that exceeded my imagination.

A piece of potato butter costs 100 beeke, right?

Even a meat skewer costs about 300 beeke.

A night’s lodging in a nice place costs 3,000 beeke per night without food.

And in half a month, that’s 40 million beeke… hahahaha… I could be a millionaire…

Perhaps alarmed by such a crazy me, Amanda-san immediately intervened.

“Loki-kun, you’re going to have to refrain from this erratic work style in the future, okay? I’m not saying you should never do it, but the rapid supply of materials can disrupt the market.”

“Ugh… you are right. I heard that from Alba-san as well.”

“The guild would have had to make adjustments because Alba and the others told us in advance how many days were left, but if you had continued as you were, the value of orc meat would have plummeted beyond even the guild’s ability to handle it.”

“I-it’s okay! I won’t do it here anymore!”

“Well, that’s fine, but… hmm? What are you going to do now?”

“Eh? Well, after I finish my new weapons, I’m thinking of going to Malta next…”

“…I see. Well, that’s to be expected, considering your abilities, Loki-kun. So where’s your base?”


“Yes. Are you moving your base to Malta?”

I see.

Was it during training?

I think it was explained to me when I first started as a hunter.

As I recall, there was some sort of special exception for receiving requests above your rank.

But I didn’t know what kind of place Malta was and what kind of hunting grounds there were.

If there is no good hunting ground, I will move to another city immediately.

It would be a huge hassle to change your base every time.

And Amanda-san doesn’t even hide it; she looks so disappointed…

Then, I don’t have to think about it too much right now.

“I don’t even know what other hunting grounds there might be, so I’m fine with leaving the base as it is for now.”

“I see! Are you coming back?”

“Hey Amanda, Loki will be annoyed if you interfere too much.”


Amanda-san and I turned to face the voice, and there was Yagov-san.

“I heard that Loki returned from the Lulub expedition.”

“Yes, I have just returned. I’m sorry to have inconvenienced you with the oversupply.”

“There is no need to worry about this level. The guild is basically profitable as long as the supply increases.”

“Hahaha… if you think the supply is too high, you can lower the purchase price, right?”

“That’s right. This time, it looks like we just barely managed to maintain the supply, which is a good result for all of us.”

As expected from Yagov-san. I’m sure there was a lot of work going on behind the scenes, like increasing transportation to Malta, but it’s cool that they didn’t show it.

“So, Loki, when you get settled in, come see me. That’s what I wanted to tell you today.”

“Is this the room where I visited you before?”

“Yes. Just let Amanda know when you figure out your schedule. I’m sure you won’t have too many days free anyway, will you?”

I guess Yagov-san already knows what I’m going to do.

Well, before I leave the city, I thought I’d visit the people who have been so kind to me.

Then there’s no problem.

“I understand. It will probably be the day after tomorrow… I’ll let Amanda-san know when I have a final decision.”

“Yes, thank you.”

As I watched Yagov-san walk up the stairs, Amanda-san called me.

“H-here’s the total: 56,924,004 beeke… plus the amount for today.”

“I-I see. Thank you.”


It’s far more than I expected… or rather, I had more than enough money to pay for the sword.

“I’ll tell you in advance, don’t ask me to give you this amount of money all at once, okay? It’s absolutely impossible.”

“I know… By the way, how about 17 million beeke?”

“I think we can manage that much, but… Is that the price of the weapon you mentioned earlier?”

“That’s right, it will be ready in about six days, so I need to have the money ready by then.”

“Speaking of weapons, that would be Paisar-san, right? I’m surprised that he would take on such a big job without a down payment… I understand. I’ll make the necessary preparations.”

“Please do. Oh, and―yes. Please deduct about 3 million beeke from this.”


I wasn’t sure how much I should pay, but I don’t have any special use for it so that amount should be fine.

“For now, I’ll give one million beeke to Amanda-san and one million beeke to Yagov-san. The remaining one million beeke will also be divided among the guild staff, as it seems that I’ve caused them some trouble as well.”

“Wait! Hey! That’s too much!”

“Y-yes… but I have more left than I expected…”

“You should keep the rest! This amount of money will make people think we’re doing something wrong!”

“C-Certainly. But you haven’t actually done anything wrong, have you?”

“Well, you’re acting like it’s a big party with Alba as the leader, and that’s actually true, so there’s nothing wrong with that…”

“Then why not? It’s a thank you for a good job. It would be difficult without the cooperation of the guild, wouldn’t it?”

I said this deliberately to the young receptionist at the counter next to Amanda-san, and her head started buzzing up and down at a high rate of speed.

I guess she must have heard what I just said.

“Well, I’ll leave the rest to you, so please make it work.”

When things get annoying, the best thing to do is to run away.

Amanda-san is making a fuss in the back, but I somehow know that she likes money.

If the people around her can talk her out of it, she will be convinced.

“(Well, then, let’s get ready to pick her up.)”

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