Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 99

Chapter 99

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!


Chapter 99 – Goddess of Fertility

It was about 6:00 p.m. by my watch.

The church bells were ringing, and I was using Divine Communication in my room at the inn where I had returned after a long absence.

“Yes, it’s all right now. I’ve returned to the inn, so you can drop off your split entity.”

“(I’m tired of waiting! Let’s go then!)”

A thud sounded as she said this.

A thick blue-violet mist that I’ve seen several times before begins to drift next to me.

“(It’s still scary to look at it directly… I wonder if I will ever get used to it.)”

As I stared at it with that thought, the mist converged just like it did with Feeril, and at that moment, there stood Felin-sama’s split entity with dark red hair and wearing a white one-piece dress.

“Yahoo! Sorry to keep you waiting!”

“No, no, it’s me who’s sorry for keeping you waiting. I finally completed my task, so I can move around a little more leisurely from today on.”

“Wait a minute! Hey!”


For some reason, she was in a strange pose, pointing her finger at me! I don’t know what it is, but I don’t really understand what she’s talking about.

In fact, if she does it out of the blue, I’ll go crazy, so please don’t do it.

“You didn’t use honorifics with Feeril, did you? But you use honorifics with me? Isn’t that strange?”

“Oh, you were listening…”

I thought that was obvious, but I pointed it out anyway.

I deliberately didn’t mention it when we talked about Earth under Divine Communication, which has become almost a daily routine.

“Of course! Feeril bragged about it! She even bragged that it was better than when you called Ria! So I’ll let you do the same for me!”

“I thought so. Well, it’s okay, Felin-sama. No, I was wrong, but I feel most comfortable talking to Felin.”

“Hmm? What did you say? Say it again?”

I wonder why she’s a hard-of-hearing type.

“I said I feel most comfortable talking to you. Felin gives off a friendly vibe, you know?”

“U-ufu-ufufu… Right~? Wow, Loki-kun, you know what I mean! I’m going to brag about this to everyone later!”


The tension was high from the beginning, but that’s normal for Felin, so let’s not worry too much about it.

The only thing is, please don’t start a fire.

I’m the one who will suffer later.

I’m the one who will definitely have a hard time.

“If we don’t hurry up, the store will close. You want shoes, don’t you?”

I looked at the two pairs of shoes lined up in front of me.

The slightly smaller pair of sandals I bought for Ria and a pair of adult green sandals next to them.

When I returned to the inn, I was relieved to see that Feeril had been able to shop by herself.

“Yes, yes! Let’s go then! Come on, get ready!”

“? I’m already ready, you know?”

I already had the leather bag with the money that was on the desk.

I checked it a little when I got back to the inn, but it didn’t look like it had gone down at all.

Maybe none of them had bought food or something.

“It’s not the same. It’s different than when you were with Ria!”

“Eh? Don’t tell me I have to carry Felin on my back too!”

“――! You are cold to me… I see… I see…”


Landmines in unexpected places!

I was naive to think that she could just borrow a pair of shoes from Ferril and be on her way to the shoe store…?

The real problem is that Felin’s case is a bit of a mess.

Ria is no taller than 150cm, a little taller than me, but Felin looks to be about 160cm.

More importantly, it’s big. That thing.

I’m not wearing armor, so my back will be very dangerous.

“No, no, no! Ria is small, you know? But Felin is a grown woman, right? You have a super cute face, but you have a very selfish body, you know?”

“Hmm? Is that a compliment?”

“Yes, very much so. The point is, it’s hard for me to carry you because I might not be able to keep my mind in order.”

“Hmm! I see! Then it’s no problem!”


I wonder how many question marks I’ve had in my head since then.

Maybe it’s common among goddesses that they can’t connect well with each other.

When I tilt my head like that, Felin’s figure disappears from my sight in an instant, and in the next moment, I feel a weight on my back.


“If you can’t keep a normal mind, that’s no problem because this is going to be fun! Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!”

As she says this, she twists her slender arms and legs around me, and I feel a soft thing crushing my back.

“(It’s dangerous. I have to concentrate all my nerves on my back. That’s not good. It’s going to be hard to walk!)”

I slowly lean forward for reasons other than the weight, but the smell of the softly scented Felin is… Yes?

Why, it’s strangely soothing.

“Felin is the sun? I don’t know; you smell like the sun when you hang your futon out to dry. It’s a very pleasant smell that helps you sleep well.”

I just said what I thought.


Felin’s reaction to that was somehow different than usual.

▽ ▼ ▽ ▼ ▽

“Which one do you think looks better?”

“…This one.”

In a situation where I feel déjà vu, I immediately choose the sandals.

I feel like that is the case in the Goddess Network! I guess it is Felin’s way of following the flow of what she thinks is good in the Goddess Network.

So it’s okay for me to choose for her…

“(The old man of the shoe shop grins behind Felin’s back. I’m having déjà vu all the way to your grinning face! You think I bring another woman here to do the same thing anyway, don’t you? That’s right! But it’s not my fault! You could give me some advice as a shoemaker!)”

Such wishes come to nothing as the old man sits at the counter and watches our exchange with a grin on his face.

I was just a fool to expect the same kind of customer service in this world as in Japan.

“Sandals look good on you, but where do you want to explore, Felin? Depending on that, boots might be a better choice.”

“Hmm? I haven’t decided on anything in particular. I’m just thinking about following Loki-kun’s lead.”

“Huh? As you can imagine, it’s not a good idea to stay here all the time! I probably have plans tomorrow!”

“Eh? You said earlier that you could move around freely!”

“Well, I think I’ll be in the city… Or rather, haven’t you forgotten the purpose of your visit here, Felin?”

“Ugh! That’s true, but… but, but! I also have a purpose for walking around this city―to see what the food is like in this city!

As expected, this is the third time that the goddesses’ split entity has descended.

I have a rough idea of how it works and what the goddesses want.

Ria, maybe, but surveillance and investigation, including what kind of monster-specific skills I might have that could be dangerous for me to possess.

Since Feeril had another purpose besides searching for the transmigrators, to check on the monsters because they are living creatures, I wondered if there might be something in Felin’s mind as well. So, I asked Felin beforehand if she had something in mind.

The answer I got from Felin was this.

Rather than the taste, she told me that she was more concerned about whether the food itself was lacking.

This is indeed the realm of the goddess of fertility.

Because of this situation, it would make no sense for her to descend while living as a hermit in the Lulub Forest, right? And that’s why she convinced me…

Therefore, I should show her around the city as much as possible when I get back.


I didn’t say all the time.

It would be a bad idea to take Felin to a drinking party with a lot of male hunters, as you can imagine.

It would definitely cause a stir, and I don’t like the idea of seeing Mizuru-san, Mizuru-san, and Mizuru-san seducing her with a twinkle in his eye.

I also don’t want to see the dangerous Felin, who might be tempted to join in.

So, I’ll say what needs to be said.

“Fortunately, I’ve had a little extra time in the last week or so, so if it’s okay, I’m going to have dinner with Felin. That will give you an idea of what it tastes like. Both Ria and Feeril have been with me for about half a day, but Felin has been with me longer, so that’s about it. But if I have plans, you know it’s not a good idea to take Felin with me, as you might expect. Apart from that, I personally think it’s better to investigate Palmera. It’s not a big enough area to finish the investigation with just Feeril.”

“S-special, you say…? I understand! I’ll do as you say!”

“Well then, let’s choose your footwear and go out for dinner.”

“Then I’ll take the ones Loki-kun picked out for me.”

“Alright. You’re pretty good at that, aren’t you, kid?


Damn you, shoemaker’s old man… I’ll remember that face for the next 10 years!

Well, since Felin is happy, I’ll let him off the hook for now.

As expected, there won’t be a third time.

With that in mind, I pulled myself together and went to the familiar “Kaari” to give Felin a baptism in the lower world.

▽ ▼ ▽ ▼ ▽

Ring, ring, ring…

Hmm. The restaurant is empty as usual.

It is dinner time, but there are only two customers at the counter.

That’s one reason I can relax, but I’m also a little worried that my beloved restaurant might go out of business.

“Yo boy… is that your girlfriend?”

As I sit down at a table, I am approached by the owner of the restaurant, who looks like an Indian that I am already familiar with.

I could understand that he would be worried if I brought such a cute girl with me, but I had to ask him not to because it might cause a disturbing situation.

“That’s right!”

See, like I said.

I mean, does Felin know what girlfriend means?

“Hey, Felin? Do you know what girlfriend means? Oh, two kaari, please!”

“Hmm? Somehow?”

“Then what does it mean?”

“It means something special to Loki-kun, doesn’t it?”

H-hmm, well… it’s not exactly a mistake, and it’s a delicate point.

If it’s just special, then it’s not surprising that Felin confirms it since I said so earlier.

So let me tell you properly.

I don’t know if it is in accordance with the common sense of this world.

“Felin. It’s certainly special, but it’s special in the sense that you plan to get married in the future or… something like that, you know? Do you know what marriage is?”

“M-marriage…of course I know! I hear that word a lot in church! Eh, I’m getting married to Loki-kun! Fuwaaahhh, I have to brag about it right now!”

“Wait a minute!”

I can’t let such an oversized bomb be thrown into the divine realm.

It’s easy to imagine me on my knees on the bed, holding an explanatory press conference about Divine Communication.

Two old men sweating profusely stared at me when I made that strange noise, but I didn’t have time to worry about it.

If you say that, I’ll be in big trouble! Besides, I can’t marry Godde… marry Felin!”


“Huh? Why, that’s…”


“Y-you can’t have children with a human, can you? Maybe…”

What on earth am I talking about in a curry restaurant called “Kaari”?

No matter how you look at it, it’s not something I would talk about here, but the conversation led me to this…

What is the reason?

The owner?

The Indian restaurant owner’s fault!


Two kaari were placed on the table without a word.

Thank you for being so quick, as usual.

“L-let’s eat anyway, shall we?”

“Y-yes! It’s my first meal!”



The way she looked red-faced and teary-eyed, holding her mouth, was also incredibly cute.

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