World Domination System

Chapter 113 Lesser Development Technique

That evening, both Bevis and Skkrag received messages from the King that their requests had been accepted. Both of them had different reactions, with the former getting an indecipherable small smile on his face and the latter sighing with relief, hoping that his sect would finally be able to access the treasures their ancestors had left behind.

Leaving a communication trinket in the Palace, all three remaining envoys departed the Kingdom. Even Eldra had made sure to leave one, as each trinket had to be bound by blood, making it so that no imposter could access the communication channel.

Early the next morning, numerous people gathered at a clearing on the grounds of the Palace. The location itself was beautiful, with perfectly mowed lush green grass and carefully pruned round bushes. Yet, each and every member who gathered at the location had a crazy desperation and yearning in their eyes.

Almost 500 people had already gathered, with almost all of them being teens. Yet, they all made way when they saw a group coming over.

As they laid their eyes on the faces of those who were approaching, many broke into wide smiles, laughing with joy while they ran forward.

These had been the people who had trained them, when many saw them as dirt due to not having any money.

With the arrival of the group, the whole atmosphere turned exuberant.

But a few minutes later, a hush came over the place, almost as if someone had cast a mute spell.

Four people were approaching from the direction of the palace, and seeing them, the same yearning from before reappeared in the eyes of all those present.

These four were Daneel, Kellor, Faxul and Felix.

Reaching the clearing, Daneel first confirmed that there was no one surveilling this place using the system. Then, after everyone kneeled due to King's presence, he nodded at Kellor to cast the isolation spell.

An opaque barrier suddenly came into existence across the whole clearing, blocking anyone from viewing the place.

As soon as the barrier was up, Daneel started speaking.

"I have already sent you all the introduction of the training technique. What do you think?"

An old man from the group which had come later was the first to speak.

"My King, how could it be possible? Increasing the potential of our bodies and comprehension of our mageroots regardless of age?! Can such a heavenly technique truly exist!!"

The rest started whispering as soon as the old man spoke, puzzling over the same even though they had already had multiple discussions about the topic

"My Lord, will we turn into horrendous beasts if we train in the technique?"

This was from a particularly timid kid who closed his mouth as soon as he uttered the statement. It was just that his mother had told stories about those in the nobility morphing into terrifying creatures when their training went wrong.

Daneel chuckled when he heard this, as he was reminded of the conversation he had had with the system a few days back.

"System, show me my present status."

This question was not one he asked often, as for some reason, he loved seeing massive jumps in level progression whenever he did check the statistics.

[Host status updating. Please stand by.

Host status:

Host Fighter Level: Human-4(19%)

Host Mage Level: Human-4(19%)

Host Body Potential: A+

Host Comprehension Level: Gold

Host Condition: Nominal]

Just like almost every time he saw the status, a wide smile had spread across his face seeing that he had reached the peak in both body potential and comprehension level. In the recent history of the Lanthanor Kingdom, there was definitely no one like him who was this talented in both paths and also did not waste the talent in either path, cultivating both equally.

The only disconcerting fact was that the numbers in the brackets, which were the progressions towards the next level, hadn't budged since the time he had entered the palace. He wished he could earn level progression from missions like before, but the system had told him that like the loan system, this was also only a small reward for those in the early levels from the backup energy left behind in the system.

"System, is there no way a technique can be developed to increase the potential and comprehension of others?"

He had asked this question multiple times before and given up because the system's answer had always been "No", even when he had bought the tool which could create techniques.

But, the answer the system gave had made him widen his eyes and berate himself for forgetting something so important.

[Affirmative. Lesser Body Potential/ Comprehension Development Techniques can now be developed by the system due to collecting the data about the technique used by the Royalty of the Lanthanor Kingdom. The technique can be used without the system's presence. Would host like to develop the techniques?]

He had actually forgotten to ask after collecting the data about all the secret techniques from the secret library! It seemed that along with the spell which crippled his father, the technique which the nobility used to improve their bodies and mageroots had also been present in the library. Daneel decided that he really had to find a way to increase the suggestion level of the system, as similar to now, it had only told him about the crippling technique when he had asked.

Of course, Daneel had also been to blame, but at that time, he had had too many things on his mind. Realizing this, he also resolved to always take some time to list all the things he needed to do so that he wouldn't miss important things like these in the future.

"Yes! Develop them! How effective are they? And what about the side effects?"

He still remembered how Laravel's body had changed after the King removed the limiter stopping the side effects from appearing in a body which had trained in the Royal Technique.

[Please input parameters. Side Effects can be removed.]

Marveling again at the incredible abilities of the system, Daneel thought for a bit and inputted the parameters, following which he was asked to wait for a day for the techniques to develop.

When asked about the specific speed by which one's potential or comprehension would grow on using the technique, he got this answer:

[Body Potential Development Speed for Host: For going from bottom most body potential-below low grade potential to next level, F-, it would require 10 days. This number stays the same for every major level(eg. 10 days from no talent to F-, 10 days from F- to F, 10 days from F to F+) and doubles for the next major level(eg. 20 days from F+ talent to E-, 20 days from E- to E, 20 days from E to E), and so on.

Comprehension Development Speed for Host: For going from bottom most level, Violet to the next level, Indigo, it takes 10 days. This number doubles for every level thereafter.

Lesser Development Techniques will have 10% the speed of host's development techniques due to the absence of the system.]

Indeed, the reason for his technique having such formidable prowess was the system. It allowed him to fine tune the application of the energy with such a precision that no human could match.

Even with the reduced speed, this was still a heaven-defying technique, especially when one considered that such techniques were only talked about as rumors in the Kingdom of Lanthanor.

Thus, he had asked the system to make an introduction page which detailed the effects and speed before copying this page onto a parchment. This had been the same parchment which he gave to Faxul. The common measurement of body potential was low, mid and high, corresponding to the levels F- to E+, D- to C+ and B- to A+ respectively. So according to the information given, Faxul would be able to reach the mid-grade body potential from low-grade in at most three and half years, depending on his exact level.

Coming back to the present, Daneel noticed Faxul beside him also waiting for the answer. Although his friend had repeatedly asked, Daneel had only answered that all would be answered in this meeting with the Domination Corps and all the instructors who had come from the Fists of Justice Training Hall.

"Everyone, I know you must all be wondering about the information in the parchment. First, let me tell you that there are no side effects like turning into monsters. The techniques will only increase your mage comprehension or body potential in roughly the speed that has been specified in the parchment. But I must bring to your attention one thing: if you wish to obtain the technique, you must swear an oath to unwaveringly follow my orders whatsoever they may be. The Domination Corps have already sworn this oath when they chose to enter. Now, it is your turn to decide, instructors of the Training Hall."

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