World Domination System

Chapter 121 Clone

After deciding on the plan, Daneel first proceeded to store all the ones present in the Palace Library.

As a Kingdom which had had numerous Warrior Mages and Fighters over the years, there were quite a few spells and fighting techniques in the archives. Some were the hard work of individuals who had mastered their respective focus to such a level that a spell could be developed. Others had been obtained through trade with other Kingdoms.

While going through the spells, Daneel was reminded of the one he found in the secret library which he knew was the answer to his training problems: the "Clone" spell.

In fact, he had had it on his mind ever since Kellor had said that it was only because of forming a clone that he had been able to meet Daneel on the brief occasions when the then Grant Court Mage didn't have an eye on him.

Yet, Daneel had been disappointed when he heard the reply given by the system when he asked if the spell could be simplified.

[Negative. Due to nature of the spell which requires a high amount of elementary particle control, the minimum level needed for a mage to cast the spell is 7th Grade Human Mage, i.e, Exalted Human Mage level]

The Clone spell worked by using advanced elementary particle control in order to make a replica of a human body. The body would have no power, and its movements would be dictated by the maker. In other words, the clone was a 'puppet'.

There was even a time limit for each body to exist, while the formation of each body took a huge amount of time which was proportional to the comprehension level of a mage.

In this world, knowledge about the anatomy of the body was not as developed as on Earth. Yet, this didn't matter as the Clone spell only created an outer shell which was vulnerable to almost any attack.

In fact, according to Kellor, it wasn't a very widely used spell due to the minimal benefits it gave. Also, the amount of time that was required to make a clone was too high while the time of existence was low.

This limitation even carried over to the Warrior realm. If a Clone spell was cast by a Peak Exalted Human Mage, it would require 10 hours to create a clone which would last a single hour, assuming that the comprehension of the Mage was Red Grade.

Thus, Kellor had said that the clone spell only became useful to those beyond the Warrior Level.

All Daneel wanted was a way to train peacefully while also being able to rule the Kingdom.

Thus, it wouldn't matter if the clone had no protection.

Alas, his level was too low. Thus, Daneel's initial plan in the courtroom had been to somehow get to the level required using the resources left behind by the King.

After all, Ker Gems increased the training speed, and Daneel was an individual with the legendary Gold comprehension.

But now, he wondered if he had made the right decision. With things as they stood, he didn't know how he would be able to find enough time to train at all.

While pondering over the matter, Daneel quickly went through all the spells and fighting techniques contained in the library.

As he did so, he was quite surprised to see many useful spells.

Deciding to first record all of them before developing what he required, he immediately contacted Felix.

Although the Master of the Fists of Justice Training Hall was a bit surprised to see the King suddenly asking whether he could peruse the secret techniques of the Hall, he still acquiesced.

Soon, the same retinue of soldiers could be seen outside the hut inside the Training Hall Grounds which Daneel had gone into all those years ago in order to be inducted into the organization.

He knew that he only had a small breathing time which he had to use effectively if he wanted to take control of his position rather than letting events dictate his actions. Thus, he was in a hurry to exhaust all sources possible.

Also, Daneel had already had the system analyze the "Fists of Justice" technique he had won in the trainee competition.

Before, it had only been able to analyze the first 2 stages due to the limited resources it had at its disposal.

But now, after the upgrade, this was no longer a problem.

The "Fists of Justice" fighting technique was actually one that could be used all the way to the peak of the Warrior Realm!

Although the results had been shocking, Daneel had had no time to reflect on the possibilities they presented or consider training in the technique due to all the events that had happened thereafter.

Thus, he now looked forward to what other techniques the Hall was hiding.

After entering the hut, Felix first closed the door before walking to a bare wall.

Pricking his finger, he proceeded to draw a symbol on the wall.

This was exactly the same technique that Laravel had used in order to open the secret passageway leading into the palace. The symbol glowed and faded into the wall, while a 'clicking' sound echoed across the circular room.

Putting his hand again on the wall, Felix pushed to the side, making a hidden bookcase appear.

There were at least 40 books in different colors neatly arranged. Seeing Felix take a seat after he was done, Daneel walked forward with an expression of excitement.

The palace library had only had around 200 total techniques, counting both the ones for Fighters and Mages.

Thus, 40 secret techniques was already quite a high number.

As he reached the topmost book and opened it, an expression of shock appeared on his face.

It was another Warrior Realm Fighting technique!

Thereafter, each book that he took into his hands made his eyes widen more and more, while Felix watched on wondering why the King was only opening a single page of each technique.

Although each technique was more shocking than the one before, it was one maroon book which froze Daneel, making him gawk with surprise as he read the title over and over again while asking the system in his mind multiple times whether the answer to his query that it had just given was true.

With glee, Daneel realized that he had indeed made the right decision to come and see just what the founding master of the Training Hall had left behind.

[Peak Warrior Realm Secret Fighting Technique: Fighter Replication analyzed. Lesser clone technique can now be developed with limitations]


Meanwhile, in the Black Raven Kingdom.

Unlike in Lanthanor, the throne room of the Black Raven Kingdom only had one seat-the throne.

A majestic black raven with softly glowing feathers was the first thing anyone would see on entering the room.

Although many often cowered thinking that the enormous beast was real, it was just a statue which was part of the throne.

Standing 20 feet tall with its wings outstretched to a length of 50 feet, one whole side of the room was taken up by this statue.

With its vivid eyes glaring at the door, it ensured that anyone who came for an audience with the King would know that the God Beast of the Kingdom was always watching, ready to tear them apart in case they meant harm.

A seat made of the same stone-like material was located between the legs of the Raven.

The man sitting in this seat had long sideburns while the middle of his face had a horizontal scar that ran along his cheeks and nose. His black eyes were fixed on Bevis, who was kneeling on the floor in front of him.

Finally, after a few moments, the man's dissatisfied expression changed into one of expectation while he seemed to have made a decision.

As he opened his mouth to speak, Bevis shuddered and tried not to collapse on the floor, almost as if the voice of the man was tunneling into his ears and causing unimaginable pain.

"Daneel, King of Lanthanor? Let's see if you are really worthy of being called one. Call for the meeting immediately."

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