World Domination System

Chapter 126 Meeting The Black Raven Kingdom 1

"Arrange everything as per my instructions. We will be heading to the base camp first before proceeding towards the meeting. And send me all the detailed reports about the spies we have."

Nodding, Kellor stood up and left the chamber, leaving Daneel and Faxul alone in the room. The two commanders had gone to handle the spies and were yet to return.

"What do you think should be done about the spy problem? I can't have all the other Kingdoms finding out about everything I do so easily."

Faxul, who was sitting in front of the Dragon Heart, pondered for a bit before answering.

In a way, Faxul helped Daneel a lot in making some decisions which didn't involve any secrets which he couldn't tell to anyone, such as those regarding the system. It was because he had a great analytical mind, and was excellent to bounce ideas off of.

"If possible, misguide. If not, do not do anything in a way that it can easily be observed and reported."

Although the suggestions were simple, they still covered the best options that Daneel had.

Such was Faxul's way of speaking: succinct as always, and cutting to the root of things with as fewer words as possible.

Sighing in response, the King said, "True. We will need to brainstorm more on this with the commanders and Kellor, but that can come later. Right now, I need you to tell me whether I can trust you to control yourself when we go to the meeting. If there is even a chance that you can't, it's better that you stay behind."

Straightening his back and raising his head to look at Daneel, Faxul opened his mouth but no word came out.

It was because he was reminded of the situation in the throne room, where he had barely controlled the urge to pounce on Bevis.

Bevis had only been one of those who chased him when he was running away from the Kingdom, but going to the meeting would mean that he would be in the presence of the man who was responsible for it all.

Unwittingly, a memory floated into his mind.

In a large, richly furnished room, an abnormally large raven stood in the center while having its beautiful feathers stroked by a black-haired kid.

He was talking animatedly to the bird, although the latter was only closing its eyes and enjoying the feeling of being pampered.

"Son, you talk so much! I swear I don't remember the last time I saw you keep your mouth closed for even 10 minutes except while sleeping! You know the raven can't understand you, right?"

A man with a large mane of hair strode into the room with a wide smile on his face while lovingly admonishing the kid in a doting voice.

"But I just love to talk, Dad! I even dream of finding someone whom I can talk with all day! And Jondar is the best, he doesn't leave when he hears me talk on and on....."

Seeing the slightly sad look appear on his son's face, the man laughed and took him up in his arms, hoisting him on his shoulders.

Suddenly finding himself on the strong shoulders of his most favorite person in the world, the kid laughed with unconcealed glee.

Only, this happy memory instantly morphed into the last image he saw in the panel before his father passed away.

Coming back to his senses, Faxul noticed that his fingers had almost dug into his palm due to the sheer force with which he had been tightening his fists.

His eyes coming back into focus, he looked straight at Daneel and said, "I want to see the man responsible for everything. Controlling myself will not be a problem."

Although Faxul knew he wasn't sure about the latter, he felt a burning need to fulfill the former.

"Alright. For now, let's go see how many of our former comrades stay with us. I've already asked Kellor to assemble them.", answered Daneel, getting up from the chair and walking towards the door while Faxul followed with an expression of anticipation on his face.


In the same clearing in which Daneel had talked with the Domination Corps before, a group of teens waited with varying expressions on their faces.

The majority were smiling while talking animatedly with their friends.

Yet, in the middle of the clearing, at least 100 teens who were whispering among themselves in serious tones were gathered.

"Sedwig, you must be joking."

"I don't know, Helvix. We already swore to do everything he says. What if this is all simply so that he can remove those not loyal to him?"

"Re-remove?! You can't be serious! He is the King who freed us from tyranny and even executed nobles who committed injustices.... he can't possibly be that cruel with us, who chose to follow him..."

"Humph, that might all be a scam to gain the trust of everyone. What if he turns out to be the same?"

This conversation between two teens in the center of this group suddenly halted as they had looked up to see that the King's retinue was approaching.

This time, it was only the King and his closest friend, along with the soldiers.

"I trust that you all must have made your decisions by now. All those who wish to stay, walk towards my left. The rest, walk towards the right and wait while I come to each of you to release you from your oaths. Of course, you will have to swear an additional oath that you will not speak about any of the things you were ordered to do while in the Domination Corp."

Hearing the King's straight forward statement, the teen who had been scoffing could not help but get a shocked expression on his face.

While all those around him moved as per the King's instructions, he found himself torn.

On one hand, he wanted to leave the Corps in order to take care of his ailing mother. On the other, he was afraid that this was all a ploy to weed out and kill those who were not loyal to the King.

His mind stuck, he could only stand in his place while the rest separated. In the end, he found himself alone in the center of the clearing, still wrestling with the indecisiveness in his mind which had plagued him for the past few days.

"Oh? What is wrong? You are Sedwig, right?"

Hearing his name called, the teen snapped out his thoughts and panicked, seeing that everyone in the clearing was looking at him.

"My Lord, yes, he is Sedwig. He wishes to leave the Corps, but he is afraid that this might be a scheme to eliminate those who are disloyal to you. He also thinks that bringing justice to the commoners was a scam, after which you might turn into a King similar to the one before."

Gasps could be heard around the clearing while a teen wearing white robes stepped out of the group on the left and spoke to Daneel.

It was the first member of the Domination Corps, Joshua.

Seeing a Corps leader rat him out in such a way, Sedwig started shaking in fear.

If it were the previous King, his head would already be rolling on the floor right now.

"Don't worry, I asked Joshua to collect information regarding the thoughts of those who wish to leave the Corps. No harm will come to you, and you will also be given special preference if you choose to enter the army. Finally, for your services so far, each of you who have chosen to leave will obtain a reward of 100 Gold Lans."

Almost as if each word of the King was breaking down his psyche, Sedwig fell to the ground and knelt, trying to control the tears in his eyes due to the feelings of relief and regret that came into his mind.

Growing up with a father who came home almost every night to beat him and his mother in a drunken stupor, he had developed a cynical attitude towards life. This stayed with him although his father had died when he was 7, leaving him and his mother alone.

He had joined the Corps to seek revenge for his mother who had been injured heavily by a passing Noble for the nonsensical reason of quoting too high a price for some pots she had been selling.

Now, with his thirst for revenge already satiated, he had found that cynical attitude coming back.

But at this moment, he realized how wrong he had been.

Watching the teen cry, Daneel found himself understanding more about the natures of the subjects he was now in command of. This had been his goal in ordering Joshua to collect the information in the first place.

Finishing the rest of the meeting without any hassle, he dismissed the Corps and headed to his room to train and sleep.

Tomorrow, he would finally be meeting the man who had murdered his best friend's family in cold blood.

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