World Domination System

Chapter 282 Decree

Seeing a battalion of Black Raven Soldiers surround them as soon as they arrived near the crowd, Daneel, Faxul and Elanev wondered whether there would be more fighting and bloodshed.

Even the people seemed to have lost trust in the government, as they readied themselves for a fight to protect the one who was rightfully supposed to be their King.

Yet, as a man with unmoving blind eyes walked in front of the battalion and bowed to Faxul, it became clear that they were here for something else.

"I am Litwick, acting representative of the Council that was convened as per the law when a contender appears. I'm just here to speak with our King-to-be regarding a few details that he needs to know. Please let me through."

The last line had to be said because a mob of people had appeared in front of the trio in a bid to protect them on seeing that potential enemies might have arrived.

Litwick, himself, felt happy on seeing the scene, as it was only right for the people to want to protect their King in any way they could.

Hearing his words, the crowd parted but still kept their eyes on him, as if they would tear him to shreds if he showed even the slightest of hostile intentions.

All of them were right in front of the palace gates of the Black Raven Palace, and the trio had just teleported here before this incident happened.

After approaching, Litwick bowed again and said, "I have been ordered to send some news, but it needs to be hidden from the public. Do I have your permission to deploy a soundproofing trinket?"

After glancing towards Daneel once and seeing his assent, Faxul nodded, making Litwick frown but take out a triangle-shaped trinket that caused an invisible barrier to appear around them.

This was only designed to prevent those outside from listening in, so it was meant to be nonintrusive.

"At around the moment when this man and two unknown women appeared above the stadium where the fight was taking place, all the connection trinkets that we are in possession of were destroyed. Also, the location of the Protector Raven is unknown. Although we haven't seen the Protector Raven in a long time, we only thought it was normal because the Raven usually went into long periods of training. Occasionally, it did appear outside, but we only ever got glimpses of it before it disappeared. When your father was the King, the Protector Raven even guided the other Ravens in their training. I previously served under him, and I can tell you that he was the bravest man I ever knew. It is an honor to even think that I might serve under his son now. But for now, I'm here because I was ordered by the Council to ask whether your companion has any information or relation with what has happened, and also to hand over an official decree."

The long speech of this blind man made all three of them widen their eyes with shock.

All the connection trinkets were destroyed?

Wouldn't that mean that… The Kingdom was doomed?

This was the thought in Faxul's head, as he knew that Ravens were the core of the society.

Meanwhile, Daneel became shocked as he realized that this was some additional plan other than what the old man had threatened him with when he died. Although he had been expecting some sort of problem to show itself when the time came for the last step for Faxul to become king, he didn't expect that there would even be such a nefarious scheme to destroy the foundation of the Kingdom itself.

As for Elanev, although he was equally shocked about the trinkets being destroyed, he was also amazed that his little brother might have managed to bag two ladies in his short absence.

After saying these words, Litwick took out a rolled up parchment and handed it to Faxul with his hands above his head while kneeling on the ground.

The people outside who saw this relaxed, because such actions would only be done by a commander for someone whom he was wholeheartedly supporting as King.

Taking the decree, Faxul unfolded and read it with growing surprise.

So such a law also existed?!

Handing it to Daneel, he put his hands behind his back.

Taking the parchment, Daneel and Elanev read the words on it.

"By invoking the emergency law which exists to address situations where the Protector Raven might be too injured or unavailable for connection, it has been decreed that Faxul Coronis can immediately ascend the throne. From this moment forward, he is the king of the Black Raven Kingdom. All hail the Mighty Black Raven!"

The ascension which he thought would be riddled with problems was accomplished so smoothly?!

Marveling at the stroke of fortune, Daneel looked towards Litwick again who began to speak after seeing that all three of them had read the decree.

"My King, it is truly my honor to call you so. I'm afraid you must take a decision regarding something right now. The information about the Protector Raven being unavailable might cause panic in the Kingdom, because hostile forces will seek to use the opportunity to sow chaos by saying that we no longer have the grace of the Black Raven. You can either choose to make this public, or to disperse the crowd now after saying that the ceremony of connection and ascension to the throne will take place a day later. Using that time, we can use the resources of the Kingdom to try and find out the location of the protector Raven. But this is risky, as if we fail in that pursuit, making the news public then would cause even more chaos and panic. Everything is in your hands now, your Majesty."

Being called like so, it finally registered in Faxul that he had officially become the King of the Black Raven Kingdom.

From fleeing in terror and living as someone with no last name for a long time, he had actually come a long way.

Yet, he did not feel proud, because the doubt born from the previous King's accusation was still on his mind.

Regardless, as Litwick said, he had to make a decision now.

Faxul and Daneel already knew the location of the protector Raven. Unless the old man had placed another countermeasure to move it again, there wouldn't be a problem with announcing a delay.

Yet, he decided to ask Daneel before taking the decision.

Just as he was about to do so, Faxul realized that it would look exactly like the previous King depending on the old man who had followed him around to take every decision.

Even Litwick's frown before must have definitely been due to this.

It would only be bad for the Kingdom if he got such an impression so soon.

Hence, he discreetly placed his hand in his pocket where there was a communication trinket.

"What do you think? Is there a risk in delaying? We know where the protector Raven is, right? Did the old man give any indication about what he would do after his death?", he asked using his thoughts.

Daneel, who felt the vibration of the communication trinket and touched it to listen to the message, smiled as he realized that his friend's mind was in the right place.

"First, a good job in contacting me in this way. The people or the government must not think that you depend on someone else to take your decisions for you. The old man did say that he would not let anyone ascend the throne. But whatever his plans are, I'm sure I'll be able to counter them. Go for - I mean, I advise that you go for the delay."

At the end, Daneel had been about to say outright to choose to delay.

Yet, he had chosen to change his wording because he did not wish to make it sound like he was giving orders.

Of course, his hesitation was detected by Faxul, who thought for a moment and said, "Daneel. You never need to hesitate about ordering me about something. I would not be in this position if it were not for you. I recognize that, and I'm truly grateful. If it weren't for you, I would still be training madly in the National Academy of Lanthanor. You have let me obtain everything I've ever wanted. And I'm not someone who forgets favors. I thought you knew that after being my friend for so long."

This made Daneel relax his tense shoulders and smile.

Indeed, he knew very well about his friend's character.

"Alright then. And I trust that I do not need to say that I will also never ask you to do something against your will. If you have objections, I expect that you will raise them, as even I can be wrong sometimes. Go on then. Go for the delay. Go make your first proclamation as King."

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