World Domination System

Chapter 302 Truth 2

Shocked at feeling a woman other than his mother hug him for the first time, Daneel froze for a few moments before awkwardly returning the hug and patting her back gently.

It seemed that the floodgates had truly opened this time, as Eloise kept crying continuously for a long time before finally sniffling and controlling herself.

As she did so, she seemed to finally realize that she had actually hugged the man who was the reason behind her tears in the first place.

Yet, Eloise found that she actually didn't blame the King, and this wasn't because of the blind adoration she had for him.

Instead, it was the sincerity that she had seen in those striking green eyes. Each and every word the man had said had come from his heart, and such a thing had an allure to it that wasn't lost on Eloise.

The main reason behind her emotions bursting out in this way was that she had gotten really close to the King during their conversations before. Hence, it seemed that she had built up the hope inside that things might have changed in some way in regards to everything between them.

To have those hopes dashed hurt, but there was also the sweet happiness that she was truly valued.

Analyzing the King's words, she realized that although he had said that he couldn't promise anything, the chance was still there.

Her choices were simple: she could either stay with him and hope for something to happen, or she could make a clean break and try to find love elsewhere.

Eloise chose the former without hesitation.

It was simply because of the fact that love had come to her without her wishes, and that serving the King and seeing his dreams come true was really something that she truly loved and enjoyed.

Yet, she still asked herself this: how would she feel if she saw him feel romantically for someone else? Maybe, the petite woman whom she had a staring match with?

How would she handle it? After all, she was someone normal with no power.

Eloise was in no way equipped to think about this right now, especially with the pain from being rejected still fresh in her mind.

Hence, she put it aside for now and said, "I wish to stay and assist you in everything. I don't need any promises; just the satisfaction that comes from seeing your dreams come true is enough for me, My- Daneel."

My- Daneel? Had she actually called him hers by mistake?!

As she panicked slightly due to this silly reason like a little girl, the King in front of her smiled and said, "In that case, thank you. The heavens know I need you. Oh, and by the way, I forgot to mention something. You are now the second person in the entire Central Continent who has the top potential as both a Fighter and a Mage. Immediately begin to train now using this technique; apparently, the energy that healed you also had this effect, and the remnants of it that still remain in your body will speed up your training. Sister Xuan did say that it costs more than this entire Kingdom, after all."

Chuckling, the King held out a piece of parchment.

Its cost was more…than the entire Kingdom?!

That was tens of millions of Gold Lans!

Unable to fathom that such a wondrous thing could even exist, Eloise dumbly nodded and took the parchment, after which she turned around to walk to an Energized Training Chamber.

Seeing her leave, Daneel smiled from the bottom of his heart.

He didn't know if it was selfish, but he had truly wished that she would make this decision.

Mainly, it was because he felt that he had found someone he could call as a friend besides Faxul, who was now far away from him and busy with his own things. He really liked her a lot as a person, and she was now also invaluable to the Kingdom.

Of course, the last part had been his analytical side making its opinion known. Someone like him who had dual top potential was a very important asset that could tilt the scale in the side of Angaria.

As for his decision, he felt that he had made the right decision also because it wasn't the time to rush into something like this while the entire continent was at risk. Now that she was staying, if something between them changed in the future, it wouldn't be too late to take that step then.

Stepping into the chambers, Daneel glanced at the chair in which Sister Xuan had been sitting before she had left with a frown.

"I know you are listening. Come in."

A few seconds later, the two women shyly walked into the room as if they had been caught red-handed in a crime.

Daneel first looked at Molan, whose thick-skinned side reappeared, making her glare at him for a second before storming out of the room again, leaving him with Sister Xuan.

Obviously, Sister Xuan didn't have this side. She had been the one who had cast this Warrior-level covert eavesdropping spell which Daneel hadn't noticed before because he had been too pre-occupied with Eloise.

Hence, as she looked down with a slight blush on her face, he apathetically asked, "Why did you not back away from the staring match? And why were you eavesdropping on me?"

Hearing his cold tone, Sister Xuan flinched before looking up to see a slightly angry expression on the King's face.

She hadn't been able to control herself. From the King's actions, it had been quite clear that the conversation he would have next would be very important.

Without even understanding why, she had made the decision to listen in no matter what. Hence, she had cast a Warrior level spell, thinking that the King wouldn't be able to spot it because he was only an Exalted Human.

Clearly, she had underestimated whatever inheritance he had managed to obtain which was allowing him to do things that no normal Exalted Human should be able to do.

At this moment, she remembered some advice her Matron had given long back.

Right now, her impression was definitely at rock bottom in the King's eyes. If she tried to lie or cover her actions in some way, it would definitely only make it go lower.

Hence, she chose to tell the truth so that she would at least have no regrets later.

This was her character since childhood; even if she was indecisive many times, she would always go through with a decision once she made it.

Setting her expression into one of determination, she ignored the rising blush in her face and spoke in a strong tone.

"King Daneel, I like you. In my time in your Kingdom, I have investigated everything about you, and your actions have impressed me. I have never met any other man like you who overcame all odds to achieve something momentous. I felt jealous when I heard that that woman was close to you, so I did not break away from the staring match. Of course, I had no intention to hurt her. I am not saying that you should like me, or that I will pursue you. I eavesdropping because I wanted to know if you were taken. I am sorry, and it will not happen again. Can I go, now?"

Dazed at the sudden tirade aimed at him, Daneel only nodded.

This was simply too much to take in in a single day. First, he had had to build up the courage and emotional fortitude to break the heart of someone he admired and really cared about.

Next, he had had to listen to this… confession?

He didn't even know what she meant. She… liked him?

The straightforwardness had startled him, and he had no idea what to think. Besides, he couldn't even understand what she was even trying to say.

Seeing the nod, Sister Xuan turned around and walked to the door before realized that this was her room.

Pausing at the door, she turned around and folded her hands, feeling anger for reasons unknown.

She had said her piece, and she felt embarrassed at laying herself out in front of someone like that.

This feeling of…vulnerability was something she hated. Hence, the anger spread to her face, making her frown as she waited for the King to realize the same thing and leave.

After seeing no movement from him for a few seconds, she cleared her throat, making an "Ah-ahem" sound echo in the room.

As if jolted to his senses, the King finally realized his location and turned around before scratching his nose and walking out.

Seeing him walk out, Sister Xuan banged the door behind him and collapsed on the bed.

What had actually just happened? She wondered, putting her head in her hands and trying to make sense of the storm that was currently in her mind.

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