World Domination System

Chapter 354 Retribution 3


As the loud sound reverberated throughout the room, Eloise and all the men in the room looked up.

"What? Who the hell managed to find us, and then have the gall to attack?!"

The attack was nowhere near enough to break through the barrier, but it meant that they had been 'caught in the act'.

However, they didn't know exactly how 'caught' they were.

"Ok…Ok. They can't see this. My old man would throw a fit! Kill her, and burn everything. Nothing should remain!"

As Daneel heard this on the other end, his face filled with that smile changed into one of panic.

"Sister Xuan! DO IT!"


Even before all of the words were out of his mouth, a much larger sound echoed throughout Olympia itself, as the barrier had temporarily been breached to allow two people inside.


With a shout, two lions that seemed to be made of ice that had apparently come out of nowhere jumped through the cloud of dust formed due to the impact from the breach.

The breaching had actually had the effect of ringing the inside of the building like a bell, so there was a split second of time when all of the people inside could only close their ears and scream.

That time was enough for one of the snow lions to knock the man back, and for another to grab Eloise by the cuff of her dress before quickly dragging her out.

The breach had actually managed to destroy the entire ground floor of the building due to the impact, so the entire structure started to collapse.

However, Daneel sighed a relief when he saw the view from Eloise's communication eye quickly change to show the scene from the outside.

She was saved!

This was the worst case that Daneel had talked to Sister Xuan with: if the perpetrators panicked after the revelation that they had been found dawned on them, it might make them take drastic measures such as killing all those around them.

Yet, Sister Xuan had promised him that she would make sure to save Eloise even if that happened.

Daneel hadn't had any doubts as he believed in the woman, but still, seeing her keep her end of the deal, he sighed with relief.

The rest of the women were also safe, because as the dust settled, it was revealed that the inside of the first floor was intact due to the barrier regenerating almost instantly after the snow lion managed to get Eloise yet.

It was a Champion-level one, after all, and although Sister Xuan had used another sect-protecting treasure(less valuable than the healing one from before, at least), the barrier was powerful enough to mend itself.

While all this was going on, the people gathered in the stadium were still watching.

They were all squinting their eyes in a bid to find out what happened to the culprits, and many were actually rooting for the possibility that the building collapse killed everyone.

To them, all the women had looked lifeless.

And someone who would do such horrible things…did not deserve to live.

However, when they saw that the inside was unharmed, they felt frustration.

Yet, something was different.

"Its done."

As Daneel got this message from Sister Xuan, a wide smile came on his face.

"Proceed with plan: 'Retribution'. Make sure its random, but the main one should have…special treatment."

[Sending commands. Bodypart Severance underway.]

Bodypart Severance.

Ah, that sounded so good.

Only, it wasn't so good for those inside the barrier.

At some point in time, it seemed that a few red-gold mosquitoes had managed to enter the barrier when it was breached.

At this moment, when they started to come back to their senses, these mosquitoes shot through the air at a blinding speed before attaching themselves to different body parts of different people.

There were 7 individuals in total, and they all started to jump around in pain when they realized what was happening.

They all seemed to be mouthing something, but the barrier blocked sound from going outside, so no one understood what it was.

Yet, some posited that the word 'Doom' kept coming out of their mouths, so they thought that it was because they thought they were doomed.

These were all top-tier mages, so when the panic faded, they quickly cast their strongest spells to get rid of the mosquitoes.

However, this was when the true horror began.

"Chief, are you all right? It was someone from the Big 4! They should pay! And how did the doom mosquitoes get in?! And-"


The man who had started everything, and also the one responsible for many missing cases in the Black Raven Kingdom, shouted these words in a voice filled with terror and panic.

He was called 'chief' because his dad was one, but right now, there was nothing 'chiefly' about him.

This was because he was the only one who hadn't cast a spell yet to get rid of the mosquito on him, mainly because it had attached itself to a very…crucial part.

He had been doing the act all day, so he hadn't bothered to wear protective gear inside.

Clearly, this had come back to bit him on his head.

The others, who noticed this, fell silent and felt thankful that the same hadn't happened to them.

"Ok, take it easy, Chief. They aren't very strong, a single Exalted Human level spell is easy to take them out. Just cast a compressed air blade and cut the sucker in half."

These words from one of the men served to make him calm down, and he nodded before casting the spell.


Just like the man had said, it was smooth, and the mosquito was cut in half.

As half of its body fell to the floor, he gingerly removed the one still attached to his skin.

All of the mosquitoes were dead, and realizing this, smiles started to come on their faces, which started to really irritate all the citizens who were watching.

"Is that it? I thought you said-"

"Wait for it."

This irritation was also felt by Sister Xuan, who couldn't resist but send a message to the King.

And just at the moment when Daneel said these words, chaos broke loose inside the barrier.

7 people. 7 organs.

All started to go dead, completely, with their owners having no feeling of them whatsoever.

One lost a leg, another lost an arm, and yet another even lost a hip, making him fall down.

All of them were screaming, but none could compare with the terror-filled look that came on the face of the man who was responsible for everything.

Liquid started to leak into his pants, as it started to become clear to everyone that he had lost control of a very important part.

Initially, it was just horror, but it then turned into such a look of desperation and pain that some even started to pity the man before they looked around to see all the female bodies that were still lying there.

Meanwhile, Daneel's wide smile had turned slightly sinister, but he didn't care.

He hated them. He hated them to the bone. And if it were up to him, he would rip their hearts out.

However, he still had a shred of sense. Sister Xuan had told him that they belonged to the higher echelons of the Big 4, but he had known this even without her having to mention it.

Even then, there was no way that he was leaving them alone.

Those women might not be his citizens, but they were all someone's mothers, someone's wives, someone's daughters.

They deserved any justice that they could get, and there would be nothing worse than letting the perpetrators get away scot-free.

Hence, he had planned this, and seeing it play out, the satisfaction filled him completely.

However, at the same time, he was disgusted by the Big 4 right now. He had seen both sides of it in these men and in Sister Xuan, but any organization that had rotted so much that it allowed such depraved behavior might no longer need to exist, in his opinion.

Thoughts like these were dangerous. So he shelved them. But only for now.

"Excellent job! How were they so effective?"


On a day where everyone felt like there could be no more surprises, it looked like there was one more waiting for them.

Out of nowhere, the humongous barrier above cracked, and like a meteor that was spewing blood instead of fire, a body crashed to the ground in the stadium.

Along with that body was a spherical barrier which was somehow still intact, and inside it were 5 bodies of the most important individuals in the Central Continent.

"Finally! Let's get the job done! Damn egg-headed bastard."

As these words were heard from above, Daneel looked up to see the two Knights of the Church look at the 5 bodies as if they were prey.

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