World Domination System

Chapter 492 A Meeting In The Clouds

After taking a moment to curse these things which felt more like they were out to destroy Angaria rather than help save it as the Emperor had originally intended, Daneel nodded at Olfax and close the door.

At least, now, there were no more mysteries about Eldinor. Everything had been revealed to him, and all that remained was to figure out a plan to stop Dinora.

Sitting on the bed, Daneel placed his head in both of his hands before closing his eyes and beginning to think.

There was one obvious plan: he could simply kill Eldra, which would bring an end to the Empire spirit's plans.

After all, it needed someone with need and authority to manipulate, so if its main chess piece was removed, it wouldn't be able to do anything except once again begin a long wait for an opportunity.

However, Daneel kept this as a last option, as if possible, he didn't want to do it.

First, there was the possibility that most of Eldra's actions might have been dictated by the Mind Control spell. Although he didn't know this for sure, he had to give her the benefit of doubt.

Second, the Big Four were keeping an eye on all the rulers of the Central Continent. Wiping out a ruler would definitely make them focus their attention on him, and would also result in turmoil that might end up in riots that could cause a lot of loss of life.

This was, of course, something that he wanted to avoid. Just because Angaria had to be saved, it didn't mean that thousands and even hundreds of thousands of people had to be sacrificed for that.

If he did that, he would practically be no different from Ashahell.

He was already toeing the line he had set for himself by the recent actions he had taken, but he had had no other choice. However, something like this went against his beliefs so much that Daneel recoiled against the idea.

What else could he do?

Could he possibly… Talk to Eldra to tell her the truth and try to work with her to get out of this situation?

"Drackos, is Dinora actively monitoring everything that Eldra sees?"

Daneel asked this, as if that Empire Spirit was capable of casting a damn Mind Control spell without even inhabiting someone's body, then it might be capable of other things too.

"Yes. Surveillance should be possible quite easily. But if you wish, I can cast a small spell to cut whoever you want from Dinora's view for a limited period of time."

Hearing this, Daneel saw that this plan was still viable.

However, he remembered the last time that he had worked with Eldra.

Once again, he thought back to how fair the deal was, which made him realize that Eldra was just the sort of person to not see these kinds of things.

She was prideful like any other elf, and it seemed that her pride would definitely get in the way of the thought of once again becoming Daneel's "slave".

Although that wasn't the case, he could tell that that would definitely be how she would see it.

With this in mind, Daneel concluded that it would just be foolish to once again make plans with her. Something like this might end up repeating, or he might even find later that he was stabbed in the back just because she was someone who couldn't set aside her prejudice about being under someone else's control.

That was her nature, and Daneel was not ready to bet anything that it would change.

So… Was there perhaps a plan which would keep Eldra on the throne, save the Kingdom of Eldinor and Angaria, and also make her follow him willingly without feeling any resentment?

Oh, that was definitely a tall order.

But that was exactly what he needed to do.

However, no matter how much he rummaged in his mind, he couldn't come up with something foolproof that would accomplish what he wanted.

Leaning back on the bed, Daneel ran his hands through his head and felt…alone.

All the schemes, all the plans, all the dealings-everything had been done by him alone, for the most part.

He had never thought about this much, but at this moment, he didn't like it.

Why should he do everything alone?

This question appeared in his mind, but unlike all the times before when he had had answers for it, he realized with a start that right now, it might be possible to change those answers.

Immediately sitting up, he asked, "Drakos, is there a Hero-level spell which will shield people's minds from Mind Control? Or, at least, if someone tries to go through their minds using the technique in possession of the Big 4, can their memories be altered in order to hide certain things?"

Daneel asked this question twice, once to Drakos, and once to the system.

Drakos took some time to ponder, but the system answered first.

[Negative. This aspect of the system to edit host's memories on demand cannot be made into a spell with system's current level. Please upgrade the system if host wishes to carry out this task.]

He had already thought as much.

All this time, he had been turning the capabilities of the system into spells for him to cast.

However, this was just too advanced a case.

After a minute or so, Drakos finally spoke.

"Young King, it might be possible through a hidden trinket that they can hide on their bodies. When the trinket detects that its wearer is under the effect of a spell like what you mentioned, it will enable them to choose what memories to hide and which to show. It might be crude, but it will get the job done. There is one catch, though."

A broad smile had started to spread on Daneel's face as he heard this, but that last sentence made him frown.

However, when Drakos continued, he laughed out loud when he realized that it was quite an inconsequential catch.

"This will only work on the simple consciousnesses of Humans and Warriors. When one becomes a Champion, their consciousness undergoes a change. You can say that it becomes…refined. In that refined atmosphere, the crude actions of the trinket will stand out like a flame in the darkness. Only in the cases of Humans and Warriors will the invading spell make it appear that the crude changes are all just a part of the 'simple' consciousness of that person."

"That's all right! What do you need to make them?"

"A tiny part of a Ker Root."

This made Daneel gape, before he exclaimed, "And you didn't think that THAT was the catch?"

"No, Young King. You are already in possession of one, right?"

"Y-yes, but it's very precious…is there no other way?"

"None, Young King. All complicated trinkets which relate to the mind require Ker Roots as materials. It will only need a very small part, though."

With a sigh, Daneel realized that this innocent dragon was not even exposed to the human emotion of greed.

It wasn't even greed. It was more like…a habit Daneel had acquired from hounding materials and EXP all his life. Just the notion of such a precious material being depleted caused his heart to hurt.

However, he knew that this was very important.

So, he just sighed and said, "All right, fine. Make them."

"How many do you need?"


A few hours later, at a spot in the clouds above the empty area that was between Lanthanor, the Black Raven Kingdom and the Hidden Kill Sect.

Unbeknownst to the inhabitants of the Continent of Angaria, a very historic meeting was about to take place here.

In fact, later on, it would be known that this was the meeting which had set the course of the future of Angaria.

First, Daneel appeared here with a neutral expression on his face.

He was looking forward to what he was going to do, but watching the small Ker Root being shaved had been quite painful.

Ever since coming into possession of such a wondrous object, Daneel had decided that he would hold on to it until he became a Champion, but it seemed that that was not the case.

Still, putting it out of his thoughts for now, Daneel first asked Drakos to make sure that no one was eavesdropping on them.

After that, he stated a strange request.

"Drakos, I need you to go into meditation for now. I'll be sure to call you again if I need you."

"Why, Young King?"

Hearing the innocent question, Daneel hesitated, wondering whether he was supposed to lie.

Thankfully, after seeing that he was silent for a while, Drakos just said, "I am glad that you did not decide to directly lie to me about such an important thing. I know everything about my race, Young King. I understand. Just call on me if you need me."

The tone he used was more serious than any Daneel had ever heard from him, so for once, Daneel felt glad that he just hadn't gone ahead and found an excuse.

Sighing as the system confirmed that Drakos was meditating, he sent a message to Kellor, who teleported over along with a few people in two.

They were: Eloise, Elanev, Aran, Cassandra, and Robert.

Daneel had already conjured 9 thrones that looked like they were made out of clouds.

Four were on one side, and four were on another, with a large, very distinct throne fashioned from dragons in the center.

It looked like they were standing in some Hall of the Gods, from where otherworldly beings might be looking down at mortals to decide their fates.

He had just told them that he needed to talk them, so they had puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Sit. We have two more people coming."

Hearing the King say this, the 6 people sat down and started to whisper amongst themselves.

Soon, two more figures teleported over.

The first was Faxul, who had strangely come with a large, decorated box which he placed to the side before greeting everyone and sitting.

Second came Luther, who also did the same, before taking his seat.

With everyone assembled, Daneel smiled and walked to the Central Throne before sitting down.

As soon as he did so, he flung his hand out, making eight non-descript gold coins fly out and float in front of each of those present.

"Drop your blood on them. Trust me when I say that they are more valuable than you can ever imagine."

Nodding, all of them did so, and watched as the coins melted into their palms.

In a solemn voice that reverberated through the sky, the King of Lanthanor spoke.

"It is said that 9 is the holy number of our continent, and by chance, 9 of us have gathered here. Each of you know bits and pieces about the true happenings in our continent, but it is high time that you know the truth. Listen, and brand everything into your memory."

After saying this, Daneel proceeded to speak for a long time.

His narration was punctuated by many gasps and shocked mutters, but he plowed on, as if unaware.

He told them the truth about everything: about his actions of taking control of other Kingdoms, his motives behind doing so, the threat of the Church, Ashahell's actions, his exploits in the Big 4.

Only the truth about the system was hidden: instead, Daneel stated that it was because of an inheritance he had found buried under his house.

To those present, it was as if they were listening to some epic tale that would do well as a novel, instead of being told as reality.

Toward the end, Daneel stated his dilemma, and although he didn't ask, it was clear that he needed their help.

Faxul was the one who knew most of the story, and although he was very shocked by the rest, he recovered first.

After thinking for a bit, he spoke, giving Daneel an idea that blew his mind.

"Daneel, you've been going around making puppets. You made me one, too, and although I'm not complaining, don't you think that it hasn't worked out very well? Despite your efforts, you still have not united the Kingdoms. Maybe…it is time for you to walk out of the shadows, and begin conquering Kingdoms out in the open. After all, you are powerful enough."


Daneel had been continuously thinking about how he was supposed to manipulate stuff from the shadows. He was just too used to it!

Hence, he hadn't considered this.

Now that he was alerted to it, the cogs in his brain started to turn, and his eyes started to shine.

The best way to conquer someone…was to save them.

What if he just so happened to be a King who ended up saving the entire elf species?

Wouldn't it be natural for them to follow him?

Slowly, a bold and daring plan started to form in his mind.

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