World Domination System

Chapter 500 Treasure

Another achievement?!

Unable to believe it, Daneel waited with bated breath for the description.

After all, if there were multiple announcements, the system would often bundle the main parts of them together before elaborating on the specifics of each.

He was still reeling from the shock of obtaining 50,000 EXP in one go. After all, this was a windfall the likes of which he had never seen.

[Higher-Tier Lifeform: Through analysis, it has been found that host's current body is a lesser version of this lifeform. Data suggests that aspects such as longevity, potential and comprehension level are all a step above the norm that is seen on the continent today. Further analysis is in progress.

Empire Spirit Reaper(1): Others might feel lucky to just come into contact with one, but you have actually succeeded in ending the life of an Empire Spirit through meticulous planning and perfect execution. Congratulations!

10,000 EXP awarded.

Subsequent iterations of the same achievement will have multiplied rewards.

This is a dual-path achievement: Bringing an Empire Spirit into host's complete control would also have qualified host to receive the reward. As such, the same will also count towards the rewarding of the subsequent iterations.

'Hedonist' Champion Path: A Champion Path for one who is capable of doing anything and everything in order to fulfill their desire. Power of this Champion Path varies according to the desire chosen. The target from which this Champion Path was analyzed had chosen the desire for 'Blood', which allowed her to gain ultimate proficiency in using blood-related spells. Also, because the general path is that of a 'Hedonist', the Path also gives the ability to manipulate other people using their desires to those who choose it.

Type of Champion Path: Acquired(Special)

Level Limit: Depends on the desire chosen.

Form of Champion Path On Display: Domain/Projection, Ability Augmentation.]

Well, although it was no windfall, 10,000 wasn't bad at all.

As for the other data, Daneel mulled over it in his mind.

He wasn't really surprised that the system had tagged this giant as a higher-tier lifeform, neither was it a shock to find out that normal humans were lesser forms of that lifeform.

After all, it was pretty obvious.

As for this special type of Champion Path, Daneel was most intrigued by its name.

Could it be connected to the Sect of Hedon in any way?

After pondering over this question for a few seconds, Daneel decided that he would ask Drakos about it as soon as he woke the dragon up.

He didn't want to do so now, until this grisly deed was done.

Although he had become someone who would kill indiscriminately when it was needed, he wasn't a huge proponent of torture.

So, if it weren't for the system telling him that the best method to analyze the body of the giant in the quickest manner possible was to burn it, then he might have chosen to directly chop off its head or something.

Apparently, the burning was to see the root constituents of the body, and assess just how his own body had been derived from it.

It was an unorthodox method for sure, but it wasn't that novel for someone like him from Earth, where combustion analysis was a thing to understand more about certain substances.

Daneel had thought that the best method would be dissection, but he had been told that the system would be able to obtain the same results because of the high level of the Phenomena Analysis Module, which had led him to choosing this method as it would mean that he would be taking some revenge on the bloodthirsty elf, too, by subjecting her to pain the likes of which she would have inflicted on millions if she had been set free.

While the body continued burning, Daneel turned to the side and observed Eldra, whose face still contained a hint of the misery and despair he had seen in her before.

He had already asked Drakos how Dinora could have taken control of Eldra if the Mind Control spell was so weak, so when he had found out that that would only be possible if her mind was completely shattered by what she was seeing, Daneel had decided that she wasn't someone who deserved to die.

True, she had her negative aspects, which had resulted in this whole mess in a way. However, after understanding the true method in which an elf's mind worked after seeing Katerina, Daneel had realized that he might be partly responsible, too, even though there could have been no way in which he wouldn't have insisted on an oath at that point.

But that didn't mean that she didn't have her own redeeming qualities too. She had the talent to understand the needs of her people and devise plans and schemes to address them. She also seemed to have the charisma needed to make others follow her.

Sighing, Daneel decided that he would just leave it up to her.

The best case would be if she, too, recognized the debt that she now owed Daneel because of everything he had done. If she did, and if she chose to follow him whole-heartedly, then he would be happy to leave her be.

Only after placing some good old countermeasures, of course.

However, if she relapsed to that haughty elf who still saw him as a ruthless slaver, he would have no option but to remove her from her position.

Turning back to the giant's body, Daneel watched as the flames rose higher, turning the entire body to ash.

What was most surprising was the amount of Energy that had to be consumed in order to make that happen. Asking the system, he found out that if he were burning a normal, human body, a 10th of the Energy would have been enough.

So, it was clear that the higher-tier lifeform, whatever it was, was also 10 times sturdier at the least, as he didn't know exactly what the Fighter level of the Empire Spirit was.

Finally, unable to ignore it anymore, Daneel glanced up at the complex, interweaving web of Ker Roots that made up this small cage.

S-so…many Ker Roots!

Drool almost appeared at the King of Lanthanor's mouth when he devoured them with his eyes.

He had been consciously ignoring them till now as he knew that if he got fixated on them, he would never be able to let them go.

Now that he was focusing on them, he felt the urge to crazily grab at them and tuck them away in a safe place, just like a money-grubber who had just laid his eyes on a large pile of diamonds.

He couldn't help it! Scrounging for resources and EXP had been just that much of an integral part of his growth. After all, it was true that one never outgrew their roots. Well, not completely, at least.

Now, the biggest fear that Daneel had was that he couldn't use these Ker Roots to absorb Energy.

He couldn't blame himself for getting this fear. It was just too good to be true!

Just days ago, his heart had been stinging on seeing tiny parts of Ker Roots being shaved away to make those trinkets.

Now, he was suddenly eyeing over a 1000 of them?

Taking in deep breaths to calm himself down, Daneel waited for the giant body to completely burn down to ashes, before stepping forward on seeing something shining among the black pile.

There were two items: one that looked like a round ball of metal, with the other was a simple, unengraved red-colored coin.

However, Daneel didn't even have to wait for the system's analysis to know what they were.

[Unknown item detected. Material matches the item that was discovered in the Hidden Kill Sect.

Unknown item detected. Material matches the item that was discovered in the Hidden Kill Sect.]

These…were the parts of the Grand Inheritance.


Holding them in his hands, Daneel could hardly suppress the feeling of pride and joy that gushed up in him.

The news that Axelor was the frontrunner in the 'race' had been quite sudden, but also worrying.

Now, he was in possession of two parts, too, so it could be said that they were neck and neck.

From here, it would only take a single step to move up and take the lead.

Yet, Daneel had to handle the aftermath of his plan first.

Tucking away the parts safely, Daneel finally awakened Drakos.

"Young King. Where is Dinora?"

"Oh, I dispersed her body. I figured that it might be best if you didn't see it. Did you know that the meditation technique given to you is different from the one that others have? And it also seemed as if she didn't know about the Emperor's countermeasure."

After pondering for a few moments, Drakos spoke in a pensive voice.

"I didn't, but I do remember something. My f-, I mean, the Emperor did say once that he was taking special precautions for me. I thought he just meant that countermeasure with the message. I guess he took additional steps, too…"

As Drakos's voice stretched to indicate that he was thinking, Daneel couldn't wait anymore and blurted the question in his mind.

"So…can all of these Ker Roots be trained with?"

"Hmm…what? Oh, the Ker Roots that constitute this cage? Yes…but that would be a waste, I tell you."

At first, Daneel had been about to jump in joy, but he paused when he heard the last sentence.

"What do you mean?", he asked, hoping that the answer wouldn't dash all of his hopes and dreams.

"Well, this is one of the most ingenious designs of the Empire of Angaria. Because all of these Ker Roots release some of their Energy anyway, the one inside can absorb that Energy indefinitely, as the design allows the Ker Roots to replenish themselves from the surroundings. Basically, it is a…"

"A Natural Energized Training Chamber!", exclaimed Daneel, his eyes shining.

"Yes, Young King, but one of the highest level. The level of Energy that one can absorb inside is higher than any naturally occurring Energized Training Chamber- it will be just like one is absorbing Energy from a Ker Root directly. Besides, it does not cause too much of a strain on the land because of the property of Ker Roots to absorb small amounts of Energy from vast distances. The land of the Elf Kingdom is one that is devoid of Ether deposits. This allowed this Ker Root Energy Generator, as it was called in the ancient times, to function for so long. Of course, the negative was that any Ker Gem/Ether mine that could have appeared didn't. But…."

As Drakos droned on about how Energy Generators had their pros and cons, Daneel phased him out, as he was too happy imagining all the things he could accomplish with this…Energy Generator.

Yes, he liked that name!

EXP would be spent. But this…this was definitely his greatest reward.

The only con he had to think about was that only one person could train inside at a time, but if the cage was disassembled, then a 1000 individuals could use these Ker Roots to quickly replenish their Energy. Of course, after that, there would be jack squat left.

In essence, it was just like a wind turbine from Earth. In times of crisis, one could disassemble the parts of the turbine and sell them to obtain temporary wealth that would be gone as soon as it was used. However, if the turbine was allowed to operate, it would keep generating electricity, and in turn, wealth. Of course, in the short run, this wouldn't compare to the other case, but it would be very beneficial in the long run.

With everything settled, Daneel first ensured that no one else would be able to find this treasure of his before leaving.

There were still a few things to take care of…such as awakening all those who were thought to be dead.

It was time for the last sweet, sweet drama of Eldinor to unfold, and this one…was going to change the face of this continent forever.

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