After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 123.1 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 123.1 - Campus Oddities

The grim and eerie voice echoed in the darkened dormitory.

“Let’s see which one of the cuties is awake.”

The scraping on the ground came again as the monster slowly moved in Liang Xi’s direction.

Liang Xi paused for a few seconds and continued to mumble.

“Flush, I want to go to the toilet so badly.”

The monster had already moved in front of Liang Xi’s bed, and in the darkness, a pair of blood red pupils stood out.

They were close to Liang Xi’s face, but although Liang Xi had opened his eyes, they were not looking straight ahead.

Liang Xi did not move even when the monster moved close to his face.

The monster opened its mouth and exhaled a cold mist, “Little boy, are you awake, or are you asleep?”

On the other side of the wall, the sound of the toilet flushing stopped and then came again.

Liang Xi’s eyes were still blank, as if he could not see the monster at all.

Suddenly, an expression of comfort appeared on his face, “Shhhhh, shhhhh, done, so comfortable.”

Then, he slowly lay down, turned his body towards the wall and closed his eyes to sleep.

The monster stretched its neck and poked its head in front of Liang Xi’s, seeing his sleeping face.

It waited for a while, and then quietly backed away after getting a good look at the earplugs stuffed in Liang Xi’s ears.

“Bad luck.”

“So it was a case of sleep talking, hehehe, so lucky to have escaped once.”

“Hehehe, I’ll come back.”

It slowly moved towards the door once again, stopping deliberately when it reached Bai Lixin’s bed.

It looked at him for a few seconds before it moved again.

The door of the room creaked shut and the sound of scraping on the floor faded away, finally disappearing at the end of the corridor.

The sound disappeared, but the flushing sound did not end.

Just like their Liang Xi and Apple face said, the toilet kept flushing next door, as if someone was actually going to the toilet all the time.

But, was it a person?

There was a rule in school that no student was allowed to leave the dormitory after lights out.

Bai Lixin had lost all sleep. He opened the task bar and the time in the top right corner said it was just after midnight.

Bai Lixin sat up from his bed. Su Fan beside him was still breathing heavily, still sleeping like a pig.

The only way to know what was going on in the toilet was to go and find out.

Bai Lixin lifted the curtain and gently got down.

Just as he was about to walk towards the door, he heard a low trembling voice behind him, “God Xin?”

Bai Lixin turned his head back and found Liang Xi peeking out from the curtain and looking towards him cautiously.

He walked up to Liang Xi and noticed that he had a pale face and trembling lips.

Bai Lixin spoke in a lower voice, “Did you just wake up?”

Liang Xi almost cried out, “No, it scared me.”

He took out his earplugs and casually dropped them to the side, “These earplugs don’t help at all. I was having a nightmare when I suddenly heard the flush in the toilet and was awakened with a start.”

“I heard that horrible voice right away,” Liang Xi patted his chest with fear. “Through the curtain, I saw the creature come over.”

“It put its face in front of me!” Liang Xi’s voice was low but full of trembles.

“It scared me! Wuu.”

“I was afraid it would find me, so I pretended to be sleeptalking.”

“Fortunately, that fooled it.”

Bai Lixin: “…Uh, how did you trick it?”

“I think you just said ‘shhh’, did…”

Liang Xi wanted to cry but had no tears. “I got up in the middle of the night and already had the urge to pee. It came up all of a sudden.”

“I peed myself from fear.”

“That’s why the monster believed it and went away.”

“Wuuu wuuu, I don’t have the face to meet people.”

Bai Lixin, “…sorry. Umm…did you get a good look at the creature?”

Liang Xi, “Its whole body was bloody, with tears of blood running from its eyes. The creature had no hair and its scalp was sewn together in pieces like patches.”

“It looked like a female ghost, but a bit like a male ghost.”

“So scary.”

Liang Xi woefully covered himself with the blanket, “God Xin, where were you going?”

Bai Lixin, “I’m going to the toilet.”

Liang Xi, “But don’t the school rules and regulations say that you can’t go outside or you’ll be locked up in a small dark room.”

Bai Lixin, “Well, that’s just as well, I can also stop by and see the legendary dark room.”

“You..” he paused, “sleep well. Cover yourself completely if you really can’t, life is hard but there is no hurdle you can’t overcome.”

Liang Xi: “……”

Wuuuu wuuu!

For the first time, he felt that life was really hard.

After whispering with Liang Xi, Bai Lixin quietly walked to the door of the room.

He gently opened the door and walked out.

It was pitch black in the corridor and he could barely make out the blurred outlines before him.

He slowly walked over to the toilet door.

The lights were out in the toilet and the sound of the toilet flushing had disappeared.

It was very quiet.

He had just taken two steps when there was an unexpected clatter, followed by the sound of water.

He tapped the overhead control switch and the toilets instantly lit up, tinting the toilet which had been dark just a moment before with a dim yellow light.

The tungsten lamp looked like it hadn’t been used for a long time, its light was dim, and it flickered with the stabbing sound of electric current.

The window in the toilets was open and from here, you could hear the whistling wind outside and feel the excessively cold breeze.

Water flowed from the door of the last partition. He glanced at the cistern where he had placed the mop this morning and found that it was gone.

He then walked forward and followed the sound to the last room.

He pushed the door and found it locked from the inside.

The flushing sound stopped abruptly and more water slowly flowed out from under the door.

Overhead, the light suddenly flickered violently.

Darkness and light alternated rapidly.

Bai Lixin lowered his head, and the water running through the doorway changed in the alternating light and darkness.

What should have been a transparent fluid alternated from a viscous scarlet fluid to a translucent one as the light flickered.

Bai Lixin took two steps back, and the liquid began to slowly move closer to him.

As the light flickered, a silhouette suddenly appeared in this bizarre toilet.

The flush handle of the cistern suddenly turned, and gurgling scarlet blood flowed from the cistern.

Bai Lixin was calm as he looked at the bizarre sight in front of him. He drew the dagger from his backpack and with a gentle pry, the door to the toilet room, which had been tightly closed a moment ago, was immediately pried open.

In the toilet pit, the mop that he had removed was back in the pit, and in the same position it had been in the morning, leaning against the flush handle.

The lower end was soaked with water from the commode.

The light flickered for a moment, and a brief moment of darkness was followed by a brief moment of light.

When the light came back on, the lower end of the mop had been molded into a rounded shape, and the strands of cloth had turned into long strands of hair.

The black hair was soaked in blood and it moved like a sinuous earthworm that rapidly wriggled towards Bai Lixin.

As the hair moved, it revealed the white scalp and face.

The whole face was buried in the pit, and water bubbles bubbled upwards.

The sound of the toilet door opening startled it, and the head moved a little, revealing an eye hidden in the hair.

That eye met Bai Lixin’s eyes and it went wide with terror.

The lights flickered, and the head in front of him turned back into a mop.

Outside the silent corridor was a sudden, untimely, low cough.

The moment the cough sounded, the overhead light instantly stopped flickering and brightened.

The human head had reverted to a mop, and the fluid on the floor was not scarlet red, but a transparent color.

There was no liquid flowing out of the cistern in the distance either.

The strange and frightening scene just now seemed as if it was an illusion.

Bai Lixin pursed his lips and looked out in the corridor, the cough had rang out a few times and then disappeared.

He then walked down the empty corridor and a light came on at the far end.

Soon, this light went out and the next one came on.

The lights in the corridor were controlled, going out one after the other and the next one coming on, as if an invisible figure was slowly approaching Bai Lixin.

The lights came closer and closer to Bai Lixin, and the second light from Bai Lixin had just gone on when the door to room 501 suddenly opened quietly.

A tall figure stepped out of It.

The light that had been lit up suddenly went out.

Before the lights went out, Bai Lixin saw white hair.

The figure looked around the corridor for a moment before blending into the darkness as he walked towards the toilet.

Bai Lixin took two steps back and waited until Su Fan walked into the toilet before he whispered, “You’re awake?”

Su Fan still looked a little groggy, his expression was gloomy and he rubbed his temples as he stood in front of Bai Lixin.

The light hit Su Fan’s body and caused a shadow that completely enveloped Bai Lixin.

Su Fan, “I’m awake, I saw you weren’t there, so I came out to look for you. Why did you come out here?”

Bai Lixin spoke nonsense with a serious expression, “I sleepwalked.”

“……” Su Fan held out his hand, anger hidden in his voice, “Give me the mesh bag that the perverted doctor gave you.”

Bai Lixin took out the mesh bag and stuffed it into Su Fan’s hand.

Su Fan looked at the mesh bag with disgust, picked up the mop in the toilet pit and threw it in with force.

He then lifted his foot and kicked the flush handle. The flushing sound rang out and the bag disappeared down the whirlpool and into the pit.

The mop in Su Fan’s hand was still dripping water, and he carried it with him. He looked at Bai Lixin suspiciously, and then the mop in his hand.

Finally, he simply hung the mop on the door frame and retreated to Bai Lixin’s side with his arms around his chest. His head was tilted, his posture arrogant, and his tone disdainful, “You came out just for this little thing?”

The water dripped from the mop head to the floor, and for a moment, it was as if the mop shook several times.

Bai Lixin and Su Fan found a place without water and stood there. Bai Lixin squatted down, his head just level with the mop, “Yes, to see if there would be any task. I did not expect this little thing to be so timid.”

The mop head shook twice.

Su Fan lifted a long leg and kicked the door frame with his foot, “Stop pretending.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, the mop, which was still a strip of cloth just now, once again turned into a head.

The long black hair hung to the floor, and the head trembled as it looked at the two people in front of it, wanting to cry.

It was just a ghost.

Why was it being tortured?

In its eyes, it didn’t see two handsome men but two monsters.

A terrifying aura came from the beautiful young man and the cold man, the power was so dense and strong that the smallest bit could easily devour it.

Bai Lixin said lightly, “You seem to be afraid of me, you were scared silly when you saw me earlier.”

The upside down human head trembled and spoke, “Yes, yes, scared by your powerful aura, my lord.”

Bai Lixin, “You are very timid, but your perception seems to be strong.”

The human head gulped, Bai Lixin was looking at it, but it felt like he was baring his gluttonous mouth at him.

“I, I am very timid, people used to nickname me ‘Fearful’ when I was at school.”

“Probably because I am very timid, I am able to sense auras that others can’t perceive.”

At Bai Lixin’s satisfied gaze, the human head swallowed hard, “For example, I can clearly feel how powerful you two are.”

“Don’t kill me,” the little human head cried out in grievance, “I’m a good ghost, I haven’t harmed anyone.”

Bai Lixin, “Was that thumping sound earlier from you jumping into the toilet? Why are you scaring people in the middle of the night?”

The upside down little head had two big eyes, and tears flowed from its sockets and into its hair as it shook its head desperately, “No, no, it was because I was scared.”

“Every night, a big monster comes to catch us the little ghosts.”

“We hide or the monster will get us.”

Bai Lixin, “The one that suddenly lit up the lights in the corridor?”

The little head nodded vigorously, “Uh-huh! That’s the one.”

“Wuuu, it’s so scary, it eats ghosts.”

“I’ve seen so many little ghosts eaten by it.”

Bai Lixin pondered for a moment, “Have you ever seen a ghost whose skin is spliced?”

The little head paused, his eyes flickering, “No, never!”

“Hmm?” Bai Lixin narrowed his eyes, “I don’t like lying ghosts, you’re being naughty.”

The little human head whimpered and shivered, “I’ve met him, but we don’t know each other well.”

“I soak my head in water all day and he doesn’t like me because I’m dirty.”

“So, I haven’t spoken to him much.”

“But he should be in hiding at this hour too.”

In the live broadcast room.

[Shit! A human head mop! A human mop! This is killing me!]

[But, don’t you think this mop head is a little bit cute? It looks pretty cute.]

[You’ve got unique aesthetics, brother. But cute is cute, meanwhile, a human head on a mop… haven’t you ever heard of a ghost story? You’ve never heard of a mop with a human head on it? That was my childhood nightmare! It was horrible.]

[But the human mop you’re afraid of is a minor character in this copy, and the kind at the bottom of the food chain.]

[Ghosts eating ghosts, tsk tsk, this copy is awesome.]

[Although I’m afraid of the human mop, but with the God Xin around, I suddenly feel a little sorry for the mop. It’s shaking like a sieve.]

[Hahaha, that’s true. God Xin yyds!]

Bai Lixin, “What does that ghost-eating monster look like? It comes out every night to eat you guys?”

“Why are you like this now?”

The little head hung upside down and its voice was a little hazy.

“We’ve never seen what the creature looks like, the ones who have seen it didn’t survive.”

“It’s not from our dorm, it goes around all over campus, eating its way from one building to another.”

“As for why I became what I am now…I used to do very badly in my studies, plus people always taunted me. I got overwhelmed and hang myself in the toilet.”

“When I came to my senses again, I had transformed into this ghost form.”

Bai Lixin, “When did you kill yourself?”

Human Head, “I don’t remember, it’s been a long, long time. I was a loser when I was human, and a loser when I became a ghost.”

Bai Lixin, “So, do you know about the student who died in 501 next door? Was it before or after you were?”

The human head shrank what was left of his chin, “I think it was after me, but I don’t know. I’m pretty much a vegetable, my soul is trapped in a mop, and the area where I can move around is limited to this toilet. It’s usually other ghosts that come to me, I can’t leave this toilet.”

“That monster also found me, but disliked that I came from a toilet and was a bit dirty, that’s why it never ate me.”

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