After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 123.2 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 123.2 - Campus Oddities

It had gotten to the rhythm where three questions were asked at once, and the human head whimpered and cried, “I want to leave this hellhole so badly.”


The system prompt suddenly came to Bai Lixin’s mind.

[Congratulations player for triggering a new task, [Help cowardly Fearful to free itself], the difficulty of this task is at the B level, you will receive 4000 mall points after completing it.]

[Friendly reminder: You will not be punished if you fail to finish the task.]

[Accept / Reject]

[Friendly reminder: Find Fearful’s other body parts and bury them after the splicing is completed, so that it can rest in peace.]

Bai Lixin hesitated for a second when he saw this task, but finally pressed [Accept].

The water flowing from Fearful’s hair was almost over and waiting for the cowardly Fearful to react, Bai Lixin picked up the mop and walked out.

Seeing this, Su Fan immediately followed.

Just as they reached room 501, the door opened and Liang Xi quietly poked his head out.

He first saw Bai Lixin and his eyes lit up. He was about to speak when his eyes swept over what Bai Lixin was holding.

His eyes fell on the mop head and Liang Xi’s whole body immediately froze.

He stared at the mop, the human head on the mop got embarrassed and said, “Hi, how are you?”

Liang Xi felt his eyes roll to the sky, and the urge to pee overwhelmed him.

How are you?

What the hell!

What the hell are you?

A human mop?

I’m not fine at all!

It took all of Liang Xi’s strength to hold on to the wall and not fall to the floor.

Bai Lixin walked over with the mop and asked in a lowered voice, “Why did you come out?”

Liang Xi gulped and tried to ignore the mop in Bai Lixin’s hand, “Uh, my trousers are dry.”

So he wanted to join in on the action.

Bai Lixin raised an eyebrow, “So you want to get wet again?”

Liang Xi: “……”

Bai Lixin, “Don’t you come out, it’s not a big deal for me to go into the small dark room, but you’re different.”

Liang Xi nodded. He quickly swept a glance at the mop and hurriedly withdrew his gaze, “Is that the cause for the flushing sounds we hear at night?”

Fearful, the little mop, “Yes, that’s me.”

How dare it talk!

Liang Xi felt his brain buzzing.

He forced himself to look at Bai Lixin, “God Xin, where are you taking it?”

Bai Lixin, “Inside the dormitory.”

Fearful’s expression suddenly froze.

Liang Xi & Fearful, “What?!”

Bai Lixin looked down at Fearful, “Weren’t you afraid that ghost will eat you? I’ll put you in the 501 toilets, you’ll be safe under me and Su Fan’s protection. But on the condition that you don’t reveal this scary head of yours.”

Fearful looked at Bai Lixin and Su Fan, and its whole head shook into a sieve.

For a moment, it suddenly didn’t know whether it was more frightening to be eaten by the monster or to be surrounded by these two powerful people.

Could it simply refuse?

Bai Lixin and Su Fan looked over at the same time.

Fearful: “……”

It could not refuse.

Fearful swallowed, “Okay.”

Bai Lixin and Su Fan quietly went back to the dormitory. Su Fan was quiet the whole time and his head was getting dizzier.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, he took off his shoes and climbed into bed.

Bai Lixin, on the other hand, carried the mop into the bathroom. There happened to be an unused bucket, and Bai Lixin stuffed Fearful into it.

Since it was a task, it would be better to put it next door than under his nose.

After putting it away, Bai Lixin said, “The people in my dorm are not as daring as I am. I think you know the consequences if I find out that you frightened them?”

Fearful’s head nodded like a rattle.

Yes, I know! I know!

The next day, Liang Xi opened the curtain and saw Baldhead mopping the floor with a mop.

Liang Xi almost turned over to the sky: “……”

He shuddered and spoke to Bald Head with a trembling voice “Oh, you’re up early today, you’re so diligent.”

Baldhead scratched his head a little guiltily, “It’s not that I’m hardworking, I got up in the morning to pee and happened to see the mop in the toilet.”

“I feel bad for making it difficult for you at night so I helped everyone clean up as an apology.”

“Just leave it to me, as long as I’m here, leave the cleaning to me!”

After saying that, Baldhead took the mop and dragged it hard on the floor several times.

Liang Xi: “……”

What kind of purgatory was this!


Appleface also poked his head out and yawned, “Good morning.”

Baldhead looked at Apple Face for a moment, “Good morning, you don’t look good, didn’t you sleep well last night? Was it because of me?”

Apple face said coyly, “No, no, you must not think too much. I had a nightmare last night. I don’t know what’s going on but I’ve been having nightmares for the last two days.”

Baldhead, “I was fine last night, I suggest you do a bit more exercise before you go to bed so you basically sleep through the night.”

Appleface paused for a couple of seconds before he said slightly, “Okay, I got it, thank you.”

During morning exercises, Bai Lixin still didn’t run.

He made his way to the fifth floor gate like he did yesterday.

After opening the compressed biscuits and placing them on the ground, Bai Lixin waited patiently by the side.

Just like yesterday, a dark figure poked its head out in a short while.

The long hair still blocked its face, and it was still refusing to come out. It peered through the door frame and looked warily at Bai Lixin in the distance.

Seeing this, Bai Lixin didn’t wait too much longer, but stood up and walked to a corner.

But before he left, he took a ham sausage out of his backpack. Worried that the little creature would not open the package, he patiently opened it before putting it in.

He hid behind a corner, and a short time later, a skinny arm reached out.

The rustling of feet faded away.

When Bai Lixin came out from behind the corner, the compressed biscuits and ham behind the gate were gone, replaced by a lifeless mouse.

Bai Lixin was stunned at the sight of the mouse.

Had this little monster been able to live in there for so long because it would feed on these creatures?

Was the mouse a gift of gratitude?

Bai Lixin stared at the rat.

After a moment’s thought, he pinched the mouse’s tail, his eyes glanced deeper into the corridor, and the corners of his mouth rose, revealing a warm smile “Thank you, but I don’t eat mice. You have worked hard to catch this one, so I think I’ll leave it here for you.”

The figure hidden In the dark room looked his way for a moment and quickly shrank back into the room.

Bai Lixin placed the mouse in the grate and, without further ado, walked into the classroom.

Today was the third day they had been in this copy, and it was also time for the first exam.

The headmaster had said that the subjects for the exams were randomly selected, covering one to three subjects from moral, intellectual, physical, social and artistic aspects.

He didn’t know what the exam would be about today.

He sat down in his seat and, as he had done yesterday, stuck his hand into the hole in the table.

The hair was still there, but it was a little more active than yesterday.

The long, silky hair tangled around his fingertips and slowly extended towards his arms.

It gently twisted around Bai Lixin’s body as if dancing.

Bai Lixin lowered his head and found that the long, dark hair had crept out of the table and along his arm.

Just as the hair was about to come out completely, noisy footsteps came again.

As if frightened, the hair retracted back into the table hole once more.

A minute later, the players entered the classroom one by one, ending with a grim-faced Teacher Zhao.

Teacher Zhao walked up to the podium, “Time flies, today is already the third day.”

“It was said at the meeting that there would be an exam in three days.”

“At 3 this afternoon, the first exam will start officially. The first exam will not be difficult and I believe some of you have a chance of getting into classes B and A.”

“I have high expectations and I hope you don’t let me down either.”

“Be disciplined and I will come back at 3 pm.”

Teacher Zhao seemed to have no nostalgia for Class C and after pretending to say some polite words, he did not give the players any pointers and directly left.

As soon as Teacher Zhao left, the players immediately wailed.

“Shit, isn’t it madness to take an exam without any lessons?”

“I’ll just see what kind of person can rise.”

“This Teacher Zhao is really elbowing his own class. He didn’t let us any questions at all, is this to make us remain in Class C?”

“If we stay in Class C, shouldn’t we start thinking about how to survive the mouths of those monsters outside the school?”

“Don’t be in a hurry, the last exam will be the decisive factor.”

“There are a total of six exams before the last one, let’s see what the questions are this afternoon. The ones in Class A and B can run past us, but it’s different in other aspects, I’m still a student of Beiqing.”

“Holy shit bro, so you’re good at studies, I didn’t see it. Can you lend me your sheet during the exam?”

“Don’t be silly, cheating in exams is forbidden, we’ll both get locked up in a small black room if we’re found out. I’ve asked around, and three players in Class A have already been in the dark room. One of them would have died if it weren’t for the doctor’s timely rescue.”

“What’s going on? Isn’t Class A a quality class? How could they be put in the dark room? Is the dark room so scary?”

“Even if they were assigned to a quality class, they are still players. I’ve asked the players in Class A. They only sleep for four hours a day and study day and night.”

“If you wander off into a daze during class or make mistakes on taught questions, you risk being put in a small dark room.”

“Shit, that’s horrible. What about Class B?”

“Class B is much better. It’s a bit more cramped but it’s pretty normal.”

“Then it looks like Class B is better, hopefully, we’ll get into Class B.”

“It’s also fate that we are in the same class, we are good brothers and sisters and I hope we all get into Class B.”

Su Fan leaned back in his chair lazily and sneered.

Bai Lixin looked at Su Fan.

Su Fan, “Aren’t you curious about me?”

‘Come on, say you’re curious!

I’ll tell you why immediately!’

Bai Lixin silently withdrew his gaze and said indifferently, “Not curious.”

Su Fan pursed his lips, “No, you’re curious.”

Bai Lixin copied Su Fan’s posture, the back of his hand lazily propping up his chin: “Then let me guess.”

“I guess you’re the kind of player with plastic affection.”

“Anyway, before the elimination game, all the players are competitors.”

“Now they’re good brothers and sisters, once things hit the fan, everyone’s mask will be torn to shreds.”

Su Fan: “Yes and no.”

“Hmm?” Bai Lixin hummed, “Where am I wrong?”

Su Fan, “Not all players are competitive. Rules or no rules, I will never be your competition.”

Bai Lixin folded both arms on the desk, his chin lying limply on them. His clean, clear eyes looked at the older, white-haired boy before him, “What if the system makes us competitors?”

Su fan lowered his eyes, his dark eyes unusually solemn, “At that point, I will lift you to the throne of victory with both hands.”

“That is my promise.”

“If you take a promise from a king, they must keep it for the rest of their life.”

Bai Lixin was slightly stunned, then got up. “If that is the case, I will grab your hands hard and pull you up to the throne with me.”

“Achieving victory alone is too lonely for my liking.”

“That’s my promise too.”

In the noisy classroom, the two men’s voices were low, easily dissolving in the thick chatter of the crowd.

The leaves outside the window swayed and the sun was warm.

The young man with beautiful features and the serious and indifferent man looked at each other. The sounds around them gradually disappeared, and between heaven and earth, it was as if they were left with each other.

After a long time, Su Fan asked in a low voice, “Although I have guessed what you want to do, I still want to ask, do you plan to stay in Class C for the next three days?”

There was a lunch break and Liang Xi had just entered the dormitory when he saw Baldhead mopping the floor.

Baldhead was holding a mop, but when in Liang Xi’s eyes, it became long hair mopping the floor.

The visual impact is too stimulating.

Resisting the urge to faint, Liang Xi rushed into the bathroom to use the toilet.

Baldhead was mopping the floor while talking, “I don’t know what the test will be this afternoon, I’m still nervous.”

Apple face, “Let’s go with fate. Actually, it’s quite good to be in Class C. Just look at our dormitory, I like you guys a lot.”

“I don’t know what’s on the test, but if I could, I’d help you guys as soon as I can.”

Bald head, “But isn’t cheating against the rules?”

Apple-face, “It might not be blatant cheating, let’s say it’s a running test and we are one of the last runners. If that happens, I’ll do my best to cheer next to you guys. There’s no room for us to regress anyway, so we might as well improve together, go to Class B together, and then push for Class A.”

“We’re good buddies, cheers!”

Apple face’s voice was soft, but his words carried a lot of weight.

Liang Xi listened with a touched expression, “Mmmmmm, okay, let’s work hard! We can do it!”

Baldhead also spoke up, “You’re so nice. When the time comes, I’ll run as hard as I can and not let you down.”

On the contrary, Bai Lixin and Su Fan were expressionless and didn’t say much.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Teacher Zhao walked in amidst the players’ anxiety and terror.

Teacher Zhao, “The content of the exam this time is very simple.”

“The content of the exam is called ‘Be an honest child’, which is a moral education exam.”

“You have had the school rules and regulations for three days, and you must know the contents by heart.”

“Now, start reporting any violations of the school rules and regulations from the students around you.”

“One report is a minimum of 10 points, and if a person broke the rules several times, the points will be counted separately for each of those times.”

“There is no upper limit to the number of points.”

“Those who can actively report will become members of the school’s student council.”

“Once you become a member of the student council, you will be able to have many privileges above those of students. The student president will also have the highest privilege: immunity from the small black room, and immunity from expulsion.”

There was an uproar among the players.

They looked at Teacher Zhao in disbelief, their expressions dumbfounded.

“What, didn’t you understand?” Teacher Zhao frowned, “Then I’ll put it more plainly.”

“Reporting disciplinary infractions allows you to enter the student council, and the student president, who is the most outstanding student, will not be punished with the small black room and will never be kicked out of the school.”

“He has absolute privileges.”

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