After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 124.1 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 124.1 - Campus Oddities

“The exam will last for 90 minutes.”

“It’s now 3 p.m, so we shall stop at 4:30.”

“I will then give you the score sheets for the points awarded when you report any school rules and regulations that have been violated.”

“During the 90 minutes, you can report any student at will. You can report at any time, whether at the beginning or the end.”

Teacher Zhao handed out a score sheet to each player and then silently returned to the podium.

He drew a chair at random and sat down with a pair of hollow but sharp eyes sweeping downwards, “The examination begins.”

The classroom was silent.

The players were at a loss as to what to do with the score sheets in their hands.

The points for reporting violations of school rules and disciplines were divided into categories and descriptions. The quarto papers were filled from front to back.

One second they were good brothers and sisters, but they had become each other’s whistleblowers in the next second.

Bai Lixin looked at the scores on the paper.

The most basic of these was the dress code.

5 points for reporting improper dressing.

10 points for reporting swearing.




+10 points for reporting tardiness to class.

+10 points for reporting students who went out of class for no reason.

Bai Lixin quickly read through and reached the end in a while.

Finally, he reached the accommodation chapter.

Here came the points boosters.

+100 points for reporting getting out after lights out.

Bai Lixin: “……”

Su Fan also happened to see the last question.

Both of them looked at each other and saw the “speechlessness” in each other’s eyes.

Bai Lixin blinked at Su Fan, his long eyelashes twitching.

—How about reporting each other?

Su Fan looked straight at him and shook his head.

—No, it is useless.

Even though it was just a joke, Bai Lixin had found a loophole in the paper.

If someone committed all the crimes in question and then reported himself, it would make his grade the highest, and he would become president of the student council. Then he could enjoy the privilege of not having to go into the small dark room, which also meant that any mistakes he had made would not be punished.

But the school rules said that any breach of the rules must be punished.

When absolute punishment and absolute privilege are on the table, what would one choose?

This was the classic hangman’s paradox.

But was this loophole which could be seen at glance a mistake on the part of the school itself, or was it just another terrible trap?


A timid voice rang out in the classroom where the only sound was the rustle of paper, so it was somewhat loud.

All the players immediately raised their heads and looked at the player who raised his hand.

Teacher Zhao straightened his shoulders with interest, “Who do you want to report?”

The one who called out was class monitor Wang Xiao, and he was a little frightened, “No, I’m not trying to report anyone. I just want to ask if this piece of paper has to be handed in?”

Teacher Zhao looked sullen, “That piece of paper is a derivative of your school rules and regulations, so you don’t have to hand it in. Did you get up to say this? I remember you are the class monitor, shouldn’t you take a leading role, there are so many disciplinary violations these days and you didn’t even see them?”

“I’m telling you guys, as long as there’s elimination, there’s competition. Don’t hold on to the idea that others may be considerate of you when you are for them.”

“Teacher.” Another voice rang out, “How do we make the report? Do we just stand up and say it out loud? Or do we write on a piece of paper? If it’s written down casually, how can the school verify the truth of the report? What if it’s a malicious report from someone? Can this be discovered?”

“There’s also the student council and the president system you just mentioned. How do we know if we’re in the student council, and is this the same test for Class B and Class A?”

“What happens to those who are reported? There are only extra points on this paper and no deductions.”

Teacher Zhao sneered, “You have many questions.”

He stood up from his chair with a displeased expression. “But seeing as this is your first exam, I’ll give you a little more details.”

“Direct reports are made in the classroom. As for the falsity of the report,” Teacher Zhao pulled out a small white instrument, much like a thermometer, from the hole in the lecture table. “This is a high precision lie detector, it will detect any lie you tell. I’ll tell you one more thing, the school already knows what you’ve done, the teachers just don’t pick people out, but use this method to see how observant you are, and to also see how honest you are.”

“Teachers don’t like bad children who lie and break the rules.”

“Classes A and B are also undergoing the same test. Everyone is equal before the test.”

“There are only bonus points and no deductions because rewards and penalties don’t cancel each other out. Unless one becomes a member of the student council, any more points added will still be punished as they should be.”

“If the level of violation is very low, it might just be a punishment of running laps in the playground, if it is big, a trip to the small black room is inevitable.”

“Membership to the student council is determined by the final grades of the class.”

“But according to past experience, Class A and Class B have a lot fewer people breaking the rules, instead Class C, which looks the weakest, is the most dominant. You should be able to understand what I mean, right?”

“Ten minutes have passed and not a single person has made any report. If not a single person makes a report, then all of you will be punished as a whole.”

“Fifty laps in the playground.”

Gasps rang out in the classroom once again.

Punishments and rewards, the moment a reward is laid out, many would begin to falter.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for the player who had just asked so many questions to raise his hand again.

“Teacher, I want to make a report.”

All the players raised suddenly looked at the player in unison.

Everyone’s face was filled with curiosity and trepidation.

Curious about who he wanted to report, and terrified that the person being reported was them.

From the moment he raised his hand to make a report, the thing called “peer trust” had completely disappeared.

His expression was a little tangled, but he gritted his teeth and opened up.

“I’m going to report my front deskmate for swearing this morning. It was after you announced what the exam was about and left that he said a few swear words to vent.”

The front deskmate froze for a moment, his neck stiffening as he looked at the player reporting him with wide incredulous eyes.

Teacher Zhao laughed and got back up from his chair. He went to the blackboard, wrote down the reporter’s school number and said with satisfaction, “The report was verified as correct. +10 points.”

The white chalk landed on the blackboard, drawing a sharp line that was like a dagger, completely tearing apart the peace of the classroom.

“Finally, things are about to get a bit interesting,” Teacher Zhao looked towards the reported student, “You have to do your best, if you manage to become the head of the student council, all punishments you were supposed to get will be waived because of the privilege.”

One second, the reported player was in despair, and then resentment overtook him the next.

“I want to make a report!” The reported player stood up abruptly. “I want to report my back deskmate for not having their books neatly arranged this morning, yesterday afternoon, yesterday morning, the morning before, and the afternoon before, as required by school rules and regulations!”

The first reporter, who had just been complacent, froze in his tracks and looked at the player in front of him in disbelief.

He had reported him five times in one go?

Teacher Zhao laughed out loud again, his stiff old face struggling to pull out a smile.

He pointed to the lie detector at the front table. The light on it had lit up three times green and two times red, “Three times correct, +30 points.”

The back deskmate’s face went green.

The two went at each other’s throats like an open floodgate, it started with the two of them, and the reporting instantly went out of hand.

The 90 minutes that had seemed so long a moment ago suddenly felt so short all of a sudden.

With only 90 minutes to spare, a word from you and a word from me was simply not enough.

One second they were good brothers, now they had become enemies.

Teacher Zhao wrote more and more words on the blackboard, and the time passed faster and faster.

The only ones out of place were the people at the back.

Liang Xi looked at the chaos in the front, and then looked at the quiet and peacefulness of his roommates and felt very relieved.

Appleface looked back at them and showed a sad face.

Just now, Appleface was reported.

With only 5 minutes left on the clock, the reports had almost come to an end.

The highest scorer was the yellow haired player, with 150 points. He had reported almost everything around him, but he was also carrying a few reports himself.

As he watched the time tick by on the clock, the class monitor breathed a sigh of relief.

There were only two minutes left and Teacher Zhao had said that Class C had the best chance of reporting a breach of school discipline.

And so it was.

Classes A and B were supervised by teachers at all times, so they didn’t have much time to break the rules, especially Class A. Almost all of them were good students.

But Class C was different.

Without the discipline of a teacher, they had more opportunities to make mistakes.

With these 150 points, not only was he number one in Class C, he must be number one in the whole year too!

If he was the first scorer, then he could become the president of the student council. Not only could his previous mistakes be written off, but he could also not worry about being thrown to the black scorpions.

At the thought of this, his eyes were gradually filled with excitement.

But the more excited he got, the more his face became grave.

His body tensed involuntarily, his eyes unblinking as he looked at the clock in front, his mind silently reciting the time that had passed.

105 seconds, 100 seconds, 80 seconds.

After the frantic attack and agitation, the surroundings had gradually quieted down.

The only sounds that could be heard were the cicadas outside the windows and the turning of the paper.

The classroom was silent, as if it was the calm before the storm.

Suddenly, a low voice rang out, “I’d like to make a report.”

Liang Xi froze for a moment, looking at Apple face in front of him, his heart suddenly uneasy.

“I want to report.”

“Student Bai Lixin and Student Su Fan left the dormitory after ten o’clock last night, I saw it with my own eyes.”

Apple Face looked back at Bai Lixin and Su Fan timidly, “I’m sorry, I know it’s not right for me to do this, but it’s too dangerous, it’s not safe for you guys to go out at night, I’m doing it for your own good.”

“Classmate Liang Xi also covered for both of them but he didn’t leave the dormitory. He only opened the door for the two.”

Liang Xi’s pupils contracted and he stood up with a slap on the table, “Fuck!”

Appleface gave Liang Xi a sly look.

Seizing the last few seconds, “Another report, Liang Xi just said a swear word.”

Liang Xi: “……”


So the biggest white lotus bitch was hidden by his side and he didn’t even notice!

The bell representing the end of the exam rang out amidst the players’ astonishment.

Teacher Zhao immediately said, “Exam time is up, the highest score is Sun Lin with 260 points.”

Sun Lin, was Appleface.

“260 points, not only the highest score in class C, but also the highest score in the whole grade, you are deservedly the top scorer.” Teacher Zhao smiled up with satisfaction, “Congratulations on becoming the head of the student council.”

“The results are all in, the class shuffle will begin after a ten minute break.”

“We shall redistribute the three classes according to the scores, and if your test score is below zero, then reverse the order according to how many points were deducted.”

“Let’s see,” Teacher Zhao’s dark pupils suddenly enlarged and filled the entire eye, “Bai Lixin, Su Fan and Xia Chi are tied for the bottom.”

“Liang Xi is second to last.”

Bai Lixin: “???”

Xia Chi was also at the bottom?

He got a deduction of 100 points, so it seemed that Xia Chi had also got a 100 point deduction.

Did Xia Chi go out at night too?

“Oh,” Teacher Zhao coldly swept his eyes over Bai Lixin and the others, “Bai Lixin, Su Fan, Liang Xi, you guys will remain in Class C. Are you guys so unmotivated to win? Bai Lixin, get up and speak.”

“Uh,” Bai Lixin stood up, “I just want to keep seeing Teacher Zhao’s face, after all, I can’t see it when I go to another class.”

Teacher Zhao: “……”

‘I think he’s implying that I’m full of shit, but I have no proof.’

Teacher Zhao, “Gather at 6 pm for class re-assignment! Class dismissed!”

In the live broadcast room.

[Crap, I’m pissed off, fam. This humanoid apple face deliberately picked the last minute or so to make a report.]

[It’s the same as buying a foreclosure to take the bottom, it’s totally intentional. He’s the one who shouts the loudest, and he’s the one who’s the best at being a traitor. I’m so angry.]

[I went to the other classrooms and saw that Class B was quiet, there was nothing to report. Class A looked like they wanted to make a report but couldn’t find anyone. Only Xia Chi’s roommate took advantage of the situation and directly reported Xia Chi for being out late at night.]

[As expected of God Xin’s little fan, God Xin is out at midnight, so does Xia Chi. Hahaha.]

[I think God Xin will be going into the dark room, right? There’s nothing there, right?]

[Tsk, that’s God Xin, how could there be anything?]

[I’m not talking about God Xin, I’m asking if there’s anything in the dark room.]

[Uh…I have to say, your worry is very unnecessary, you should worry if whatever is in the small dark room will be in danger.]

6 pm, common classroom.

The lights had been extinguished, and that bald headmaster sat in the very middle again, surrounded by solemn teachers.

The principal cleared his throat, “Hello, students.”

“After three years of bonding and revision, we have achieved excellent results in this mock exam.”

“I can feel your sincerity and virtue through the marks you have presented.”

“Only those who possess such virtues of honesty and rigor can become collaborators of the school and enter the student council.”

“I declare the council officially established from this day onwards.”

“I am looking forward to what the council will bring us in the future. Let’s welcome them to the stage with a warm round of applause.”

The music played and five students stepped up to the podium.

Apple Face, the yellow haired player, a Class A student, and two other Class C students.

Teacher Zhao was right, Class C was the dominant one in this exam.

Apple-face had put away his initial coy smile and stood there quietly with his certificate in his hand, a hint of arrogance on his face.

Becoming a student council president meant never being punished, he was now completely safe and no longer needed to be careful in this copy.

It was thanks to those three idiots, he wouldn’t have got this chance if they hadn’t made a fool of themselves and gone out.

And also thanks to that fat guy, if he hadn’t snored so loudly that he couldn’t sleep, he wouldn’t have been able to see them leave the dorm in violation of the rules.

Everything was meant to be, and it was all for the best for him!

“You’ve done well, especially you,” the Headmaster said as he came to Appleface and gently patted him on the shoulder, then he turned the tables and said coldly, “but I have to tell you that the student council is subject to change at any time depending on grades.”

“The five who finish in the top five next time will become the new student council.”

At these words, Appleface immediately went pale.

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