After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 65.1 - The Undead Magician

Chapter 65.1 - The Undead Magician

They came to the great hall of the palace and Bai Lixin saw a tall stone statue.

It was the image of a skeleton soldier. He had a heavy helmet on his head, sitting on a skeleton warhorse with its hooves raised. A lifelike cloak was over his shoulders, and he had a long sword in his hand.

A stone tablet set with a stone slab beneath the statue had several lines of writing carved on it.

Although he had never seen the writing of this world, he understood their content for some reason immediately he saw the words.

The escape system seemed to be aware of Bai Lixin’s confusion and it explained: [This copy needs you to learn magic, so the system automatically corrected the problem of communication barrier between the players and the NPCs. The words you say, sound like the native language the other side understands and vice versa.]

[Of course, the words on text are also automatically translated.]

Bai Lixin looked at the lines of text with understanding.

[The great immortal king.

With faith and courage, he will eventually lead us to lift the curse.

When that day comes, all the immortals will rejoice.]

The guard leading him stopped when he saw Bai Lixin stop. He looked up at the lifelike statue, and said, “This is the king of the undead.”

Seeing that NPC had taken the initiative to speak to him and had no intention of rushing him, Bai Lixin asked, “What does the ‘curse’ mentioned mean?”

The guard thought for a moment and replied, “I don’t know.”

A few question marks slowly appeared in Bai Lixin’s head.

Don’t know?

Okay then.

Bai Lixin chatted with the guide as the two of them walked along.

Bai Lixin: “Is it true that you Undead can never die?”

Guard: “I don’t know.”

Bai Lixin: “Have you seen other humans who looks like me before?”

Guard: “I don’t know.”

Bai Lixin: “How old are you?”

Guard: “I don’t know.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Apart from that sentence where he took the initiative to speak, the rest was all “I don’t know.”

Bai Lixin’s curiosity was suddenly aroused, “What is your name?”

Guard: “I don’t know.”

Bai Lixin paused for two seconds, “Hello, I don’t know.”

Guard: “……”

The two took several turns and came to a large door. It was ornate and exquisite, carved with ancient Western European patterns of red and white. It looked very luxurious.

A soldier in armour stood on each side of the door, guarding it.

The guard knocked on the door and a moment later, a majestic, cold voice came from inside, “Let him in.”

The voice was not quite audible, yet one could faintly hear what was being said.

The guard respectfully pushed the door open and said to Bai Lixin, “Go in, the High Priest is waiting for you.”

No sooner had Bai Lixin’s body stepped forward than the door behind him slammed shut.

“Bang!” The heavy sound rang out in the empty throne room.

The hall was very high, perhaps ten metres high, and it was all in Western-style palace decor. In addition to the delicate bone chandeliers were bone sculptures set into the walls at the four corners of the wall ahead.

In front of him was a red carpet of about 3 metres in width and 40 metres long. It stretched out until the bottom of the steps at the end and at the top of the steps was the back of a throne.

The mysterious High Priest was sitting on the throne at the moment.

“Lock the door.” The majestic voice rang out again.

Bai Lixin heard it properly this time. Although the voice was wrapped in some heaviness, he still found traces of Dijia in it.

Bai Lixin silently slammed the bolt on the door.

The voice then came again, “Come here, let me look at you.”

It was only when Bai Lixin was about seven or eight paces from the dais that the throne on the dais made a heavy, grating sound as it moved.

Bai Lixin’s gaze was fixed on the moving throne. He looked calm on the outside, but he was already wary with the veteran attacker.

What would the undead Dijia be like?

S419M complained in his head: [Lord host, is Lord God just a skeleton now that he is an undead? All the flesh is gone?]

Bai Lixin: [Looking at other undead, it should be like that.]

S419M: [Ha!]

The escape system was puzzled: [Why are you sighing?]

S419M: [I am feeling sorry for the Lord host. He is so young yet living like a widow. He can’t even solve the most minimum of needs now. The Lord host is too miserable. It’s a two person game, should we let the Lord host play alone?]

Bai Lixin: [……]

This damn system, who the hell did it learn from? It must have some virus software, why don’t we just format it when this is over.

It knows too much.

The escape system took a long time to understand before it responded it’s electronic voice stumbling: [You, shameless rogue! What a disgrace to us systems!]

Just as the two systems were arguing, the throne above Bai Lixin had completely turned over.

It was a skeleton that was taller than even the average skeletons of the undead race.

He was fully clothed in a thick red priestly vestment, with a hood over his head.

Unlike the human-headed undead outside, the undead before him had a beast head, and while he could see the face of the skull, he could not make out the rest of it.

The upper and lower jaws had a neat row of canine teeth, and two clusters of red fire burned within the two dark eyes.

He placed one hand on the side of the throne, revealing, from the end of the cuff, the sharp bony palms and fingers; the other supported a ruby-studded staff. The ruby was as large as a fist, and the staff was understated and exquisite.

The undead were nothing but bones, and it was only logical that they should not be able to show expressions, but Bai Lixin saw majesty in the other man’s face.

He cupped his chin and looked up at the 7 meter tall undead in front of him. His eyes examined him and his mind remembering S419M’s “worry” earlier.

His eyes involuntarily fell on a certain area.

The thick and luxurious robe covered everything and nothing could be seen at all.

“Heh,” the man on the throne sneered, “what are you looking at?”

Bai Lixin withdrew his gaze calmly, completely devoid of the embarrassment of being caught.

Embarrassment my ass, we’re an old married couple, it wasn’t like we had never seen each other’s structures.

Besides, it wasn’t that he was shaped differently this time, it was probably that there was nothing there.

The other man was looking at him with increasing subtlety and the High Priest couldn’t sit still.

The fire in his eyes turned from red to dark red, and the flames grew bigger.

The mouth with sharp canine teeth opened and from it came a stream of cold air that smoldered with white mist.

He waved his staff at Bai Lixin, and a green teleportation array appeared above Bai Lixin.

In the next second, a soft and fluffy object fell.

It was a white soft fabric that felt a little like silk and a little like chiffon to the touch, but a little thicker and heavier than both.

The High Priest spoke coldly, “I am the High Priest of the Undead race, Dijia. I am your future Master and as a discple, you must obey your master’s words completely. I will teach you the magic you desire, and at the same time, I have the right to dissolve my relationship with you as master and discple, do you understand?”

Bai Lixin woke up from his daze and said, “Understood, Master.”

Oh, I see, it was master and apprentice play this time.

The high priest’s tone eased slightly, “Now go over there and change into these clothes after purifying yourself.”

Bai Lixin silently picked up the clothes and moved in the direction of the High Priest’s finger.

Just when he was a few steps out, Dijia’s voice came from behind him again, “As a mark of respect to the gods, you may only wear this outfit and nothing else, understand?”

Bai Lixin turned his head and asked in confusion, “Master means, I should go free range inside?”

Choked by Bai Lixin’s blunt words, Dijia was silent for two seconds before nodding, “Uh, yes.”

Bai Lixin nodded lightly, “Oh, okay, Master.”

It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen it before, whoever was shy was a dog.

His memories were all there, but the opposite side didn’t remember anything, so they’ll see who was the shy one.

Dijia sat on his throne quietly, the sound of a body lapping against the water in his ears.

After about half an hour later, the young man’s wet feet hit the red carpet and he raised his head to look at the skeletal beast head above him, “I’m done, Master.”

Dijia looked at Bai Lixin “expressionlessly”.

The wide priestly robe covered Bai Lixin’s entire body, exposing only the young man’s slender swan neck and collarbones.

The young man’s skin was as white as jade, his hair was still damp from his bath, and there was a wet, hazy vapour lingering around him.

The young man’s hair was in wisps because of water. Water droplets coalesced at the ends, then dripped onto the skin and slid down the curve of his collarbone before drowning in the priestly garb.

His eye moved down to the exposed ankles and feet.

The young man’s feet were very delicate, the backs of which were ivory white in colour, and the ten toes were like round and smooth jade.

For a long time, Dijia silently examined Bai Lixin from head to toe before he spoke again, “Not bad, take two steps forward.”

The voice was much lower.

Bai Lixin: “???”

Take two steps?

Bai Lixin didn’t understand what Dijia was up to and he walked on the carpet with his bare feet.

He had just taken two steps when he was interrupted by Dijia, “Not like that.”

Dijia stretched out his fingers and made a horizontal back and forth gesture in front of Bai Lixin, “Go in that direction.”

Although he didn’t know why, Bai Lixin went back to the original point and walked horizontally as Dijia had asked him to.

He reached the end of the carpet before stopping, and had just turned around when he heard Dijia’s voice again, “Walk back and take bigger steps.”

Bai Lixin took big steps when suddenly, a cool breeze blew onto his legs.

His whole body stiffened and he was frozen for two seconds.

As he lifted his legs higher, the priestly robes revealed slits where they were stitched together at the sides because of the magnitude of his steps.

From the corner of his eyes, Bai Lixin could even clearly see a patch of white skin.

Dijia’s gaze was fixed on the looming white and curves, and his voice became thicker, “A little higher, and a make your steps a little bigger.”

Bai Lixin’s cheeks reddened slightly, and the moment his steps got bigger, he felt that the slit had almost reached his waist.


Damn it, so shameless!

Dijia propped one hand on his forehead with satisfaction and said, “Okay, that’s fine.”

Bai Lixin’s earlobes were a little red, and he looked up at Dijia before slowly lowering his eyes again.

The young man’s raven-feathered eyelashes fluttered before him like a butterfly fluttering among the flowers.

The man on the throne rose to his feet, and slowly came to Bai Lixin.

The cold white bony index finger and thumb cupped the young man’s chin and easily forced the other man to look up at him, “That was your punishment for disrespecting me earlier.”

There was something in the young man’s eyes that he couldn’t quite understand. Dijia bent down and brought his head to the young man’s ear and threatened him, “If I ever see you look at me with those provocative eyes again, it won’t be as simple as punishing you by chasing you.”

As his fingertips felt the delicate, smooth skin, Dijia couldn’t help but secretly knead it twice. A scarlet tongue stuck out of the beast’s head and curled around Bai Lixin’s earlobe.

At the young man’s sudden tensing and shudder, Dijia spat, “Next time, I’ll strip you right down.”

Only after his harsh words did Dijia reluctantly release Bai Lixin.

The staff in his hand lit up slightly, and Bai Lixin saw Dijia take out a heavy magic book out of thin air.

“This book is the undead race’s beginner magic book. Since there is a beginner level, there are obviously intermediate and advanced levels. Only when you have learned the beginners book are you qualified to continue learning. Take this book back and study it yourself. Come see me at this time tomorrow and I will check the results of your study.”

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